The Zane Grey Megapack. Zane Grey

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The Zane Grey Megapack - Zane Grey

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be careful of them.”

      Alfred examined the rods with the eye of a connoisseur and pronounced them perfect.

      “These rods have been made by a lover of the art. Anyone with half an eye could see that. What shall we use for bait?” he said.

      “Sam got me some this morning.”

      “Did you expect to go?” asked Alfred, looking up in surprise.

      “Yes, I intended going, and as you said you were coming over, I meant to ask you to accompany me.”

      “That was kind of you.”

      “Where are you young people going?” called Colonel Zane, stopping in his task.

      “We are going down to the sycamore,” answered Betty.

      “Very well. But be certain and stay on this side of the creek and do not go out on the river,” said the Colonel.

      “Why, Eb, what do you mean? One might think Mr. Clarke and I were children,” exclaimed Betty.

      “You certainly aren’t much more. But that is not my reason. Never mind the reason. Do as I say or do not go,” said Colonel Zane.

      “All right, brother. I shall not forget,” said Betty, soberly, looking at the Colonel. He had not spoken in his usual teasing way, and she was at a loss to understand him. “Come, Mr. Clarke, you carry the canoe and follow me down this path and look sharp for roots and stones or you may trip.”

      “Where is Isaac?” asked Alfred, as he lightly swung the canoe over his shoulder.

      “He took his rifle and went up to the chestnut grove an hour or more ago.”

      A few minutes’ walk down the willow skirted path and they reached the creek. Here it was a narrow stream, hardly fifty feet wide, shallow, and full of stones over which the clear brown water rushed noisily.

      “Is it not rather risky going down there?” asked Alfred as he noticed the swift current and the numerous boulders poking treacherous heads just above the water.

      “Of course. That is the great pleasure in canoeing,” said Betty, calmly. “If you would rather walk—”

      “No, I’ll go if I drown. I was thinking of you.”

      “It is safe enough if you can handle a paddle,” said Betty, with a smile at his hesitation. “And, of course, if your partner in the canoe sits trim.”

      “Perhaps you had better allow me to use the paddle. Where did you learn to steer a canoe?”

      “I believe you are actually afraid. Why, I was born on the Potomac, and have used a paddle since I was old enough to lift one. Come, place the canoe in here and we will keep to the near shore until we reach the bend. There is a little fall just below this and I love to shoot it.”

      He steadied the canoe with one hand while he held out the other to help her, but she stepped nimbly aboard without his assistance.

      “Wait a moment while I catch some crickets and grasshoppers.”

      “Gracious! What a fisherman. Don’t you know we have had frost?”

      “That’s so,” said Alfred, abashed by her simple remark.

      “But you might find some crickets under those logs,” said Betty. She laughed merrily at the awkward spectacle made by Alfred crawling over the ground, improvising a sort of trap out of his hat, and pouncing down on a poor little insect.

      “Now, get in carefully, and give the canoe a push. There, we are off,” she said, taking up the paddle.

      The little bark glided slowly down stream at first hugging the bank as though reluctant to trust itself to the deeper water, and then gathering headway as a few gentle strokes of the paddle swerved it into the current. Betty knelt on one knee and skillfully plied the paddle, using the Indian stroke in which the paddle was not removed from the water.

      “This is great!” exclaimed Alfred, as he leaned back in the bow facing her. “There is nothing more to be desired. This beautiful clear stream, the air so fresh, the gold lined banks, the autumn leaves, a guide who—”

      “Look,” said Betty. “There is the fall over which we must pass.”

      He looked ahead and saw that they were swiftly approaching two huge stones that reared themselves high out of the water. They were only a few yards apart and surrounded by smaller rocks, about high the water rushed white with foam.

      “Please do not move!” cried Betty, her eyes shining bright with excitement.

      Indeed, the situation was too novel for Alfred to do anything but feel a keen enjoyment. He had made up his mind that he was sure to get a ducking, but, as he watched Betty’s easy, yet vigorous sweeps with the paddle, and her smiling, yet resolute lips, he felt reassured. He could see that the fall was not a great one, only a few feet, but one of those glancing sheets of water like a mill race, and he well knew that if they struck a stone disaster would be theirs. Twenty feet above the white-capped wave which marked the fall, Betty gave a strong forward pull on the paddle, a deep stroke which momentarily retarded their progress even in that swift current, and then, a short backward stroke, far under the stern of the canoe, and the little vessel turned straight, almost in the middle of the course between the two rocks. As she raised her paddle into the canoe and smiled at the fascinated young man, the bow dipped, and with that peculiar downward movement, that swift, exhilarating rush so dearly loved by canoeists, they shot down the smooth incline of water, were lost for a moment in a white cloud of mist, and in another they coated into a placid pool.

      “Was not that delightful?” she asked, with just a little conscious pride glowing in her dark eyes.

      “Miss Zane, it was more than that. I apologize for my suspicions. You have admirable skill. I only wish that on my voyage down the River of Life I could have such a sure eye and hand to guide me through the dangerous reefs and rapids.”

      “You are poetical,” said Betty, who laughed, and at the same time blushed slightly. “But you are right about the guide. Jonathan says ‘always get a good guide,’ and as guiding is his work he ought to know. But this has nothing in common with fishing, and here is my favorite place under the old sycamore.”

      With a long sweep of the paddle she ran the canoe alongside a stone beneath a great tree which spread its long branches over the creek and shaded the pool. It was a grand old tree and must have guarded that sylvan spot for centuries. The gnarled and knotted trunk was scarred and seamed with the ravages of time. The upper part was dead. Long limbs extended skyward, gaunt and bare, like the masts of a storm beaten vessel. The lower branches were white and shining, relieved here and there by brown patches of bark which curled up like old parchment as they shelled away from the inner bark. The ground beneath the tree was carpeted with a velvety moss with little plots of grass and clusters of maiden-hair fern growing on it. From under an overhanging rock on the bank a spring of crystal water bubbled forth.

      Alfred rigged up the rods, and baiting a hook directed Betty to throw her line well out into the current and let it float down into the eddy. She complied, and hardly had the line reached the circle of the eddy, where bits of white foam floated round and round, when there was a slight splash, a scream from Betty and she was standing up in

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