The Time Trap. John Russell Fearn

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The Time Trap - John Russell Fearn

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      1,000-Year Voyage: A Science Fiction Novel

      Black Maria, M.A.: A Classic Crime Novel

      The Crimson Rambler: A Crime Novel

      Don’t Touch Me: A Crime Novel

      Dynasty of the Small: Classic Science Fiction Stories

      The Empty Coffins: A Mystery of Horror

      The Fourth Door: A Mystery Novel

      From Afar: A Science Fiction Mystery

      The G-Bomb: A Science Fiction Novel

      Here and Now: A Science Fiction Novel

      Into the Unknown: A Science Fiction Tale

      The Man from Hell: Classic Science Fiction Stories

      The Man Who Was Not: A Crime Novel

      One Way Out: A Crime Novel (with Philip Harbottle)

      Pattern of Murder: A Classic Crime Novel

      Reflected Glory: A Dr. Castle Classic Crime Novel

      Robbery Without Violence: Two Science Fiction Crime Stories

      Shattering Glass: A Crime Novel

      The Silvered Cage: A Scientific Murder Mystery

      Slaves of Ijax: A Science Fiction Novel

      The Space Warp: A Science Fiction Novel

      The Time Trap: A Science Fiction Novel

      Vision Sinister: A Scientific Detective Thriller

      What Happened to Hammond? A Scientific Mystery

      Within That Room!: A Classic Crime Novel


      Copyright © 1952 by John Russell Fearn

      Copyright © 2002 by Philip Harbottle

      Also published under the title,

       The Thirty-First of June

      Published by Wildside Press LLC


      For John Lawrence



      The sound of revelry drifted into the mellow summer dark­ness on this June evening. The French windows of the great residence were open to the faultless lawns; shadows chased each other in the gloom. Festoons of Chinese lanterns glowed like fireflies and made the solitude of the romantic far too bright for their liking. The music of a dance orchestra, the clink of glasses, the buzz of voices, the laughter of guests.

      Henry T. Mythorn was doing things properly, as he had done throughout his life. The millionaire industrialist was in the midst of a house-warming. Mythorn Towers was one of the few ancestral homes left in Britain and Henry T. had seen to it that it had become his. Now, after a year of renovation and improvement, he and his family had moved in—and gathered about them all the guests, friends, and intimates they could find.

      Most of them were prepared to stay until the small hours, but not so Nick Clayton. He owned a London cabaret that opened at one in the morning, and he always made a point of being there, no matter what. And because Nick Clayton was worth several millions—earned by his father before him—he usually had his way.

      Outside in the driveway stood his car. Beside it, utterly impersonal, his chauffeur-manservant Dawlish was waiting in rocklike calm. The car was a big, open one and capable of carrying five more passengers besides the driver. The four others who were congregated around Nick Clayton in the hall were ready for departure, though by no means anxious to go.

      In fact, Bernice Forbes, Nick’s particular girl, friend—at the moment—openly said so. She looked rather like a big doll in her costly fur coat, her flawlessly made-up face slightly pinker than usual with annoyance.

      “Can’t your manager look after the Club for once, Nick?” she demanded. “Things here are just beginning to warm up.”

      Nick smiled. It was the smile of a rogue yet with gener­osity in it. He lived well and heartily and wanted everybody else to do the same. Blond-haired and passably good-look­ing, he was a playboy who, nevertheless, turned some of his huge financial backings into worthwhile propositions. And the Apex Night Spot was one of them.

      “We’re going back, Berny,” he replied firmly. “I like to handle everything for myself.”

      Bernice pouted and gave a shrug. Henry T. and his wife, both of them big and opulent, looked disappointed.

      “If that is how it has to be, all right,” Henry T. smiled, shaking hands. “I don’t suppose the rest of us will disperse until the small hours. Pity you can’t stay.”

      “He could if he wanted,” commented forty-year-old Harley Brand acidly.

      “You said you’d be glad of a night’s rest for once,” Nick reminded him dryly, and Harley Brand scowled.

      He was a financier in the city, heading for wealth too if certain plans matured. His wife, a pale woman of thirty-two, stood beside him without saying a word. In his climb to power the still young Harley Brand had forgotten one thing—to remember how much he owed to Lucy Brand’s long suffering patience.

      “Well, let’s go!” Nick ordered cheerfully. “Just on mid­night. We can make it in thirty minutes. Come on, Berny!”

      He caught the girl’s fur-coated arm and she hurried beside him down the broad steps to where the huge land cruiser with its chromium-plated fittings was standing. Dawlish, the chauffeur, was so immovable he looked like part of the car. He swung open the gleaming doors as the party arrived.

      “Hey, wait for me!”

      Nick paused and turned as he was about to follow Bernice into the wide front seat. A girl in a light dustcoat, her red hair streaming in the warm night wind, came hurrying down the steps, breathing uncommonly hard for such slight exertion.

      “Give me a lift to London, Nick?” she asked brightly.

      “Sure thing, Betty. Squeeze in the back.”

      “Okay. I’m not up to house-warming tonight. My ticker’s acting queerly.”

      Harley Brand and his wife moved up a little to make room for the girl and she settled down beside them and smiled rather woodenly. They smiled back but did not speak. Betty Danvers was a problem girl, and only she knew why. She was twenty-five years of age, pretty, and spent her life in a whirlwind of pleasures and extravagance, drawing constantly on her father’s seemingly endless bank account. Some said she was worthless; others liked her brightness.


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