Shadow Valley. Michael R. Collings

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Shadow Valley - Michael R. Collings

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      “No.” Ella sounded as if she had recovered from her fright. Her voice was low but steady. It made Lila feel slightly more courageous.

      She bent low and reached for her briefcase, pulling it toward her from where she had dropped it. She knelt and opened it. Her cell phone was still in the leather case attached to the inside. She slipped it out and began punching numbers. She didn’t have to look them up. By now she knew them from memory.

      “Who are you calling?” Ella whispered.

      “State police,” Lila said, depressing the final key.

      One ring.



      Nothing but static.

      Lila stared at the phone, then hit the “end call” button. She was certain that she had had sufficient bars to enable a call. She looked down at the cell. Three bars. Enough for a call. Not optimal, but enough.

      She entered the telephone number again.

      One ring.



      “That’s not possible!”


      Lila quickly explained what had happened, all the while ending the call, punching in the numbers once more, hearing the two rings...and then the static.

      “It just did it again.”

      “Cell service can be funny out here,” Ella said. “Landlines, too. Something about the way the mountains jut up, some say. Or the minerals in some of the ridges.”

      “But to ring twice, then cut out....”

      Ella shrugged. “Maybe it’s like the car. If you try again later, you might get through. You never know out here.”

      Lila looked at her but the other woman seemed serious. Okay, we’ll let the cell catch its breath and then dial again. Who knows?

      Aloud she said, “I’ve called the office plenty of times from Shadow Valley and never had this happen.” But she slipped her cell into her pocket anyway and took another step toward the shattered window.

      Glass fragments glittered in the weathered frame, winking at her in the afternoon light that filtered through the shadows on the porch. It looked as if the bottom of the frame was encased in diamonds...or at least in rhinestones. The light flickered bright and silvery against the dark background. Even the drapery lining seemed dark and solid against the dancing movement of the light.

      “Wait a minute,” Lila said. She took yet another step toward the window. She was only two or three feet away.

      Her feet crunched on something on the porch. Through the soles of her shoes, it felt like fine gravel, small and fragile but rough for all of that.

      She looked down.

      She was standing in a patch of glass...crushed, almost pulverized. She shifted her foot. The sound grated against the silence.

      “That’s not right.”

      “What?” Ella said, coming closer and staring at the planks.

      “That,” Lila said, pointing to the tiny fragments. “That’s from the window. But it’s on the outside.”

      “The outside?”

      “Yes, and I’ll bet....” Oblivious to the fact that a minute before she had been cowering behind a wooden support, desperately hoping not to draw any more attention from the hidden shooter, she leaned forward and carefully thrust her hand through the empty frame. There were enough glass fragments still embedded in the decades-old putty to cut her fairly seriously if she drew her arm across them, but she had to find out.

      She grasped the faded drapery lining—it felt like some sort of muslin, but stiff, either with accumulated dust and dirt or simply with age—and pulled it slowly to one side, exposing a smooth section perhaps eighteen inches across.

      A smooth section.

      She let the fabric drop and withdrew her hand.

      “What?” Ella repeated.

      “There should have been a bullet hole there,” Lila said. “But there isn’t. And the broken glass should have been inside the house, shouldn’t it?”

      She looked to Ella for confirmation but the older woman just stared at her.

      “You know, if the bullet had struck the window, the glass should have fallen inside the house, not out here on the porch.” She knelt and gingerly picked up a few fragments. “And I don’t think it should be so thoroughly ground up. This looks like it’s been blasted apart, not just broken by the impact of a bullet.”

      “Let me see.”

      Ella studied the glass Lila cradled in her palm.

      “You know, I think you’re right. This looks more like...well, like tiny gravel, or large grains of sand, than it does broken glass. And I know it wasn’t on the porch when we walked by a few minutes ago.”

      She didn’t feel through the open pane as Lila had done but she did look closely at the fabric on the other side.

      “And there isn’t a bullet hole.”

      “Maybe someone inside....”

      “No,” Ella said. “I didn’t see any movement inside the whole time we were out here. And that wouldn’t explain the glass.” She bore down with the toe of one shoe—square-toed, rather old-fashioned, Lila thought—and both of them heard the grating sound. “No, that wouldn’t explain this.”

      “Maybe....” Lila walked to the edge of the porch, shaded her eyes with one hand, and stared at the distant thicket of wild rose. “Maybe...there wasn’t a bullet.”

      She turned, drew her cell phone from her pocket, and punched redial.

      One ring.


      Then static.


      “What’s going on here?” Lila’s voice was tight with frustration, fury, and more than a tinge of fear. Her first impulse was to throw the cell as far from her as she could, send it hurtling into a distant patch of dying wild sunflowers and thick nettles where it would rest silently until the waters of Shadow Lake crept high enough to short its circuits and kill it forever.

      After a moment’s thought, however, she returned it to her pants pocket. Give it a rest. Then maybe....

      Turning her attention from the cell to the other woman standing near her in the shade of the porch, she repeated, “What’s going on here? What in the name of all things holy is happening?”


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