Seeking Valhalla. Eric G. Swedin

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Seeking Valhalla - Eric G. Swedin

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hadn’t been laundered for weeks, but she liked the scent of this man. As her initial alarm subsided, she heard the German officer order one of his men to get her.

      Her father had always said that she was a quick-thinking lass. He did not always mean it as a compliment, especially when she got in trouble, but he was proud of her good marks in school. Aoife slipped a bracelet off her wrist and slid it onto the American’s wrist, whispering an enchantment that her mother had taught her, binding his imagination to the bracelet and to her. It was a most curious piece of jewelry, made of three intertwined golden hairs, and so fine and flexible that it was lost in the arm hairs of even a fair-haired girl like herself. Her mother had given it to her after she had become a woman.

      Rough hands pulled her up. She looked into the German’s blue eyes and saw only hard evil. He pawed at her breast as he stood her on her feet.

      “None of that,” the officer barked. “She’s to remain a virgin.”

      As they dragged her through the forest, away from the jeep, she stubbed her toe on a rock and cried out. Slippers were better than bare feet, but not by much. The soldier yanked her arm to keep her moving.

      After only a couple of hundred meters, they came upon another road. A group of German soldiers, wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying short, stubby weapons, waited for them. She counted nineteen of them. The officer stopped to give them orders while the first two soldiers dragged Aoife further down the road.

      Her mother had always told her to pay attention, whether when baking a pie, listening to her teacher, or just watching the sea come in and out on the rocky headland near her home. A good rule of life, she always thought. Life was full of surprises when you paid attention.

      To her surprise, she realized that the two soldiers were twins, or at least brothers who looked identical. They were big men, well-proportioned, with blond hair and blue eyes. The matrons at the camp had enthused enough about Aryan ideology for Aoife to see that the twins fit the bill. It had probably kept them out of fighting on the front, assigned to the temple.

      They reached two trucks parked on the road. One of the men found a piece of rope and tied her hands together in front of her, being unexpectedly gentle to make sure that the rope was not too tight. She figured that she could get out of the bonds if she had five minutes or so to work on them.

      The officer came striding up the road. As he approached, Aoife paid attention. Before, the officer had been defined by his black uniform in her mind, but now she looked at his face and realized that she had seen him before. In a different uniform.

      As the priest who had sacrificed her friend Elena.


      SS Colonel Hans von Krohn constantly moved back and forth in the passenger seat of the truck, peering up out of the windshield or the door window. He could only see part of the sky, and was completely blind towards the back of the truck. Fritz was supposed to be watching outside the back of the truck. Driving during the day was just foolish, with all the American and British Jabos, low-flying fighter-bombers, armed with rockets and cannons, that ranged over Germany with impunity, shooting at whatever struck their fancy.

      Just that morning, Krohn had seen a Jabo chasing an old woman in a farm field, swooping in again and again as she stumbled across the furrows, too far from trees or a building to find shelter, her dress flapping against her shins. Finally a burst of cannon fire cut her down and the airplane climbed up into the sky, like a raptor seeking other prey. Krohn did not condemn the pilot—he could see the sport in the hunt—but it pained him to see his fellow Germans dying as their Fatherland was ripped open.

      A slight man with a limp that disqualified him from front-line duty, the result of a childhood accident with a horse, Krohn knew that the heart of a warrior beat strong in him. As a high priest to the god Odin, he contributed to the war effort with his temple. On the first day of the war, September 1st, 1939, in the old Christian calendar, the sixth year of the Third Reich, he had offered up to Odin his first bride. She was a fourteen-year-old girl from Czechoslovakia, but of Polish extraction. He had personally investigated her genealogy to make sure.

      In just over a month, the German legions had overrun Poland. Krohn wrote a private letter directly to Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, the bespectacled head of the SS, communicating his belief that the bride-offering had encouraged Odin to directly help achieve the victory. Himmler was always interested in Krohn’s work and approved the funding and secret orders necessary to collect more girls.

      The launch of the Norwegian campaign in April 1940 was so secret that Krohn was unprepared when he heard the news. He commandeered a transport aircraft and flew to Oslo as quickly as he could, found a comely virgin, and flew her back to the temple. Though she acted terrified, he knew that she was secretly honored to become a bride of Odin. After only two months, Norway belonged to Germany. Truly a day for joy, since Norway was an Aryan nation, of the purist Nordic stock, not like the Poles, who as Slavs were fit only for servitude.

      Only a few days later, Himmler passed the word that the Low Countries and France were about to be invaded. Krohn scrambled to find offerings from each of the countries. France itself was so large that it presented difficulties. From his historical studies, he knew that France was really not a single ethnic nation. He needed girls from the Franks, Bretons, Basques, Normans, and Alsatians. He failed to find a Norman girl, but the others died in a glorious ceremony. After the success of conquering France in only six weeks, a task that Germany had failed to accomplish after four years of trying in the First World War, Krohn’s faith in his program of offering brides to Odin was confirmed.

      After France, Krohn embarked on a vigorous program to find virgins from every possible country and region that the Führer might decide to add to the Reich. He housed them at the nearby concentration camp and took care to ensure that they received the best treatment. Success followed success, and Himmler presented Krohn with a Totenkopfring, a ring with runes and a skull on it, only granted to the most honored SS officers.

      “Go to my house,” Krohn now told Karl. The twin grunted his obedience. When they first came to him, Krohn had been irritated by how few words the burly twins from Stuttgart seemed to know. He had came to realize that they were bright enough and knew the words; they just didn’t like to talk, though at times he had seen the twins hold long whispered conversations with each other. Krohn decided to allow them their seeming insolence after he realized that they were as loyal as the best shepherd dog a man could ask for.

      Still no planes. Probably because of the trees, or maybe the Americans were so sure of victory that they had already started to celebrate and the pilots were drunk. How had it come to this? The first two years of the war had been one success after another, military victories on a scale never before seen in history, and Krohn knew that Odin had played a major part. Then came December of 1941 and the reverses before Moscow.

      Desperate to recover German fortunes, Krohn had stained the snow with the blood of dozens of brides. He had plenty of girls from Russia and the Ukraine, sent to him by SS units that roamed behind the advancing German armies, getting rid of Jews and other undesirables. Even with the entry of America into the war, German fortunes recovered in the summer of 1942, and Krohn thanked Odin.

      Then, in the winter of 1942, everything started to go wrong. Rommel lost in Egypt, the Americans invaded North Africa, and worst of all, the German Sixth Army surrendered at Stalingrad. Krohn had been summoned to an emergency meeting at Wewelsburg Castle, the ritual home of the SS. With other scholars and officers, Krohn watched a grizzled old woman, perhaps even a gypsy, draw from her bag human bones, mostly from fingers and worn from long use. She cast them onto the Black Sun mosaic set into the floor of the Marble Hall. Looking up at Himmler with her rheumy eyes, the oracle pronounced the end of the Reich.


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