Young Thongor. Lin Carter

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Young Thongor - Lin  Carter

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      To fight and fall—if fall they must

      —to die, but never yield!


      And Khorbane fell, and proud Konnar,

      and gallant Yggrim too;

      Yet still we strove with the Dragon Kings

      and the great war trumpets blew.

      And for every hero of Phondath’s breed

      who upon that black shore fell

      We sent a dozen Dragons down

      the scarlet throat of hell!


      From wild red dawn to wild red dawn

      we held our iron line

      And fought till the blades broke in our hands

      and the sea ran red as wine.

      With arrow, spear and mighty mace,

      we broke the Dragon’s pride,

      Thigh-deep in the roaring sea we fought,

      and crimson ran the tide.


      But we were armed with simple steel,

      and they with sorcery;

      And step by step they thrust us back

      into the hungry sea.

      And Thungarth saw that he must use

      that Sword the Gods had made

      Although he knew it meant his doom

      to lift that dreadful blade.


      As one by one his brothers fell,

      he raised the Star Sword high!

      He sang the runes to the Lords of Light

      —and thunder broke the sky!

      Red lightning flashed—drums of thunder crashed—

      a rain of fire fell

      To sweep the last of the Dragon Kings down

      to the smoking pits of hell!


      But the Lord of the Dragons was old and wise

      and a mighty mage was he.

      He loosed a bolt of flaming death—

      his warriors laughed to see

      The Star Sword broke in Thungarth’s hand!

      and now what hope for Men?

      The scaly might of the hissing horde,

      they were upon him then…


      But he beat them back with the broken blade,

      there, caught in the roaring tide.

      And one by one they fell before

      young Thungarth in his pride.

      But the Dragon Lord, with a great black spear,

      he drove them forth once more,

      They closed again with Thungarth there

      while the wild waves ran with gore.


      Yet once again he beat them back

      with a fragment of the Sword;

      They broke and fell before him then,

      and he faced their mighty Lord.

      The great black spear was sharp and long,

      his Sword but a shard of steel;

      The Dragon Lord was fresh and strong,

      but Thungarth would not yield.


      He battled there with the broken blade,

      half-drowned in the roaring tide;

      The great black spear drank deep as it sank

      in Thungarth’s naked side.

      But ere the Son of Jaidor fell,

      or ere his strength could wane,

      The Broken Sword of Nemedis

      had clove the Dragon’s brain.


      Thunder rolled in the crimson sky.

      the War Maids rode the storm

      To bear the soul of Thungarth home

      to the Halls of Father Gorm.

      The Age of the Dragon ended there

      where the seas with scarlet ran:

      Though the cost was high, the prize was great,

      and the Age of Men began.



      It is almost five thousand years since the Thousand-Year War was fought between Man and Dragon Kings, when the reptiles, long time rulers of Lemuria, were vanquished at the culminating battle at Grimstrand Firth. It is a new age, a time of growth, of savage kingdoms, yet beset by turmoil, a world ripe for adventure, conquest and the winning of fabulous fortunes. A hard world for a boy scarce turned fifteen.

      It is the year 6997 of the Kingdoms of Man…




      Blood on the Snow

      The flames of sunset died to glowing coals in the crimson west. Slowly, the brooding skies darkened overhead, and the first few stars glared down upon a scene of terrible carnage.

      It was a great valley in the land of Valkarth in the Northlands, beyond the Mountains of Mommur, where the cold black waves

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