Swansong. GM Jordan

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Swansong - GM Jordan

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hands gripped her ankles and he looked into her eyes. Gill stopped struggling, melting into his gaze.

      “Open your legs, take a deep breath, and relax,” he instructed – she nodded, biting her lip.

      Watching him intently she could only murmur in pleasure as he started to stroke up her legs with his fingertips, his thumbs making small, tight circles on her skin.

      “You play so hard, act so tough but I can feel the real you… hard as rock when you need to be, yet as brittle as bone china.” J stated it as a fact, and now she knew he could read her like a book.

      “I know what you desire, what you need, but you must do everything I tell you to achieve it. Do you agree?” he asked.

      “Yes, Sir,” Gill hissed. With every inch he was erasing the parts of her that were old, leaving a void filled with desire and confusion.

      Finally his fingers reached her cunt and she struggled to move further down the bed to press harder. He resisted the urge to touch her and instead ran his fingers under her thigh and pressed her anus. It was her first experience of this – it was uncomfortable and a little painful but she didn’t complain. Gill closed her eyes opened herself to him.

      Her eyes snapped open as she felt his lips sucking gently between her legs, his hand drew back the hood of her clitoris and the very tip of his tongue pressed her button. Electricity poured through her body and she bucked uncontrollably, fighting hard not to climax as he started to hum softly. The vibrations tormented and tortured her, Gill pulled down hard in desperation, eager to feel him inside her boiling cunt.

      “Jesus… Nooooooo!” she cried as his finger pushed inside her anus – the climax hit violently and forced the breath from her body.

      “Your name?” he asked coolly, pumping her with a steady rhythm.

      “CHINA. My name is China… MASTER.” Suddenly her legs were shaking uncontrollably and tears poured down her face – despite all the pain and frustration she suddenly felt reborn. J started to drink from her body, his lips hungry for her juices and he expertly curled his tongue to scoop out her nectar. Unable to move China could only ride the waves of climax as they washed over her.

      Finally J stopped, tenderly caressing her face as she breathed heavily, fighting to calm down. When he released her from her bindings all China could do was curl in a ball but he turned her over so that she was almost in his lap and stroked the hair from her face.

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