Love's courage. Mokopi Shale

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Love's courage - Mokopi Shale

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Lesego coos, “I have to go,” flashing a smug look at him that says, “Was I right, or was I right?” He gives her a confused look and is about to tell her that she is wrong, when Thandi’s red nails clasp his arm and she cuddles up close to him, batting her eyelashes.

      Lesego laughs at Kenneth, causing Thandi to clench her jaw in irritation, wondering if she is laughing at her. “Sorry, private joke. Your move,” Lesego says to Kenneth and gives him a wink. “Nice to meet you,” she bids Thandi farewell and walks off.

      She looks like a model on a runway, but it’s no affectation; that’s just the way Lesego moves. Kenneth can’t help but check out her rear and he looks mightily impressed. Thandi snorts. He glances down her bony figure and thinks: A girl needs to eat now and then. But out loud he says, “Shall we go?”

      Kenneth and Thandi head for the door. When they pass the counter, Lesego glances their way and exchanges another cheeky grin with him. She sighs and under her breath she sings to herself, “Pom-pom-pom . . . Another one bites the dust!”

      * * *

      Later that afternoon Lesego is lying on a lounging chair in her garden, wearing a bright green bikini and orange sarong, reading her book and listening to Marvin Gaye, when her phone’s message tone goes off. She picks it up and reads:

      It’s not what you think, smarty-pants. Kenny.

      She smiles, then replies:

      Hao! You don’t have to explain anything to me. I’m not your girlfriend, just a woman who’ll give you what you want.

      She adds a cute emoticon at the end of the sentence, and as she waits for a delivery report, she saves his number into her phone.

      He responds:

      Cheeky! . . . I think the other one’s a stalker. She has just started working at our offices and we met up by chance last night when I was out with the boys. She somehow found out where I lived and showed up wearing very little. The only way I could get rid of her was to take her out to lunch.

      Without missing a beat, Lesego shoots back:

      Ao, you don’t have to explain. That’s what you get for going out with an anorexic. The starvation affects their reasoning abilities.

      Kenneth bursts out laughing where he is lying on his couch, facing the garden with his large glass doors open, the Saturday paper in his lap, listening to Marvin Gaye. He types:

      Lol. I told you I’m not seeing her. When can I see you though? Find you fascinating.

      Lesego answers:

      I’m a bit hectic at the mo and haven’t had enough time to assess whether you’re a serial killer. So you’ll have to prove you’re worthy of my trust before I agree to see you.

      Ahhh! The lady’s been burned. Okay, what would convince you?’

      If I told you, you would do it, but you may still be a serial killer. You’ll have to find a way yourself.

      Fair enough. What you up to?

      She replies:

      Reading the book that introduced us. What serendipity. It’s like our ancestors conspired to introduce us to each other, using our culture as the connector.

      Interesting thought. What would that mean then? That we are fated to be together? Are you hitting on me?

      He smiles while adding a devil emoticon at the end of the message.

      No, I’m not trying to say we were fated to meet. But maybe we’ll learn things from each other before we part ways. Like I said, I’m not looking for a long-term commitment.

      So what? You only want me for my hot body?

      She grins and writes:

      And if I was?

      You can have it. I know I want you for your hot body.

      Is that all then? Just sex?

      Wow, you’re blunt. No, I find you fascinating, and hot as well. Maybe you’re the full package I’ve been looking for.

      This time he adds a smiling emoticon.

      She feels a little flattered but quickly suppresses that and writes back:

      Whoa, cowboy! Watch yourself before you promise things you can’t deliver on. I didn’t think you were impulsive. You seem so calculated.

      Some opportunities only come once, so you have to strike while the iron’s hot. And you’re one red-hot iron. And I hate regrets. I’d regret never knowing.

      Sweet, but I bet you say this to all the girls. I’m going now before you make me melt and break all my rules. Don’t SMS me, I’m off. Later.

      The sudden ring of her phone makes Lesego start. The screen says Kenneth and she laughs, tickled by his persistence. She lets it ring a few times more before she answers and says, “I said I was going now.”

      “Yes, you said I shouldn’t SMS you; you didn’t say I shouldn’t call. Plus I wanted to hear your voice.”

      “Ijoo, you’re dangerous! I have to watch myself. So, what did you want to say?” she asks, trying to sound blunt.

      “Well – nothing, really . . . I wanted to see what effect your voice would have on me, and whether your being would touch my soul,” he says seriously.

      “What? Are you gay? You must be . . . What heterosexual male says such things?”

      “One who knows who he is and isn’t afraid to express himself.”

      “Okaaayyy . . . Uhm . . .”

      “Are you speechless?”

      “Yes, frankly,” she says, stunned. “So, tell me . . . Did my being touch your soul?”

      “Uhm . . . Your voice went straight to the centre of my being. There’s something about you that I can’t put my finger on, and I’m determined to find out what it is. When can I see you? Let’s have dinner together.”

      “It doesn’t seem like a good idea for me to have dinner with you. You may make me fall in love with you, and a guy as hot as you never sticks around for long. So I don’t think I can agree to seeing you.”

      “Bathong! Lesego! How can you decide just like that?”

      “I’m sorry, I tend to think ahead, to weigh the pros and cons and possible outcomes of all situations that I get into. And unfortunately this doesn’t bode well for me.”

      “But you’re the one who isn’t looking for a long-term thing. Anyway, it’s just dinner in good company.”

      “Why dinner? So you can seduce me? Why not lunch? Or even breakfast?”

      “What? You think I won’t try and seduce you over breakfast or lunch?”


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