The Right-Size Flower Garden. Kerry Ann Mendez

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The Right-Size Flower Garden - Kerry Ann Mendez

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exfoliating bark, native to central and eastern North America Vase-shaped ninebarks are the perfect alternative to invasive Japanese barberries. Ninebark produces delicious berries that birds find irresistible, but “recycled” seeds don’t create havoc in the environment. Fashionable foliage colors include chocolate, coppery-red, gold and green. Exfoliating bark keeps the show going in winter. ‘Little Devil’, ‘Tiny Wine’ and ‘Little Wine’ are the minis in the collection, maturing to only 3' – 4' tall with petite dusky leaves. (Pictured above: ‘Tiny Wine’.)


       Caryopteris clandonensis

       Zones 5 – 11 ♦ Sun

       2' – 4' tall, 2' – 3' wide

      Late summer, fall flowers: blue, violet

      Attributes: Drought tolerant, deer resistant, bee and butterfly friendly, fragrant foliage, hedge plant Blue mist shrub saves the best for last – an explosion of misty blue flowers in late summer. Butterflies relish the blooms even more than we do! Foliage can be silvery green or golden. ‘Lil Miss Sunshine’ (gold leaves) and ‘Petit Blue’ are the shortest in this family, topping out at 24" – 30". Blue mist shrub dies back to its trunk in colder climates. No worries, just prune off dead wood and it’s off to the races for another year of dazzling flowers. (Pictured above: ‘Petit Blue’.)



       Syringa vulgaris

       Zones 3 – 7 ♦ Sun

       4' – 7' tall, 3' – 4' wide

      Spring, summer, fall flowers: purple, violet

      Attributes: Drought tolerant, deer resistant, hummingbird and butterfly friendly, fragrant, cut flower, container plant, hedge plant

      Hold on to your garden hat! The ‘Bloomerang’ series of lilacs doesn’t know when to stop. Instead of only one flower flush, ‘Bloomerang’ yields two to three rounds of heavenly scented, purple flowers. ‘Bloomerangs’ max out around 6' and are mildew resistant. These are the perfect choice for entryways, entertainment areas and hedges. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage a more robust rebloom.


       Vitex agnus-castus

       Zones 5 – 9 ♦ Sun

       3' – 9'+ tall, 3'– 8' wide

      Summer flowers: lavender, blue

      Attributes: Drought tolerant, deer resistant, fragrant flowers and leaves, enjoyed by bees and butterflies, salt tolerant This is one of the few flowering shrubs I’ve yet to grow. What’s wrong with me?! These vase-shaped lookers sport gray-green, lance-shaped leaves and spikey, lavender-blue flowers in the heat of summer. ‘Little Diddley’ is a Proven Winners selection that only gets 3' – 6' tall. ‘Shoal Creek’ is favored for its extended bloom (fragrant flower spikes can be 8" – 12" long) and can be grown as a shrub or open-canopied tree reaching 15' or more in warmer climates. To control height, prune hard in late winter or early spring. Like blue mist shrub, chaste tree dies back to the ground in zones 5 and 6 and then shoots forth new wood from the base. And I’m sure you are wondering why it’s called chaste tree. Seems that in ancient times the leaves were believed to be an anaphrodisiac, helpful in curbing lustful urges. (Pictured above: ‘Little Diddley’.)

      Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)

      Additional flowering shrub choices include: Potentilla, Rugosa rose, Forsythia, tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa), butterfly bush (Buddleia, sterile cultivars available)

       Drought Tolerant Flowering Shrubs for Part Shade and Shade


       Kerria japonica

       Zones 4 – 9 ♦ Part Shade to Shade

       3' – 10' tall, 4' – 8'+ wide

      Spring flowers: yellow

      Attributes: Drought tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant, tolerates wet soil, golden fall foliage

      When people saw Kerria’s bright yellow, pom-pom flowers in my shade garden, they’d ask where in the world I found a spring-blooming rose that thrives in low light. This underused shrub deserves more respect! Yellow blooms can be single-petaled or clustered. Arching, lime-green stems play a delightful supporting role. Kerria can sometimes sucker. To rectify the situation, as with lilacs and Forsythia, simply cut any unwanted stems off just below the soil surface. Plants in the Kerria family are sometimes called Easter rose because the flowers typically bloom around Easter time.


       Mahonia aquifolium

       Zones 5 – 9 (4 where protected) ♦ Part Shade

       3' – 6' tall, 2' – 5' wide

      Spring flowers: yellow

      Attributes: Drought tolerant, deer resistant, birds enjoy berries, fragrant flowers, evergreen, barrier border Beauty and the beast. Lush, grape-like, yellow flowers dangle from stems covered with extremely prickly leaves. Edible, blue-black berries appear later in summer. To maximize flowering, plant more than one shrub together. Oregon grape holly’s foliage is easily damaged by blustery winter winds, so place them in a protected area. Spraying leaves in early winter with an anti-dessicant like Wilt-Pruf will also help preserve their glossy green patina.


      Eleutherococcus sieboldianus ‘Variegatus’

      (old name Acanthopanax sieboldianus ‘Variegatus’)

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