Fluidity. Abeo Robinson

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Fluidity - Abeo Robinson

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into his cellphone.

       I flushed red and whined angrily, "Dad! Don't mention that in public!"

       As if she could tell I wanted nothing more than for everyone to leave, the popular girl eased out of the corner and slowly made her way to the door. Although I felt that I'd urged her to go, I felt a certain disappointment in seeing her leave, alongside all the relief. Then the school nurse emerged from her office.

       "Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, I recommend having her see a doctor, just as a precautionary measure. And young lady," the school nurse turned to the popular girl just as she touched the door handle, "Don't forget your hall pass. I'll sign it for you in a moment, let me type in Eden's authorization for release."

       The nurse disappeared back into her office as the girl awkwardly leaned against the wall.

       "Let's have this conversation outside, Johan," my mom said to my dad, and she held his hand to step outside the door when she saw me scowling.

       I sighed of relief when the door closed again, but then the girl sat at the end of my cot, indecipherable emotions in her eyes.

       "You have recurring nightmares?" she asked plainly, and I took the pillow from behind me and smothered my face.

       "The one thing I didn't want anyone to hear!" I said, muffled by the pillow case, "Now you're probably gonna run off and spread it around the school and everyone will leave hate notes in my locker-"

       "What kind of person do you think I am?" she interrupted me, and I lowered the pillow to my lap, revealing watery, puffy eyes full of unending sorrow.

       That seemed to catch her off guard, because her anger faltered to surprise and did not return.

       "I think you're just another popular girl looking to pick a fight with someone defenseless," I said softly, and I couldn't help the single tear that slipped from my left eye.

       "No," she uttered gently, cautiously stepping closer to swipe the tear from my cheek, "I'm actually just Monet Woods and I thought you'd maybe like a friend, not a bully."

       The school nurse reentered before I could think of what to say.

      "You're free to go, girls," she told us, handing Monet the signed hall pass and handing me my zipped backpack.

       The school nurse reentered her office swiftly and Monet was, shockingly, speechless.

       I swung my legs over the edge of the cot as my bickering parents got louder, and I thought to stop them before they could embarrass me in front of anyone else. I put on my backpack and slowly eased onto my feet.

       "Be careful!" Monet warned me as I slightly stumbled forward, falling into her, who was ready to catch me before I even attempted to catch myself.

       As if the entire morning hadn't been a massive fail already, my hair was caught in Monet's marvelous hoops, and she bursted into a fit of giggles as I scrambled to untangle it.

       "I'm sorry! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I frantically apologized and made no progress in hastily untangling it as she stood still.

       I froze when she lifted her soft hand to gently nudge mine aside, and I couldn't help but notice the fresh mint on her breath for how close we were as she set my hair loose with inexplicable ease, maintaining jarring eye contact with me all the while. The heat on my cheeks intensified when she spoke again.

       "I'll DM you the addy in case you change your mind," she told me, then turned with bouncy curls that just barely grazed my face and left the room, the flustered mess that was me drowning in redness and the scent of mango shampoo in her wake.

      Chapter 3

       I stared down at my phone, refreshing the page for the umpteenth time that evening.

      "'I'll DM you the addy,' she said. 'In case you change your mind,' she said ."

       I threw my phone across the room in a flurry of frustration, and then the notification bell rang and I scurried back over to it, stumbling over my covers and clothes along the way.

      My face lit up when I clicked on it and saw Monet's message at the top, "The abandoned warehouse on Seven Dunes street at 11:30 <3 Wear something cute and bring your fake ID" .

      I cheered exuberantly and jumped up to sift through my closet. I was invited to a college party by Monet Woods. The Monet Woods: youth dance group member, co-captain of the volleyball team, AND member of an ivy league cheerleading squad...

       At least according to her bio.

       I caught myself smiling as I brushed my hair in the mirror. I lowered the brush, because, wait, why was I even so excited? I'd never been to a party before, let alone a college party. I'd look so desperate following Monet around like a lost puppy the whole night - assuming I could even keep track of her - and not to mention my parents would have a thing or two to say about me leaving the house on a Thursday night. Also, who has a random fake ID on hand?

       I sighed and sat back on my bed. What was I thinking? I couldn't go to this party.

       Then my phone lit up with a video chat request.

      From Monet !

       I froze. It was probably the wrong person, right? I'd wait a few moments for her to realize who she was actually calling and then sink back into my despair.

      Eventually, because I failed to answer, the video call ended. I let out a lengthy sigh that was cut short by another video chat request.

       I started to freak out. How could she make the same mistake twice? What if it wasn't a mistake? Did I look okay?

       My impulsivity caused me to swipe up and answer the call before I could logically think about the consequences. I gasped as Monet's smiling face lit up on the screen atop myself, me with half brushed hair.

       "Hey," Monet greeted me nonchalantly, seemingly moving around as she spoke.

       For several moments I was silent, causing her to look back at the screen with a smirk.

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