Desert Prisoner. Andrea Abbott

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Desert Prisoner - Andrea Abbott

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      Desert prisoner

      Andrea Abbott



      Leo didn’t see the scorpion until he was almost upon it. Longer than his hand and burnt-orange like the desert sand all round, it squatted in the measly shade of a shrivelled-up shrub. When Leo jumped down from a nearby rock, it wheeled round, startled, the sudden movement giving it away. With its tail arched high over its body, it fixed him with a sinister stare. The warning was clear: Come closer at your peril!

      Leo stood dead still. The scorpion’s tail was thick with a hook-like sting at the tip. In contrast, its pincers were thin and weak-looking.

      It was not a scorpion to mess with.

      Thick tail and weak pincers mean strong venom. Get stung by that kind of scorpion and it’s curtains for you. This was the advice Dawie had given Leo when they arrived in Namibia a week ago at the start of ABSO: the Annual Big Sky Odyssey.

      At twelve and a half, Leo was no fool. He backed away. “Okay. You can drop that tail. I’m out of here.” He climbed onto a rock and watched the deadly creature drop its tail then skim across the sand and disappear down a burrow.

      Directly overhead, the noon sun beat down from a cloudless sky. It burned the back of Leo’s neck, his arms and legs, and smothered the land with its savage fire power. Nothing moved; no sound, save for Leo’s own breathing, interrupted the silence. The air had given up too. As still as stone, it might have died. Alone in that great silence at the bottom of that red-hot hill in the middle of the Namib Desert, Leo felt like he was the last living thing on Earth.

      It gave him the creeps.

      He started back to join the others. They were on the other side of the hill, eating their lunch. When he’d left them a little while ago, they were slumped against the Land Rovers in a thin strip of shade. It was the sensible thing to do, he knew, but also as boring as watching paint dry. And so he had decided to explore the high and rocky hill. The heat hadn’t bothered him at first but now, as he climbed back up to the top, the burning rocks scorched his hands and seared his bare legs, and his head pounded under that relentless sun.

      Near the top, there was relief. A breeze had come up. It danced over the ridge to fan Leo, tugging at his peaked cap and blowing sand into his face. He pulled his cap down tight and tucked his head in. Cresting the hill a minute later, he looked down.

      Far below, to his right, he saw the others packing the lunch things into the two Land Rovers. He made out the well-built form and blonde hair of Dawie who was picking up the cool box. And there, waving her arms about, was Treasure. She was probably signalling up to Leo, making sure he was okay which she’d been doing a lot all week. It drove him crazy. What does she think could happen to me? he thought.

      As he was about to start down the hill, he noticed a rust-brown haze to the south of the picnic spot. It was a long way off and at first sight could have been a bank of clouds, or fog. But it seemed to rise up from the ground. It was moving too, like dust behind a car on a dirt road. Yet it was bigger than that, stretching all the way across the plain and coming his way.

      While Leo stood puzzling over the strange sight, the breeze suddenly grew stronger. He felt the sting of sand and grit on his arms and legs. Only then did he understand what he was looking at.

      A sand storm!

      “I’d better get back down fast,” he said and began scrambling down the rocks.

      He was still a long way from the bottom when the whisper of the wind changed to a whistle. Above it came another, very different sound: a throaty, mechanical noise. The noise of engines.

      The Land Rovers were driving away!

      * * *

      Treasure, the vice president of the Astronomy Club, was the first to notice the wind. She stood up to stretch and felt it whipping over the bonnet of the Land Rover. “Sand storm!” she said, waving her arms in dismay when she saw an ominous, rusty-brown cloud on the southern horizon. “It’s coming this way!”

      The others scrambled to their feet. “Jeepers!” said Victor, shielding his eyes and looking toward the skyline. “It’s a big one.”

      “Let’s get out of here fast!” shouted Dawie, the president of the club. He picked up a cool box and threw it into the back of the Land Rover he’d been driving. “If we get caught up in it, we’ll miss our plane.”

      Water bottles, another cool box, oranges, towels and rugs they’d been sitting on, a pair of flip-flops Cass had kicked off, a magazine, a hat, a pillow – all were hurled any old how into the two vehicles. In the same frenzied way, everyone threw themselves in too, except for Humphrey who was going after his cap . . . without much luck. The wind, gusting ever stronger, was carrying it away faster than even the athletic Humphrey could run.

      “Forget it, Humph,” yelled Dawie through his window. He revved the engine. “Let’s go!” He slammed the vehicle into gear and set off along the narrow track back to the road.

      Next to him, Treasure looked in the wing mirror. She saw Eva, the driver of the second Land Rover, leaning out of the window and beckoning to Humphrey.

      Throwing his hands up in defeat, Humphrey turned and sprinted back. He dived in beside Eva just as she gunned the motor and sped off behind the others.

      * * *

      “Hey!” yelled Leo. “Wait for me.” Slipping and sliding, dislodging loose stones, grazing his knees and shins against the rocks, he stumbled down the hill. By the time he reached the bottom, the others were a long way down the track.

      Leo was left in a cloud of dust. “Wait!” he shouted again and raced after them.

      It had to be a big joke. Any minute now, they would stop.

      “It’s not funny!” he yelled when they didn’t.

      He ran faster, taking giant strides, but the gap between him and the Land Rovers kept widening. All too soon, they were two green specks in the shimmering heat haze that hovered above the desert.

      It was no joke. The Astronomy Club had forgotten him. So much for Treasure’s concern for him all week! Where was that now? He stopped and leapt into the air, waving his arms. Someone might be looking out of the back window and would see him.

      The vehicles vanished.

      Breathing heavily, sweat pouring down his face, he started after them again. They’ll come back. Someone will see I’m not there. At any moment, there would be a glint of metal that would be the Land Rovers returning.

      He ran on, his eyes focussed on the far distance, watching for that glint. They must have noticed by now, he kept telling himself.

      But even if they had noticed, it was soon too late, for the pandemonium of sand and grit was suddenly upon him. It overtook him, blasting him, choking him, blinding him.

      * * *

      Arriving at the road at last, Dawie floored the accelerator. Treasure gripped the dashboard as they hurtled along at a dangerous speed. She glanced back. Through a gap in the heap of luggage and astronomy equipment,

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