The Zane Grey Megapack. Zane Grey

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The Zane Grey Megapack - Zane Grey

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tried again to coax one to the surface. This time the more fortunate cricket swam and hopped across the stream to safety.

      When Joe’s eyes were thoroughly accustomed to the clear water, with its deceiving lights and shades, he saw a fish lying snug under the side of a stone. The lad thought he recognized the snub-nose, the hooked, wolfish jaw, but he could not get sufficient of a view to classify him. He crawled to a more advantageous position farther down stream, and then he peered again through the woods. Yes, sure enough, he had espied a trout. He well knew those spotted silver sides, that broad, square tail. Such a monster! In his admiration for the fellow, and his wish for a hook and line to try conclusions with him, Joe momentarily forgot his object. Remembering, he tossed out a big, fat cricket, which alighted on the water just above the fish. The trout never moved, nor even blinked. The lad tried again, with no better success. The fish would not rise. Thereupon Joe returned to the point where he had left Wetzel.

      “I couldn’t see nothin’ over there,” said the hunter, who was waiting. “Did you see any?”

      “One, and a big fellow.”

      “Did he see you?”


      “Did he rise to a bug?”

      “No, he didn’t; but then maybe he wasn’t hungry” answered Joe, who could not understand what Wetzel was driving at.

      “Tell me exactly what he did.”

      “That’s just the trouble; he didn’t do anything,” replied Joe, thoughtfully. “He just lay low, stifflike, under a stone. He never batted an eye. But his side-fins quivered like an aspen leaf.”

      “Them side-fins tell us the story. Girty, an’ his redskins hev took this branch,” said Wetzel, positively. “The other leads to the Huron towns. Girty’s got a place near the Delaware camp somewheres. I’ve tried to find it a good many times. He’s took more’n one white lass there, an’ nobody ever seen her agin.”

      “Fiend! To think of a white woman, maybe a girl like Nell Wells, at the mercy of those red devils!”

      “Young fellar, don’t go wrong. I’ll allow Injuns is bad enough; but I never hearn tell of one abusin’ a white woman, as mayhap you mean. Injuns marry white women sometimes; kill an’ scalp ’em often, but that’s all. It’s men of our own color, renegades like this Girty, as do worse’n murder.”

      Here was the amazing circumstance of Lewis Wetzel, the acknowledged unsatiable foe of all redmen, speaking a good word for his enemies. Joe was so astonished he did not attempt to answer.

      “Here’s where they got in the canoe. One more look, an’ then we’re off,” said Wetzel. He strode up and down the sandy beach; examined the willows, and scrutinized the sand. Suddenly he bent over and picked up an object from the water. His sharp eyes had caught the glint of something white, which, upon being examined, proved to be a small ivory or bone buckle with a piece broken out. He showed it to Joe.

      “By heavens! Wetzel, that’s a buckle off Nell Well’s shoe. I’ve seen it too many times to mistake it.”

      “I was afeared Girty hed your friends, the sisters, an’ mebbe your brother, too. Jack Zane said the renegade was hangin’ round the village, an’ that couldn’t be fer no good.”

      “Come on. Let’s kill the fiend!” cried Joe, white to the lips.

      “I calkilate they’re about a mile down stream, makin’ camp fer the night. I know the place. There’s a fine spring, an, look! D’ye see them crows flyin’ round thet big oak with the bleached top? Hear them cawin’? You might think they was chasin’ a hawk, or king-birds were arter ’em, but thet fuss they’re makin’ is because they see Injuns.”

      “Well?” asked Joe, impatiently.

      “It’ll be moonlight a while arter midnight. We’ll lay low an’ wait, an’ then—”

      The sharp click of his teeth, like the snap of a steel trap, completed the sentence. Joe said no more, but followed the hunter into the woods. Stopping near a fallen tree, Wetzel raked up a bundle of leaves and spread them on the ground. Then he cut a few spreading branches from a beech, and leaned them against a log. Bidding the lad crawl in before he took one last look around and then made his way under the shelter.

      It was yet daylight, which seemed a strange time to creep into this little nook; but, Joe thought, it was not to sleep, only to wait, wait, wait for the long hours to pass. He was amazed once more, because, by the time twilight had given place to darkness, Wetzel was asleep. The lad said then to himself that he would never again be surprised at the hunter. He assumed once and for all that Wetzel was capable of anything. Yet how could he lose himself in slumber? Feeling, as he must, over the capture of the girls; eager to draw a bead on the black-hearted renegade; hating Indians with all his soul and strength, and lying there but a few hours before what he knew would be a bloody battle, Wetzel calmly went to sleep. Knowing the hunter to be as bloodthirsty as a tiger, Joe had expected he would rush to a combat with his foes; but, no, this man, with his keen sagacity, knew when to creep upon his enemy; he bided that time, and, while he waited, slept.

      Joe could not close his eyes in slumber. Through the interstices in the branches he saw the stars come out one by one, the darkness deepened, and the dim outline of tall trees over the dark hill came out sharply. The moments dragged, each one an hour. He heard a whippoorwill call, lonely and dismal; then an owl hoot monotonously. A stealthy footed animal ran along the log, sniffed at the boughs, and then scurried away over the dry leaves. By and by the dead silence of night fell over all. Still Joe lay there wide awake, listening—his heart on fire. He was about to rescue Nell; to kill that hawk-nosed renegade; to fight Silvertip to the death.

      The hours passed, but not Joe’s passionate eagerness. When at last he saw the crescent moon gleam silver-white over the black hilltop he knew the time was nigh, and over him ran thrill on thrill.


      When the waning moon rose high enough to shed a pale light over forest and field, two dark figures, moving silently from the shade of the trees, crossed the moonlit patches of ground, out to the open plain where low on the grass hung silver mists.

      A timber wolf, gray and gaunt, came loping along with lowered nose. A new scent brought the animal to a standstill. His nose went up, his fiery eyes scanned the plain. Two men had invaded his domain, and, with a short, dismal bark, he dashed away.

      Like spectres, gliding swiftly with noiseless tread, the two vanished. The long grass had swallowed them.

      Deserted once again seemed the plain. It became unutterably lonely. No stir, no sound, no life; nothing but a wide expanse bathed in sad, gray light.

      The moon shone steadily; the silver radiance mellowed; the stars paled before this brighter glory.

      Slowly the night hours wore away.

      On the other side of the plain, near where the adjoining forest loomed darkling, the tall grass parted to disclose a black form. Was it only a deceiving shade cast by a leafy branch—only a shadow? Slowly it sank, and was lost. Once more the gray, unwavering line of silver-crested grass tufts was unbroken.

      Only the night breeze, wandering caressingly over the grass, might have told of two dark forms gliding, gliding, gliding so softly, so surely, so surely toward the forest. Only the moon and the pale stars had eyes to see

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