Fatal Flowers. V. J. Banis

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Fatal Flowers - V. J. Banis

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again. I didn’t want the clutter of a famous mother, a stepfather I’d never seen or heard of, an island that was completely isolated from the entire world.

      I was a victim of a happening. A plane crash. Five horrifying minutes of a plane-load of passengers plunging down, down, down, and then nothing, blackness, utter and complete silence...only to awake to find myself in another existence.

      I threw back my head and let the fresh sea air cleanse my thoughts. I pinched shut my eyes. I wouldn’t think of the screams, the panic, the sounds of violent death. I wouldn’t, I couldn’t think of any of it.

      Leland made a wide sweep to the left. I saw the trees fall back; we were approaching the island from a side that faced out toward the open sea. A sandy beach ran along this side of the island, looking smooth and warm and very inviting from this distance.

      Now I could see Falcon House. It sat on a slight hill overlooking the trees, the beach, the sea itself. It was a rambling affair of many turrets, towers, cupolas, all painted a dismal gray, with trim of a still darker shade of gray, almost black.

      Even at a distance, I could see it needed repairs—major repairs. The shutters on several windows had fallen from their hinges, boards covered other windows and doorways, and here and there was evidence of a roof that sagged, a cupola that had toppled.

      Why did Diana Hamilton insist upon living in a crumbling house? Surely money was no object. Leland Braddock was not young; he had to have money in order to attract the attention of such a celebrity as Diana Hamilton.

      “It must have been lovely in its day,” I said, testing their reactions.

      Leland had cut the motor and jumped out to tie up the boat. “Yes, it was quite a show place at one time. Unfortunately it was never a good show place. Falcon House, like my lovely wife,” he said, smiling at Diana, “dislikes publicity intensely. They’ve both had more than their share and are now content just to live out their lives in anonymity.”

      Diana gave us both a frosty look. “Unfortunately, we cannot always do what we choose,” she said.

      “Never mind, darling,” he said pleasantly, putting out his hand to help me from the boat.

      Again Diana got out without assistance. Once on the jetty Leland put his arm around her waist. I saw her stiffen slightly, then relax against him.

      He patted her tenderly. “This thing will all blow over in a couple of days,” he said.

      “I hope so,” she answered, almost to herself.

      Leland turned to me. He released Diana when he saw me struggling with my crutch. “Here, let me help. That thing must be most difficult to manipulate.”

      “I’m getting rather use to it, really,” I said, as I hobbled along beside them.

      A man in a chauffeur’s uniform was hurrying toward the landing to meet us. He was bareheaded, with silver-blond tussled hair; his face was square, Germanic, and his features looked as though they’d been chiseled out of stone.

      “Oh, Martin,” Diana said. “My—Miss Whelan’s luggage is at the station at Gulf Point. Is the limousine repaired? Can you go and fetch them?”

      I thought I saw the slightest glimmer of a question pass across the chauffeur’s face. “Yes, ma’am,” he answered. He turned and looked at me. “May I help, Miss?” he asked.

      I backed away, staring up at him. The build, the features, the look of him—he had been wearing a cap when I first saw him, but there was no mistaking it, this was the same man who dashed after the young girl. This was the man I saw knock that girl unconscious.

      Leland noticed my staring at him.

      “Martin?” he said. “Miss Whelan believes she saw the limousine near Gulf Point a while ago. Had you taken the car out to test it, or did you perhaps lend it to someone?”

      Martin gave him a look that said absolutely nothing. “No, sir,” he answered. “The car has been at the boathouse since yesterday. No one borrowed it, Mr. Braddock.” He searched in the pocket of his jacket. “I have the keys,” he added, producing the ignition key and holding it up for all of us to see.

      “Yes, yes,” Leland said, clearing his throat. “Miss Whelan must have been mistaken,” he added with an uncomfortable shrug of his shoulders.

      “I was not mistaken,” I said with determination. “I saw what I saw. That limousine was used to spirit away a young girl.”

      Martin turned his icy eyes on me. “I’m afraid you must be mistaken, Miss. The car hasn’t been away from the landing.”

      “And I am also certain I saw you with that young girl,” I accused.

      “Alice, really,” Diana exploded. “I must insist that you put a stop to this ridiculous nonsense. I remind you that you are a guest in this house and I will not have you making such insane accusations of our servants.”

      I couldn’t be certain, but I thought I saw Martin flinch at the word “servants.”

      Diana turned to the chauffeur. “My daughter has been in a horrible airplane crash,” she explained. “She isn’t quite herself as yet.”

      I opened my mouth to defend myself but Diana narrowed her eyes. She warned me with one simple word. “Alice!”

      There was something very wrong in this place, I told myself. I watched Martin turn and go toward a second power boat that was docked at the jetty. He glanced back over his shoulder at me, but other than that gave no outward sign of feeling disturbed by my accusation.

      I was angry, more at myself than anyone else. I should not have been so bold as to come right out and display my suspicions about Martin and the car. I would have been cleverer if I were Diana Hamilton. She wouldn’t have voiced her thoughts. She would have investigated in private until she was sure of everything and then pointed an accusing finger.

      Well, if I had to play that game I would. I knew I’d seen Martin hit a young girl and carry her away in the limousine. To where? I didn’t know, but that girl might well be here in this house, on this island. I knew now that I’d get no assistance from Diana or Leland. Despite all their efforts of making me believe I imagined the whole affair, I felt intent upon proving them wrong.

      As I stood there beside her I felt I had to show my mother that I was as strong and as determined as she. I was positive I was right. They were hiding something. But if that were so, why did they bring me here?

      Or had they no other choice? It was obvious that Diana didn’t want me and possibly it wasn’t for the reasons I’d originally thought. Perhaps Diana Hamilton had something hidden in her life that might be exposed by my presence. But what?

      The young girl I’d seen racing across the field? Who was she? Where did she fit into this puzzle?

      I shook my head. Or was I being overly dramatic. It was possible the girl was just a romantic entanglement of Martin’s. She could well have been older than she looked to me. I’d been a distance away when I saw him hit her. Still, he had hit her. He’d knocked her unconscious. Even if she were a girl friend of Martin’s, he had no right to abuse her in that manner.

      Martin had lied. I could tell by his eyes

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