Imaginings of a Dark Mind. James C. Glass

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Imaginings of a Dark Mind - James C. Glass

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let’s go to trial so I can subpoena the contract and any other admissible documents I need for my case,” said Haug. “Your Honor, this is a possible felony case. I have the right to know if legal procedures were followed during and after the death of Helen Winslow, and if those procedures were indeed according to her will.”

      Judge Maxwell folded his hands in front of him, and looked down at Richard Camus. “The contract is admissible, counselor. Your patents are applied for, and protected under patent law. Why the resistance?”

      “I’ve just explained that, Your Honor,” said Camus.

      “I see. Well, let me explain something to you. I’m a simple man who likes simple solutions to problems. I’ve studied the briefs you gentlemen have submitted on behalf of your clients. The mystery is clear enough to justify further investigation at the least, and it seems to me we could learn a lot by having a look at that contract. We can learn even more by ordering the autopsy requested by Counselor Haug in his brief. Now, if I see nothing to substantiate a claim of Wrongful Death, there’s no reason to move forward with a long and expensive trial. We could all be home in time for lunch, so to speak. Showing us the contract makes a lot of sense, counselor. What do you think?”

      “I don’t want to set a new precedent, Your Honor,” said Camus. Arthur was pulling at the man’s sleeve, whispering something.

      “No precedents to be set, counselor. This is a hearing. We’re seeking evidence to justify a trial.”

      Haug and Blanche had been hastily conferring, and Blanche nodded her head.

      “Your Honor,” said Haug, “my client will not pursue a request for an autopsy and will drop her charges if she’s satisfied with the contents of her sister’s contract with Advanced Technologies.”

      Arthur and his attorneys conferred again, and there was obvious disagreement. Arthur slapped his hand on the table to emphasize a point. Finally, Camus cleared his throat and said, “We did not come prepared to show the contract, Your Honor, but we can have copies brought here if it’s absolutely necessary. We feel it’s in the interest of all parties to avoid the expense and publicity of a trial.”

      Judge Maxwell checked his watch. “It’s nearly ten. We will resume at one. I expect Counselor Haug will have at least an hour to study the contract and formulate his questions. One way or another, I hope we’re going to settle this today.” He smiled down on them all. “Coffee time,” he said, and banged his gavel lightly.

      * * * *

      “No wonder they didn’t want us to see it,” said Blanche. “This is not only outrageous, but obscene. Helen would never have agreed to this.”

      “You agree that’s her signature?”

      “Yes, it looks like it. Signatures can be forged, Randal.”

      “I doubt it here, Blanche. I think you’ll have to accept that Helen was involved as a subject for experimentation with Advanced Technologies before her death, and what’s happening now is an extension of that work.”

      “What work?”

      “Good question. Whatever it is has to be approved by Arthur Winslow, but otherwise, ‘my body can be used in any form or for any purpose within the AINI project.’ That’s both vague and specific. We have to find out what AINI means. It’s the only unknown. Otherwise, Helen has allowed them to do anything they want with her after her death.”

      “Then they brainwashed her to get her money. This AINI thing is probably part of it.”

      “We can still argue for an autopsy,” said Randal, “but my bet is she died the way they said she did. And seeing the contract hasn’t strengthened our case, Blanche; it’s weakened it. They’ve documented Helen’s total consent to the procedure. All we can do is try to show that consent was somehow forced out of her.”

      They were sitting on a bench outside the courtroom. Arthur came down the hall with his entourage behind him, and Blanche glared at him.

      Arthur broke away from the group. Camus made a grab for his arm, but missed. Arthur headed straight for Blanche. Randal stood up, prepared to defend her, but Arthur stopped short. His round face was flushed, and he posed angrily, hands on hips. Blanche had a sudden urge to laugh at him.

      “Well, I suppose you’re still not satisfied,” said Arthur.

      “We might be, if you tell us what the AINI project is,” said Randal.

      “That’s none of your business.”

      “It might be if it involves coercion and fraud. Let’s see what the judge thinks.”

      “Monster,” said Blanche, “you’ve been allowing experiments with the body of your own mother.”

      “You don’t know anything,” shouted Arthur. “Mother would be furious if she heard you say that!”

      Camus arrived, and pulled Arthur back. “You won’t accomplish anything by this. They don’t have a case,” he said.

      “We’ll see,” said Randal.

      Blanche smiled, pleased by Arthur’s boyish rage. “You always got away with tantrums when you didn’t get your way, dear. If you’d been mine, I wouldn’t have allowed it.”

      “How fortunate you weren’t able to have children,” snarled Arthur.

      “Arthur, please!” Camus pulled him away backwards by both arms.

      “No! This has to stop here. I’m going to have my AINI unit brought in for testimony. It’ll settle everything once and for all.”

      “The patents, Arthur. We can’t—”

      “The patents are filed, and the hearing is closed. If anything leaks to the press we’ll sue her for everything she has. Let me go!” Arthur twisted in Camus’ grip, and broke it.

      “Wait for me here. I need to make a private call.” Arthur turned to Blanche and pointed a shaking finger at her. “Now you’re going to get it!”

      Everyone was amazed as Arthur stormed away from them. For one instant, Randal Haug and Richard Camus were sympathetic colleagues. Randal shrugged his shoulders in dismay, and Camus said, “What can I do? The funding was his, and he has the authority. The board, of course, will blame me.”

      Randal shook his head sadly. Blanche was mystified by everything she’s just heard.

      Two hours later, she understood everything.

      * * * *

      “What’s all this?” asked Judge Maxwell, after he’d seated himself. He gestured at a large, black screen and computer console with projection system that had been set up along one wall of the courtroom. Two fisheye cameras mounted on the console pointed outwards into the room.

      “My client wishes to perform a demonstration he feels will clear up this entire matter, Your Honor,” said Camus.

      “Any objections to this, Counselor Haug?”

      “No, Your Honor. The only questions

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