Mystery Rides the Rails. Gilbert A. Lathrop

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Mystery Rides the Rails - Gilbert A. Lathrop

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name is Joe Jutton, sir.”

      “I’m glad to know you, Joe. For a fellow who looks as young as you, you do a mighty fine job of handling a train.”

      “Thank you,” grinned Joe.

      Mr. Buckel turned on his heel and strode back toward the depot. Joe watched him. He saw Mr. Orest meet him, shake hands warmly, and walk toward town with him. Joe pulled off his cap and looked across at Tubby.

      “No wonder Mr. Orest sent us that message today,” he said. “They’re good friends!”

      “Friendth ith thomething to have,” said Tubby.

      That evening while Joe and Tubby were sitting in the lobby of their rooming house, Mr. Orest entered. His eyes shone with happiness and his face was wreathed in a wide smile. He greeted them warmly, then with a nod toward the stairway leading to Joe’s room, said,

      “I’d like to talk to you both in private.”

      Joe led the way. He opened the door to his room, stepped inside, and turned on a light. Mr. Orest and Tubby followed, Tubby closing the door at his back.

      “I’ve got some great news for both of you,” began Mr. Orest excitedly.

      Both gazed at him questioningly.

      He looked directly at Joe. “Since you’ve already had occasion to meet him, I’ll not need to tell you about him,” began Mr. Orest. “Mr. Buckel, owner of the Sunnyside Smelter, rode up with you today. He told me how he complimented you on the wonderful run you gave him. He was very lavish in his expressions of appreciation toward the Silver Town Northern, its owner, and its engine crew. But that is not the best.” Mr. Orest paused.

      “Nothing could be much better,” said Joe.

      “You’re wrong there,” smiled Mr. Orest. He lowered his voice. “I’ve worried a great deal since coming to open enmity with Anson Weird and Mr. Flint. You see, the slightest mishap on our parts might cause a foreclosure of that mortgage on the line. So it has caused me much uneasiness. Today all of my fears were laid to rest. Mr. Buckel agreed to advance me the funds necessary to pay the mortgage off in full. He will carry it until such time as I am able to pay him. He will also advance me enough additional to purchase two new engines and some very much needed rolling stock, such as coal and box cars. I will be able to improve our road bed, probably lay heavier rails, replace rotting crossties—”

      Joe was on his feet, eyes shining. Tubby began doing a clumsy dance around the room.

      Outside, in the dark hallway, a crouched figure who had stood with ear pressed against the keyhole straightened and faded on silent feet into the darkness.

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