The Zane Grey Megapack. Zane Grey

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The Zane Grey Megapack - Zane Grey

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made when whistlin’ lead hits. Perhaps you’ll want to be back here by termorrer sundown.”

      “Not I,” said Joe, with his short, cool laugh.

      The old frontiersman slowly finished his task of coiling up a rope of wet cowhide, and then, producing a dirty pipe, he took a live ember from the fire and placed it on the bowl. He sucked slowly at the pipe-stem, and soon puffed out a great cloud of smoke. Sitting on a log, he deliberately surveyed the robust shoulders and long, heavy limbs of the young man, with a keen appreciation of their symmetry and strength. Agility, endurance and courage were more to a borderman than all else; a new-comer on the frontier was always “sized-up” with reference to these “points,” and respected in proportion to the measure in which he possessed them.

      Old Jeff Lynn, riverman, hunter, frontiersman, puffed slowly at his pipe while he mused thus to himself: “Mebbe I’m wrong in takin’ a likin’ to this youngster so sudden. Mebbe it’s because I’m fond of his sunny-haired lass, an’ ag’in mebbe it’s because I’m gettin’ old an’ likes young folks better’n I onct did. Anyway, I’m kinder thinkin, if this young feller gits worked out, say fer about twenty pounds less, he’ll lick a whole raft-load of wild-cats.”

      Joe walked to and fro on the logs, ascertained how the raft was put together, and took a pull on the long, clumsy steering-oar. At length he seated himself beside Lynn. He was eager to ask questions; to know about the rafts, the river, the forest, the Indians—everything in connection with this wild life; but already he had learned that questioning these frontiersmen is a sure means of closing their lips.

      “Ever handle the long rifle?” asked Lynn, after a silence.

      “Yes,” answered Joe, simply.

      “Ever shoot anythin’?” the frontiersman questioned, when he had taken four or five puffs at his pipe.


      “Good practice, shootin’ squirrels,” observed Jeff, after another silence, long enough to allow Joe to talk if he was so inclined. “Kin ye hit one—say, a hundred yards?”

      “Yes, but not every time in the head,” returned Joe. There was an apologetic tone in his answer.

      Another interval followed in which neither spoke. Jeff was slowly pursuing his line of thought. After Joe’s last remark he returned his pipe to his pocket and brought out a tobacco-pouch. He tore off a large portion of the weed and thrust it into his mouth. Then he held out the little buckskin sack to Joe.

      “Hev’ a chaw,” he said.

      To offer tobacco to anyone was absolutely a borderman’s guarantee of friendliness toward that person.

      Jeff expectorated half a dozen times, each time coming a little nearer the stone he was aiming at, some five yards distant. Possibly this was the borderman’s way of oiling up his conversational machinery. At all events, he commenced to talk.

      “Yer brother’s goin’ to preach out here, ain’t he? Preachin’ is all right, I’ll allow; but I’m kinder doubtful about preachin’ to redskins. Howsumever, I’ve knowed Injuns who are good fellows, and there’s no tellin’. What are ye goin’ in fer—farmin’?”

      “No, I wouldn’t make a good farmer.”

      “Jest cum out kinder wild like, eh?” rejoined Jeff, knowingly.

      “I wanted to come West because I was tired of tame life. I love the forest; I want to fish and hunt; and I think I’d like to—to see Indians.”

      “I kinder thought so,” said the old frontiersman, nodding his head as though he perfectly understood Joe’s case. “Well, lad, where you’re goin’ seein’ Injuns ain’t a matter of choice. You has to see ’em, and fight ’em, too. We’ve had bad times for years out here on the border, and I’m thinkin’ wuss is comin’. Did ye ever hear the name Girty?”

      “Yes; he’s a renegade.”

      “He’s a traitor, and Jim and George Girty, his brothers, are p’isin rattlesnake Injuns. Simon Girty’s bad enough; but Jim’s the wust. He’s now wusser’n a full-blooded Delaware. He’s all the time on the lookout to capture white wimen to take to his Injun teepee. Simon Girty and his pals, McKee and Elliott, deserted from that thar fort right afore yer eyes. They’re now livin’ among the redskins down Fort Henry way, raisin’ as much hell fer the settlers as they kin.”

      “Is Fort Henry near the Indian towns?” asked Joe.

      “There’s Delawares, Shawnees and Hurons all along the Ohio below Fort Henry.”

      “Where is the Moravian Mission located?”

      “Why, lad, the Village of Peace, as the Injuns call it, is right in the midst of that Injun country. I ’spect it’s a matter of a hundred miles below and cross-country a little from Fort Henry.”

      “The fort must be an important point, is it not?”

      “Wal, I guess so. It’s the last place on the river,” answered Lynn, with a grim smile. “There’s only a stockade there, an’ a handful of men. The Injuns hev swarmed down on it time and ag’in, but they hev never burned it. Only such men as Colonel Zane, his brother Jack, and Wetzel could hev kept that fort standin’ all these bloody years. Eb Zane’s got but a few men, yet he kin handle ’em some, an’ with such scouts as Jack Zane and Wetzel, he allus knows what’s goin’ on among the Injuns.”

      “I’ve heard of Colonel Zane. He was an officer under Lord Dunmore. The hunters here speak often of Jack Zane and Wetzel. What are they?”

      “Jack Zane is a hunter an’ guide. I knowed him well a few years back. He’s a quiet, mild chap; but a streak of chain-lightnin’ when he’s riled. Wetzel is an Injun-killer. Some people say as how he’s crazy over scalp-huntin’; but I reckon that’s not so. I’ve seen him a few times. He don’t hang round the settlement ’cept when the Injuns are up, an’ nobody sees him much. At home he sets round silent-like, an’ then mebbe next mornin’ he’ll be gone, an’ won’t show up fer days or weeks. But all the frontier knows of his deeds. Fer instance, I’ve hearn of settlers gettin’ up in the mornin’ an’ findin’ a couple of dead and scalped Injuns right in front of their cabins. No one knowed who killed ’em, but everybody says ‘Wetzel.’ He’s allus warnin’ the settlers when they need to flee to the fort, and sure he’s right every time, because when these men go back to their cabins they find nothin’ but ashes. There couldn’t be any farmin’ done out there but fer Wetzel.”

      “What does he look like?” questioned Joe, much interested.

      “Wetzel stands straight as the oak over thar. He’d hev’ to go sideways to git his shoulders in that door, but he’s as light of foot an’ fast as a deer. An’ his eyes—why, lad, ye kin hardly look into ’em. If you ever see Wetzel you’ll know him to onct.”

      “I want to see him,” Joe spoke quickly, his eyes lighting with an eager flash. “He must be a great fighter.”

      “Is he? Lew Wetzel is the heftiest of ’em all, an’ we hev some as kin fight out here. I was down the river a few years ago and joined a party to go out an’ hunt up some redskins as had been reported. Wetzel was with us. We soon struck Injun sign, and then come on to a lot of the pesky varmints. We was all fer goin’ home, because we had a

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