Fuse. Sally Partridge

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Fuse - Sally Partridge

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when he got home. Besides, he found the rest of the students at Percy Fitzpatrick poor company anyway. Why would he want to hang out with someone who teased him about the way he acted or looked?

      So Kendall spent every break in the library reading books or listening to his brother’s iPod. He kept out of the way of other students, and it suited him fine.

      That’s why it came as a surprise when a boy he didn’t know asked if he could sit down next to him one afternoon during break as he was listening to music in the library. Kendall was instantly suspicious.

      “What do you want?” he asked, giving the new arrival the once-over.

      The boy had black hair tucked behind his ears. He wore a spiked dog collar underneath his shirt and black nail polish on his bitten fingernails. Bad idea in this place, Kendall thought to himself. I give him a week.

      “Was just wondering what you were listening to,” the boy said in what he probably thought was a nonchalant way.

      “Why?” Kendall asked bluntly, not caring if he sounded rude.

      “Trying to make friends,” the boy shrugged.

      “Well, if you’re trying to make friends in this place, you’re getting off to a bad start talking to me.” And wearing that collar, thought Kendall.

      The boy laughed.

      “I’m Craig,” he said. He didn’t extend his hand to shake, but shoved both hands in his pants pockets instead.

      Nicely done, thought Kendall, I would have done the same.

      “I’m Kendall. I’m listening to Hellfire. It’s a black metal band from Norway.”

      “Yeah, I know, I just downloaded their latest album. I was hoping you’d like the same bands as me, actually.”

      Kendall’s eyes lit up. “Really?” He took another look at the boy and wondered if maybe, just maybe, there was a kindred spirit standing before him. He lowered his defensive walls a fraction and smiled.

      Craig took the smile as an invitation and sat down.

      “You in grade eleven?”


      “Awesome, me too. What other bands do you like?”

      “Well,” Kendall began …

      And the child who had never had a friend in his life found that it was easy to talk to someone after all. Later that day while Justin and Kendall were walking, Justin asked, “Who was that weirdo I saw you talking to today? The guy with the collar.”

      Kendall’s cheeks flushed. “Craig. He’s new in school.”

      “Be careful of that guy, he looks a bit odd.”

      Kendall stopped walking and glared at his brother. “Why, because he wears a collar? You can be such a jerk sometimes. I think he’s pretty cool.”

      Justin stared at Kendall with his mouth open. “What’s wrong with you?”

      “Nothing. What’s wrong with me wanting to have a friend?”

      Justin irritably swept his fringe out of his face and pulled his brother aside as a couple of girls walked past. “I just don’t think he’s the right person for you, that’s all.”

      Kendall looked at his brother in disbelief. He couldn’t work out whether Justin was trying to be protective or mean. “Why?”

      Justin frowned, causing his fringe to fall over his eyes again. “Look, I’m only saying be careful of the guy, that’s all. I wouldn’t be your brother if I didn’t tell you stuff like that.”

      Kendall managed a smile. “Yeah, okay.”

      Justin grinned and shoved Kendall affectionately. “On the other hand, it’s about time you started speaking to other people. I’ve been telling you that forever.”

      “Yeah, yeah.”

      “Too bad it had to be that guy.”

      Kendall rolled his eyes.

      “Okay, sorry,” Justin grinned.

      In the library

      Craig caught up with Kendall the next day during break as he was making his way towards the library. “Hey, Kendall!” he called, rushing up behind him.

      Kendall spun round, his shoulders automatically tensing up at the mention of his name. He relaxed once he saw that it was Craig.

      The boy was still wearing the dog collar under his shirt and his hair was hanging messily around his face. Kendall thought he looked cool, but a girl nudged her companion and pointed at Craig as he passed. Kendall’s insides burned and he felt instantly protective of his new-found friend.

      “What’s up?” Kendall asked. The words sounded weird coming from him and he twisted his fingers together nervously. He wasn’t sure whether he could trust Craig; after all, they had only met the day before.

      His brother’s words floated through his mind and he felt his throat become dry as he swallowed compulsively. There was something about Craig that Kendall couldn’t quite put his finger on. The new boy had his hands in his pockets and was attempting to act anything but nervous, even though he had rushed to the library to find Kendall.

      “I have the new Hellfire CD with me. Would you like to listen to it?” he asked.


      “Yeah, you want to?” Craig offered eagerly.

      Kendall wanted to, more than anything. He repressed the smile that was forcing its way to the surface, and tried to remain cool.

      “Sure,” he replied.

      Craig grinned and followed Kendall inside.

      They made their way to the back row of the library, and sat cross-legged on the floor where they were safely hidden from view by the large shelf containing the dusty books on philosophy where no student would be caught dead browsing. Each boy plugged an iPod earpiece into an ear.

      “This is really great,” Kendall said. “I listened to their previous album about a hundred times. I knew about this one, but I don’t really have money of my own.” He blushed and immediately regretted revealing such personal details about himself.

      “I know what you mean,” Craig answered, with a hint of bitterness.

      Kendall glanced at Craig and a million questions hovered. “You just move here?”

      Craig looked pained for a second. “Yeah, my mom and I have just moved to Shortridge.”

      “Shortridge. That’s like a business district, right? I didn’t know they had houses there. What’s it like over there?”

      “They have apartments,” Craig said curtly.

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