Fathers and Sons. Ivan Turgenev

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Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev

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for that matter, is my father.


      You seem to have little respect for received opinions.


      That is true. I am a nihilist.




      A nihilist.

      Nicolai (nonchalantly munching)

      A nihilist, that from the Latin—nihil—nothing. The word must mean a man who accepts nothing—


      Who respects nothing—


      Who regards everything from a critical point of view.


      Isn’t that just the same?


      No,—a nihilist is a man who does not bow down before any authority regardless of what reverence attaches to it.


      A sort of revolutionary par excellence, eh?

      (Bazarov nods and munches)


      Indeed. Well, it’s not in our line. We are old-fashioned folk. We think that without principles, taken as you say on faith, there’s no taking a step, no breathing. Vous avez change tout cela.

      Bazarov (munching)

      Reverence and principles don’t feed people.


      What was it?




      Yes. There used to be Hegelians, now there are nihilists. We shall see how you will exist in a void, in a vacuum.

      (Arkady returns)


      We have made friends, Dad! Fedosya Nikolaevna is not quite well today, really. But she will come a little later. But, why didn’t you tell me I had a brother?

      (Nicolai waves his hand helplessly, Arkady embraces his father)


      You must excuse me.

      (He exits to the house)


      Is your special study physics, Mr. Bazarov?


      Physics and natural science.

      Pavel (ironically)

      They say the Teutons have made great progress in that line.


      Yes, the Germans are our teachers in it. Their scientists are a clever lot.


      I dare say you haven’t as high an opinion of our Russian scientists.


      Very likely—


      Well, you are not a chauvinist. But if you are a nihilist, surely you don’t believe in these Teutons.


      They tell me the truth. I agree that’s all.


      Do all Germans tell the truth?

      Bazarov (yawning)

      Not all.


      I confess. I don’t care for Germans very much. In the past they produced some excellent men, Goethe—Schiller— But now they have all turned chemists and materialists.


      A good chemist is twenty times as useful as any poet. An engineer is worth a hundred Goethes.


      Oh, indeed. You don’t acknowledge art, then?

      Bazarov (contemptuously)

      The art of making money or of advertising pills!


      Ah—ah— You are pleased to jest, no doubt? Granted. Then, you place your faith in science?


      —I have already explained that I don’t place my faith anywhere. There are sciences like trades and crafts. But abstract science doesn’t exist at all.


      Very good. And in regard to other accepted traditions of human conduct, do you adopt the same negative attitude?


      Is this an examination?


      Uncle Pavel, please—


      I am sorry if I have been carried away by the conversation. It’s a misfortune to live in the backwoods, as it were, far from mighty intellects. You turn into a fool directly, you try not to forget what you’ve been taught—but—poof—they’ll prove it’s all rubbish and that up to date people have no more to do with such foolishness and you are an antiquated old fogy before you’re fifty. What’s to be done? Young people are, it goes without saying—cleverer than we are.

      (Pavel rises, bows and exits into the house)


      Is he always like that?


      I must say, Eugeny, you weren’t nice to him. You’ve hurt his feelings.


      I really didn’t start it. He should have continued his career if that’s his bent. All this vanity and dandyism are a bit out of place a hundred miles from nowhere.


      He deserves pity rather than ridicule. He’s profoundly unhappy. It’s a sin to ridicule him.


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