Nature's Shift. Brian Stableford

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Nature's Shift - Brian Stableford

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been commandeered. We were in rural Devon, after all—the local taxi, while not exactly an endangered species, was something of a rara avis. At least half of the invitees were evidently familiar with Eden, and had no need to take advantage of Rosalind’s invitation to look around, so there was something of a mass exodus in progress..

      “That’s all right,” I said. “I’ll walk with you, if you like—I’ll have plenty of time to get back here again before four, even if your train’s late.”

      I meant no more than I said, but my mind was still a little numb. Was I secretly harboring an intention to hop on the London train with him, in order to pick up a northbound connection from Bristol before nightfall?—so secretly that I dared not even confess it to myself. Perhaps. After all, I had the same excuse as he did. By the time I had seen Rosalind at four, it wouldn’t be possible for me to get all the way back to Lancaster by train; I’d have to stay overnight, in Bristol or Birmingham if not in Exeter. I too was at the mercy of the timetable—but there had been no possibility of saying that to Rosalind’s face while I was in a handshaking queue, so the only possibility I had of acting on temptation was to slip away quietly, and simply not turn up to the abruptly-scheduled meeting. Rosalind could hardly deem that a terrible sin, given that her own son had failed to turn up to his twin sister’s funeral, of which he must have been given adequate notice.

      The professor was obviously not averse to the idea having company on the walk, we set off together—but as we approached the gate, I saw the security men exchange glances. They were inside the gates, now, bidding polite farewells to the exiting crowd. In imitation of their employer, they did indeed bid Professor Crowthorne a polite farewell, and thanked him warmly for coming. To me, however, the man in charge said: “Rosalind would prefer it if you would remain in the grounds, Mr. Bell.”

      Even her Praetorian Guard referred to her by her given name, and not as “Ms. Usher.”

      That was all that was said—there was no vestige of a threat. I could not imagine that any of the burly men would physically retrain me if I insisted on leaving, even if I didn’t tell them that I intended to come straight back after seeing the professor off. The simple fact was, however, that “Rosalind would prefer it if I would remain in the grounds,” and they could not imagine that anyone in the world would not want to comply with Rosalind’s preferences, today of all days.

      The professor certainly couldn’t imagine it. “It’s perfectly all right, Peter,” he assured me. “I really don’t mind walking on my own. It was good to see you again. We really must make more effort to keep in touch. Occasions like this serve as a salutary reminder of the need to maintain contacts, don’t you think?”

      “Yes,” I said, “they certainly do.”

      I let him walk away, while I turned back, a prisoner of my error. I shouldn’t have come—but I had, and now I was trapped. Now I had to face up to Rosalind, unarmed.

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