Insanely Wise. Jaidev Singh Anand

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Insanely Wise - Jaidev Singh Anand

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      Dear readers:

      My name is Jaidev S Anand --(Legal Name) A/K/A -Kutbal Singh is my Pen Name.

      Kutbal (Qutbal) is a town in the Indus Valley region of the great State of Punjab , in Pakistan.





      [email protected]

      Kutbal Singh

      (Jaidev Singh Anand)

      Kutbal (Qutbal) is a town in the west Punjab State of Pakistan, Famous for its great quality of water and its residents, probably for the greatest people on this earth. People are always very relaxed and in Bliss. From Kutbal, Water was imported by Britishers and Europeans as the legend goes. People are God fearing and full of gratitude to the Divine for Blessings. This is my first book . I expect to publish a few more this year. Comments , advice and reviews can be sent to

      [email protected]

      Kutbal Singh (Jaidev S Anand)


      To the USA from Qutbal of British India(Pakistan), to India, China, the Middle East, and Europe,


      The writer of this book is an Indian American living in the USA since February 1, 1970. I have seen big changes in America in the last fifty years. I had migrated to the USA from India and settled down in New York City. I lived there until the Fall of 2010. After more than 40 years, In the fall of 2010, I moved to New Jersey. We migrated to the USA for a freer, more prosperous life. We were not poor in India and had a good middle-class Life

      My eldest child was 2 years old when my wife immigrated to the USA. My two younger children were born in the USA. The few things I remember are not publicly discussed anymore. It was the tail end of the 1960s, the new social order was being

      Created. The Americans were recovering from the Brinkmanship of John Kennedy's Cuban Missile Crisis, Assassination of young vibrant unorthodox first Catholic President John F Kennedy. Also, the Assassination of the most respected peace & equal rights crusader in US history, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy, a civil rights supporter in his own right, were more recent and had further relapsed the USA into Racial and Class Divide. Though many years have passed, the unfortunate events, my memories are still fresh. Most things changed during this overlapping opinions and gaps. Fashions, Politics, Art, candy and other popular items changed. The Village Voice, the ultra left-wing News Paper became a mainstream publication. The Vietnam war and anti-war demonstrations were both in full swing. The Pentagon, Generals and president Johnson were lying about the Vietnam War. They were falsely claiming victory and covering up impending defeat. Hippy ended but its effects remained.

      Despite all these revolutionary Changes the rest and stressless lifestyle had not ended completely. In July and August, one could find signs in Business Widows and Doors, "closed for vacation". There were practically no 24/7 or late closing stores. Even the new climate of social practice was not realistic. Life for most Americans was less hurried and much less stressed. One day, I was in a meeting in East Village in a modest hall for discussions on climate change because of the news of pollution. After the conclusion of the meeting, the hall was full of smoke of the big pipes, cigars, and cigarettes. These were the so-called hippies and remnants of them. Hippies were the least racists of all sections of Americans. The race was not used as a tool to give bad names to political opponents and bludgeon them to infamy. My observation was that racism was real and not used as a tool that much as it became later on. Racism was used as a truthful expression of one's feelings not to falsely accuse political opponents. There was an open revulsion to falsehood and started going to the extent that it made some people dysfunctional. Racism, Capitalism, and Liberalism were not used to beat people into infamy. The likes of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan could not be successful because McCarthyism was not dead, yet. Now, Neo McCarthyism has appeared again in New USA. Loyalty to the political parties was not stringent.

      Gay and lesbian was a novel term for us as well as for most Americans. Gay was a derogatory term as compared to straight. The use of homo and sexual orientation terms ameliorated the terms more tolerable. The health food trend had started but most health freaks were not very healthy. They were using their young bodies as guinea pigs to try newer fad foods. Even today a stroll into East and West Village of New York City, one can see people eating "healthy foods "on sidewalk eateries but people have palefaces. Lip sores were common as a result of herpes and HIV besides or because of the general lifestyle. The white middle class started moving out of the city to newly created and older suburban towns. Till mid-eighties Black population was nonexistent in suburbs. It was later that blacks who could make it financially despite great odds started moving into the suburbs. Most people greeted each other, even strangers, in the streets. The new greetings of youth "I am tired" and "I don't care" were not in vogue.""God bless you and God bless him/her "phrases, were common and very often you could hear. Gratitude and Carefreeness were part of Life. The new selfishness, indifference, and denial of reality were not common as of 1970. From 1970 to 2020, Incomes have increased in nominal dollars from $ 8369 to about 65000, about 775%. Inflation in these 50 years has been responsible for decreasing the purchasing power of the dollar by over 700%, thus only a

      marginal increase in constant dollars. But the Needs and the Wants of the Americans have increased much more. That is more unhappiness and more frustration today. There were no Mobile phones and no American spent more on phones and gadgets than on groceries. This has disproportionately affected the poor and near poverty level families and younger poor individuals. The health care costs were much lower and there was no opioid epidemic and there were fewer drug addicts. We were more Blessed. The older Americans at fixed income did not suffer as much as they do today if they augmented their social security income from interest on the retirement savings. The lower interest rate because of President Trump has further aggravated the situation. The great recession of 2007-09 in the whole world, the Interest rate was lowered by Federal Banks. During the Bush and Obama administrations interest rates kept low as an economic growth measure. "Mr. knows it all"Trump did it for lesser reasons and tried his best to make Federal Reserve less independent.His actions reflect that he could care less about senior citizens and young people under 18. He foolishly thinks that he knows more about Finance than the professionals know. Someone described his economic agenda is to take from the middle class and give to the rich. It is not True.His strategy is based on the axiom that old people are dispensable. His economic policy has increased growth but not equally for all.

      It is similar to his braggings that he knows more about the Military than Generals do. His success is proof that we can not ignore any section of Society.Obama's neglect of industrial workers was a boon for Trump.Let us not repeat the similar mistake of neglecting any section of the Citizens. We are lucky that our founders created a constitution that put controls, that can magna maniacs and can be there forever.

      He is behaving even more arrogantly because of false charges and inquisitions against him by the democrats and deep state. The FBI investigation, surveillance, and Mueller investigation was nothing more than a witch-hunt. The impeachment inquiry has further added insult to injury. His anger and indignation are justified and warranted. His outbursts at these illegal activities can not be construed as obstruction of Justice because it represents his indignation at false accusations. It seems true that he wanted Ukraine to investigate Ukraine's corrupt involvement in the 2016 elections. He felt badly hurt by false charges about him being a Russian Asset and he colluded with Russia.

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