Adventures of Thubway Tham. Johnston McCulley

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Adventures of Thubway Tham - Johnston McCulley

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tone sorrowful. “I didn’t think it of you, Tham. Here I’ve been your close friend, and all that, and let everybody know it—”

      “What theemth to be the matter?” Tham wanted to know.

      “You must have been workin’ too hard, Tham, and it’s touched your brain. You ain’t goin’ insane with age, are you?”


      “Is that a shirt, Tham?”

      “Thome thirt!”

      “I’ll say it is. I’ll remark that it certainly, without doubt, all others to the contrary, is some shirt. Looks like it had been made out of scraps!”

      “Thay! I paid good coin for that thirt.”

      “Have those gloves faded, Tham, or is that their natural color? My eyes ain’t as good as they were once, and I’ve only got one at that; but them gloves—”

      “Your act ith good,” Tham commented.

      “And the band around your hat is lemon, Tham—lemon! It’s as yellow as a stool pigeon, Tham! To think I have lived to see this. And everybody in this end of town knows that you’re a friend of mine. What have I ever done to you, Tham, that you should bring my gray hairs in sorrow to the grave?”

      “I’ll bring them to the grave, all right, if you don’t thtop your nonthenthe,” Tham declared. “Ith it thomethin’ awful if a man dretheth up now and then?”

      “Oh, so you are dressed up? Where is the masquerade, Tham, and why don’t they hold it at night instead of morning? Got your mask in your pocket? What are you supposed to represent, anyway? I’ll bet you’ll have all of ’em guessin’.”

      “Your remarkth,” said Tham, “are thilly!”

      “Maybe so, Tham—maybe so! But let me say—Great and noble Sing Sing! What are you carryin’ around that long lead pencil for? Is that a part of the costume?”

      “A lead—Thay! That ith a cane, you thimp!”

      “A cane,” the landlord said, gasping. “He says it is a cane. Well, we have been pals for several years, Tham, and far be it from me to contradict you. A cane! Mighty Auburn!”

      Thubway Tham glared at him, flicked an imaginary spot of dust from the sleeve of his coat, twirled his stick, and went on down the stairs to the street. Tham was painfully conscious of his clothes, but judged that the feeling would wear away. He swung down the street to his favorite restaurant, entered as usual, and took his place at the regular table. The customary waitress went forward to take his order.

      Tham did not notice that the girl grinned and winked at another, for he was busy glancing over the morning paper. And when his breakfast arrived he ate it quickly, picked up his check, and hurried to the cashier’s cage.

      The little cashier Tham knew well. He had eaten there for more than a year, and she had been in the cage during that time. Once, Tham had made her a present of a box of candy, and once he had hustled away a man who had endeavored to convince the little cashier that she should wine and dine with him.

      And so Tham and the little cashier were friends in a way, and could talk to each other frankly.

      “Good mornin’,” Tham said. “It ith a nithe day.”

      “It’s all of that,” said the little cashier. “Oh, boy! Did you lose a bet?”

      “I beg your pardon?”

      “How long do you have to wear ’em? It’s better than rollin’ a peanut around the block, at that!”

      “I don’t theem to get you,” Tham complained.

      “I’ll say it’s some scenery, boy!”

      “Thome thenery ith right,” said Tham, realizing at last. “There ith clath to it.”

      “Yeh! But there are all kinds of classes,” said the little cashier. “Why waste steam blowin’ sirens to welcome the homecomin’ heroes when they could hire you to stand down on the Battery? Noise? Oh, lad!”

      “Do I gather,” Thubway Tham asked, “that you do not like thith outfit?”

      “I trust that you do, little one.”

      “Well, what ith the matter with it?”

      “Um! You’re askin’ a mouthful, and I’m a busy woman. If I start in to tell you what’s the matter with that outfit, I’d have to do it in installments.”

      “You are a great little kidder,”’ Tham said.

      “All jokes aside, boy, why are you wearin’ ’em? Did you really lose a bet? Are you workin’ at some advertisin’ scheme now? Slip it to me; I’ll keep mum.”

      Thubway Tham gulped, and a glare came into his eyes. “There ith a time,” he replied, “when a joke theatheth to be a joke. You have had your merry jetht, and let it go at that. Thith thtuff ith thtyle—get me? If you ever went north of Fourteenth Threet you’d know it!”

      “Is—that—so? Let me tell you; boy, that I know more about style than half these fashion experts. Fourteenth Street, huh? I live in the Bronx, you simp.”

      Without further comment Tham turned and went out upon the street again.


      Nifty Noel turned the corner and started southward. This morning he wore the latest in gentlemanly apparel, and was well satisfied with himself. His cigarette protruded from the holder at an angle that expressed the self-confidence of the man who smoked.

      Looking far ahead, Noel beheld the approach of a burst of radiance. He blinked his eyes and looked again. The street was thronged, yet the one who approached stood out from the others as if in bas-relief.

      Nifty Noel stopped, stood back against the entrance of an office building, and waited. Now and then he looked at the stranger, and then away. It was a crucial moment with Noel; the next minute would tell whether there was a worthy rival for his honors.

      Again he turned to look, and then he smiled. There was no denying the splendor of the cloth, yet there was something wanting in the style. Then Noel recognized Thubway Tham, and grinned.

      Tham, dodging a hurrying messenger boy, swung in toward the entrance of the building and felt somebody touch him on the shoulder. He turned slowly, to face the grinning Noel.

      “Well, Tham, how are you feeling today?” Noel asked.

      “I am all right,” Tham stubbornly replied. “It ith a nithe day and I am all right. I am not thick or pale or got hollowth under my eyeth. I am all right.”

      “Um!” Noel grunted. “Why don’t you dress up now and then, Tham? I told you the other day that I am here with the helping hand if you happen to be a bit short.”

      “I’ve got all the coin I need at prethent,” Tham declared.

      “Then why, in the

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