Wish upon a Star. Fezi Cokile

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Wish upon a Star - Fezi Cokile

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Her body, so silky and slim: a temple to be worshipped. It had been quite some time since he had paid this much attention to a woman. He couldn’t recall when last someone had awoken such intense desire in him.

      When the microwave announced that his food was ready, Siso moved from his laptop and went to take it out. The aroma of the steamy meal caused his stomach to rumble. When he went back to his laptop and to Lathoya’s pictures, it hit him that his house needed a woman. And of course, that made him think even more about the woman on his screen.

      There had to be a reason why he’d met Lathoya. And the reason that came to his mind was that this supermodel should become his wife. Perhaps his ancestors were at last offering him the right woman. He sat down on a tall metallic stool and got himself some cutlery. This time he wanted more than just a relationship. He wanted marriage. Anyway, his mother and father had been nagging him about taking a wife for a long time now.

      “Siso, I want abazukulwana. When are you going to give them to me?” his mother would keep on asking whenever he visited. Yes, his parents wanted grandchildren and he wanted a wife.

      Once he had finished eating and finally worked through the sample of the next issue, Siso went to his bedroom, where his empty bed awaited him. He cursed under his breath, swearing that the sweet, beautiful Lathoya would soon find herself under those sheets. And he knew exactly how to make that happen!

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