The Virginia Woolf Megapack. Virginia Woolf

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The Virginia Woolf Megapack - Virginia Woolf

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whether she was happy, or had suffered something. When Arthur again turned to her, butting her as a lamb butts a ewe, Hewet and Rachel retreated without a word. Hewet felt uncomfortably shy.

      “I don’t like that,” said Rachel after a moment.

      “I can remember not liking it either,” said Hewet. “I can remember—” but he changed his mind and continued in an ordinary tone of voice, “Well, we may take it for granted that they’re engaged. D’you think he’ll ever fly, or will she put a stop to that?”

      But Rachel was still agitated; she could not get away from the sight they had just seen. Instead of answering Hewet she persisted.

      “Love’s an odd thing, isn’t it, making one’s heart beat.”

      “It’s so enormously important, you see,” Hewet replied. “Their lives are now changed for ever.”

      “And it makes one sorry for them too,” Rachel continued, as though she were tracing the course of her feelings. “I don’t know either of them, but I could almost burst into tears. That’s silly, isn’t it?”

      “Just because they’re in love,” said Hewet. “Yes,” he added after a moment’s consideration, “there’s something horribly pathetic about it, I agree.”

      And now, as they had walked some way from the grove of trees, and had come to a rounded hollow very tempting to the back, they proceeded to sit down, and the impression of the lovers lost some of its force, though a certain intensity of vision, which was probably the result of the sight, remained with them. As a day upon which any emotion has been repressed is different from other days, so this day was now different, merely because they had seen other people at a crisis of their lives.

      “A great encampment of tents they might be,” said Hewet, looking in front of him at the mountains. “Isn’t it like a water-colour too—you know the way water-colours dry in ridges all across the paper—I’ve been wondering what they looked like.”

      His eyes became dreamy, as though he were matching things, and reminded Rachel in their colour of the green flesh of a snail. She sat beside him looking at the mountains too. When it became painful to look any longer, the great size of the view seeming to enlarge her eyes beyond their natural limit, she looked at the ground; it pleased her to scrutinise this inch of the soil of South America so minutely that she noticed every grain of earth and made it into a world where she was endowed with the supreme power. She bent a blade of grass, and set an insect on the utmost tassel of it, and wondered if the insect realised his strange adventure, and thought how strange it was that she should have bent that tassel rather than any other of the million tassels.

      “You’ve never told me you name,” said Hewet suddenly. “Miss Somebody Vinrace.… I like to know people’s Christian names.”

      “Rachel,” she replied.

      “Rachel,” he repeated. “I have an aunt called Rachel, who put the life of Father Damien into verse. She is a religious fanatic—the result of the way she was brought up, down in Northamptonshire, never seeing a soul. Have you any aunts?”

      “I live with them,” said Rachel.

      “And I wonder what they’re doing now?” Hewet enquired.

      “They are probably buying wool,” Rachel determined. She tried to describe them. “They are small, rather pale women,” she began, “very clean. We live in Richmond. They have an old dog, too, who will only eat the marrow out of bones.… They are always going to church. They tidy their drawers a good deal.” But here she was overcome by the difficulty of describing people.

      “It’s impossible to believe that it’s all going on still!” she exclaimed.

      The sun was behind them and two long shadows suddenly lay upon the ground in front of them, one waving because it was made by a skirt, and the other stationary, because thrown by a pair of legs in trousers.

      “You look very comfortable!” said Helen’s voice above them.

      “Hirst,” said Hewet, pointing at the scissorlike shadow; he then rolled round to look up at them.

      “There’s room for us all here,” he said.

      When Hirst had seated himself comfortably, he said:

      “Did you congratulate the young couple?”

      It appeared that, coming to the same spot a few minutes after Hewet and Rachel, Helen and Hirst had seen precisely the same thing.

      “No, we didn’t congratulate them,” said Hewet. “They seemed very happy.”

      “Well,” said Hirst, pursing up his lips, “so long as I needn’t marry either of them—”

      “We were very much moved,” said Hewet.

      “I thought you would be,” said Hirst. “Which was it, Monk? The thought of the immortal passions, or the thought of newborn males to keep the Roman Catholics out? I assure you,” he said to Helen, “he’s capable of being moved by either.”

      Rachel was a good deal stung by his banter, which she felt to be directed equally against them both, but she could think of no repartee.

      “Nothing moves Hirst,” Hewet laughed; he did not seem to be stung at all. “Unless it were a transfinite number falling in love with a finite one—I suppose such things do happen, even in mathematics.”

      “On the contrary,” said Hirst with a touch of annoyance, “I consider myself a person of very strong passions.” It was clear from the way he spoke that he meant it seriously; he spoke of course for the benefit of the ladies.

      “By the way, Hirst,” said Hewet, after a pause, “I have a terrible confession to make. Your book—the poems of Wordsworth, which if you remember I took off your table just as we were starting, and certainly put in my pocket here—”

      “Is lost,” Hirst finished for him.

      “I consider that there is still a chance,” Hewet urged, slapping himself to right and left, “that I never did take it after all.”

      “No,” said Hirst. “It is here.” He pointed to his breast.

      “Thank God,” Hewet exclaimed. “I need no longer feel as though I’d murdered a child!”

      “I should think you were always losing things,” Helen remarked, looking at him meditatively.

      “I don’t lose things,” said Hewet. “I mislay them. That was the reason why Hirst refused to share a cabin with me on the voyage out.”

      “You came out together?” Helen enquired.

      “I propose that each member of this party now gives a short biographical sketch of himself or herself,” said Hirst, sitting upright. “Miss Vinrace, you come first; begin.”

      Rachel stated that she was twenty-four years of age, the daughter of a ship-owner, that she had never been properly educated; played the piano, had no brothers or sisters, and lived at Richmond with aunts, her mother being dead.

      “Next,” said Hirst, having taken

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