The Blue Cat of Castle Town (A Newbery Honor Book). Catherine Cate Coblentz

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The Blue Cat of Castle Town (A Newbery Honor Book) - Catherine Cate Coblentz

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blue kitten? Why, I am just beginning.”

      The kitten did not like the tone. He lifted his head and stared across the river as though much interested in the bushes on the other side. “After all,” he said loftily, “I am the blue kitten. And I can learn some things for myself!”

      But the river went on as though it had not been interrupted.

      “There is a carpenter in Castle Town, a simple man, and no one knows him well. Yet he, like yourself, was born to the sound of the river’s singing. His father was a silversmith. And he sang the song well. But when he wanted to teach his son to work with silver, the son would not listen. Yet the sound of the river’s song is forever in the son’s ears. Perhaps you will meet this man.”

      “The name?” demanded the blue kitten, who was getting very weary. Besides the blue moon was moving toward the west. And when the moon should disappear, he understood—for his mother had warned him—he must have learned the river’s song. Blue moons come seldom in a kitten’s life. Or in anyone else’s for that matter.

      “The name is Thomas Royal Dake. His mother gave him the name Thomas. But his father insisted on Royal. That,” explained the river, “is a term applied to kings.”

      “But this man is only a carpenter.”

      “Only a carpenter,” agreed the river. It lingered over the syllables, as though it loved them.

      “Dake,” said the blue kitten. “Thomas.”

      “Royal,” added the river.

      “Umph,” sniffed the kitten. “Is there anyone else in Castle Town whom I should know?”

      “Well, there is a girl in Castle Town, who is not anything at all. She is not rich and she is not pretty. And she has an ugly name. She is lonely, for her mother is dead. I know nothing about her voice, but she has an ear for sounds. She listens to the wind, and to the gurgle of the brook, or so I am told. So, she might listen to you. She…”

      “We had better get on with the song,” said the blue kitten, not bothering to learn the girl’s name. For the moon had passed its zenith.

      “Oh, well,” groaned the river, “there are some things, small kitten, which as you say, you must learn for yourself. Most certainly you will have a hard time. But it is not my fault—not really!”

      Now, the blue kitten of Castle Town was smarter than most. Of course being blue had something to do with it. So by the time the blue moon took its last look across the valley before slipping out of sight, the blue kitten had learned all the river’s song, that song as old as the world itself. For the Creator of All Things was the first to sing it.

      Only as he was leaving, the river said a trifle contemptuously, “After all, you may turn out to be only an ordinary cat.”

      “An ordinary cat!” Sniff, went the blue kitten who had learned the river’s song. “An ordinary cat!” The very idea!

      In the dawn his mother was waiting for him by the haycock. She washed his face for the last time, taking good care that his ears were clean. Pink ears are so becoming to a blue cat. She looked thoughtfully at his fine, long, white whiskers and at the eyebrows which sprouted up like two small fountains above his amber eyes. She approved of the softness and whiteness of his waistcoat. That was the result of a good diet. The very last thing she did was to count the black hairs on the end of his tail.

      “After all,” she said then thoughtfully, “you may turn out to be an ordinary cat.”

      Then the blue kitten, who didn’t for an instant believe these words, walked proudly out of the meadow. Even before the sun rose he was on his way to Castle Town to find a mortal who would listen to his singing and would learn the river’s song. And he was, the blue kitten assured himself, he was the blue kitten. And some day he would be the blue cat. That was not an ordinary thing. Not by any manner of means! Pssst! The idea!

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