Insanely Wise. Jaidev Singh Anand

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Insanely Wise - Jaidev Singh Anand

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IT IS A DIFFERENT matter that it gave Jews in Israel a license to commit the murder of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs as compensation for their murderous genocide by the Christians, Hitler, Mussolini, and others of Europe. Israel was the compensation to the Jews for crimes against them by Christians of Europe . New perverted justice was enforced by Annexing Muslim land for the sins of Christians against Jews of Europe. The war in which 400 thousand Americans died -safeguarded Europe and as a result, American Europeans and Rich Arab Sheikhs and Mullahs have joined hands in enslaving Palestinians other Muslim Arabs. American Christians have completely ignored the second testament as followed preached and taught by Jesus Christ and adopted by Reverend King Martin Luther King Jr. The shameless outbursts of Reverend Robert Jeffress and Raymond Arroyo create shivers through the bodies, minds, and souls of devout practicing Christians. The only redeeming thing one finds is that Jews of America are much less extreme than these self-righteous Christian Spokesmen. I am still searching for the reasons for American Jews being the most charitable generous people of the world. It was refreshing to learn that Bernie Sanders, a Jew, despite his Ultra idealistic view of Socialism which normally only young adults and teenagers like, is compassionate towards Palestine sufferings and slavery by Israeli Occupation of its country.Nobody denies his honesty despite impractical economic policies deemed sure to fail. Most Israeli Jews consider the safety of their country important but still show compassion and Empathy for their Palestinian brothers and Sisters. Average Practicing Christian Americans show similar sympathies and empathetic feelings but Catholic and Baptist clergy do not. As spokespersons of Baptists and Catholics -they are competing ferociously who can harm and denigrate the piety of Jesus Philosophy more. Robert Jeffress, a fixture on Lou Dobb show, seems to have an edge being an exaggerated incarnation of Jerry Falwell. Raymond Aayo the Catholic counterpart is working hard to slip down to Jeffress level. Let us Pray loudly, not just by a moment of Silence only that PIETY of JESUS teachings and Philosophy are restored. It Seems that the Honored Reverend was not aware that they were undoing what Jesus Taught.We can not ignore that peaceful coexistence and pro existence are great Platitudinal slogans belittling human dignity, self-worth and creating artificial legal peace. to enhance the rights of exploiters of the disadvantaged of the world covering up the mental torture resulting in Drugs and Suicide a ubiquitous phenomenon in the world. American currency says "In God, we trust" but that currency is universally used by the powerful believers and nonbelievers to torture and torment the CHILDREN OF GOD. Except for the perverted segment of High Caste Hindus, which believes people are not born equal, Most Hindus,Abrahamic religions, Jews, Christians, and Muslims are mostly not parochial and fanatics. Jews proclaim they are chosen people, Christians proclaim only they will go to paradise and Muslims believe they alone will go to the Paradise called Bahist-Haven. The only redeeming factor is that after leaving this planet earth -we would not have to live with them in their paradise, but while here on this planet, we have to live with them. They should give us some respite here on this planet earth. It is tragic that the new kid on the block Donald Trump as president gives official Validation to Cruel and divisive fanaticism. Given the political considerations, It may be understandable but not forgivable that Donald Trump became the Icon for Christian Clergy. How does one reconcile Jesus's teachings and Trump's and Right-Wing Clergy's conduct and their preachings fail me? Is it what means Pact with the Devil ? As a partial remedy -if the Christians restructure their behavior and restore back ideology based on Second testament, most, though not all world problems, will be less extreme. It will give humanity some hope and a desire to live. Socialist and ultra left advocates of Abortion , should reconsider their position and not ignore the rights of the unborn..America as a most Powerful country and Christians as the most powerful people of Faith should be more conscious of their duty, that Jesus and the Father Expect them to be more Understanding and MAGNANIMOUS IN Their life -as a Gratitude to GOD & His Son for the power and affluence given to them by the divine. The power brings with it the duty and responsibility. God gives affluence and power expecting us to be modest and humble and empathetic. To the abusers of power, power is a great opportunity for exploitation and practicing expedient Satanic justice. Powerful God-fearing rulers will behave benevolently as opposed to rulers assuming Divine Rights as dictators and want to be like Trump. Through World's History Socialists are more prone to be dictators than Conservative Open Marketeers. Do not forget Socialist Hitler and ultra Socialist Stalin.Because Hitler was not a socialist in the sense known today, he killed 10 million people.Stalin a confirmed Socialist killed 100 Million. Being president of a democratic republic,Trump is a temporary phenomenon. Soon America will restore back its core values of Charity and benign Republic and compassionate democracy protecting minority rights. Trump can not have a lasting heritage. Just as McCarthyism did not last long , Trumpism will not either. He is the result of indifference and lack of sympathy for previous administrations, especially Obama, towards the neglected whites unemployed industrial workers because of outsourcing and factories moving to Asia and Mexico. Just as the perception about George W Bush elected Obama, Impression, and perception about Obama Elected Trump. To put it succinctly, "Bush elected Obama and Obama Elected Trump." says my friend Jon Jaques. Though Bush was damaged by the Iraq War and oil connection with Saudi Arabia and Obama was completely clean. Obama is more of an academic theorist rather than an average American who may have been the counterweight to the prevailing misalignment of our society and perceived or actual injustice. Today, Republicans and cohorts have made Obama Controversial as a defense for Trump's jingoism and divisive policies. Trump is not as half bad as Pelosi clique would like us to believe. On the other hand Trump is neither as great nor his achievements as great as he declares loudly.

      Wake up America. Let us not counter Trump's lies with even bigger,Democratic Lies of Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler, and Liar in Chief Adam Schiff. They should not forget that the accusations of Plausible and believable sexual transgressions by Trump were Successfully fought back by Trump. Now came, the less plausible,false and crafted charges based on a predetermined indictment of impeachment of Trump as the pinnacle of the 3 to four years of their so-called search for pretexts and underhand efforts for removing Trump. If Trump could fight back probable true accusations , he would definitely fight back false ones.Trump was elected against the wishes of Hardcore Anti-Trump Obamites. That could not and should not have made him an illegitimate President. Hardcore protagonists do not exist among conservative politicians. Before Sean Hannity and Lou Dobb of Fox News, right-wing Radio shows like Rush Limbaugh were the only conservative Media. Style ofTucker Carson of Fox News is a magnified version of President Trump.William Frank Buckley Jr.died in the year 2008 and that was long back.Buckley was a new phenomenon , a Conservative being vocally fighting back. Sean Hannity is an unadulterated Opinion show, while Lou Dobbs is an opinion show miscategorized as a Business show. He has almost the same guests every evening as fixtures. He is easily the most charming with great finesse conservative host. He is on the Fox Business channel but his show is not a Business show, By any stretch.The fox channel and expediency of some republicans have made Trump a popular Cult figure. Other than Chris Wallace, no anchor is purely unbiased. Kennedy is probably very effective and is the biggest revenue maker for the Fox Channels. She amuses the viewers and herself. I find Harris Faulkner of Fox is the rising star of Fox news , if she preserves and is allowed by fox, she will rise high.Honesty is written all over her.For us she is the most impressive. CNN and Huffington Post were once the most honest. They are now the Anti-Trump crusaders and little more. Thank God CNN , Huffington Post and MSNC do not promote racism and divisions.Van Jones is a breath of Fresh air.All other, CNN anchors are well known for Anti-Trump Biases. Now the famed Wolf Blitzer has given up a thin veil of objective neutrality and fully joined the crusaders to defame Trump. One anchor, who feels most uncomfortable and stressed out is Michael Smerconish while towing the new CNN agenda. He and the likes of Uncomfortable Cuomo are still continuing the new altered and corrupted policy of CNN selling false facts as Truth. Trump should have expected a strong response to His Unjustified outbursts and criticism from Jeff Bezos, but Bezos's response was muted.. Even without direct directions from Jeff Bezos, his owned Newspaper Wahington paper should respond and contradict false and malicious tweets of Trump.Now Jeff Bezos has acted and demanded in a lawsuit ,review of the Pentagon contract given to Microsoft , which has the biggest presence in our rival China. Washington Examiner is feeble and no match for Washington Post.Only Fox news quotes or invites their journalists to the shows. Trump knows that his campaign is not believable and it is intended to please his ego and deranged mindset. No doubt, Trump's Tweets are objectionable, more so at many times than that of others.

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