Dreams and Desires. Louise Make

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Dreams and Desires - Louise Make

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      To Rose, my beloved Bobba,

      who awakened vibrant dreams in my heart.

      My greatest joy lies in chasing each one.


      It is your heart I long for.

      It is you I must know.

      Fire emanates from your core,

      A fierce passion lights your soul.

      This is the love I must own.

      Only your heart and no more.

      Moyomhle hugged her pillow a little closer as she slowly came out of her dream.

      It was a dream she knew well because it visited her frequently. At first she’d tried to decipher its significance, but after a few years she no longer felt that need. She thought of it as an enchanted visitation and chose to cherish the feeling of fulfilment it always brought her.

      Each time the dream came, the scenes were different. Only the feelings were the same – the sense of being with . . . someone very special. Though she’d never seen his face, she felt his strength and warmth.

      Her alarm clock’s radio started singing some inane pop song. She rolled over with a grim sigh and switched it off. Thankfully, it was a Friday.

      “No more movie watching until the early hours of the morning during the week,” she pledged out loud to herself as she trudged past the DVD covers stacked beside her bed, “no matter how romantic the story or how handsome the leading actor.”

      The features editor of a magazine publication as major as Quest was meant to set a disciplined example as an unflappable woman. Not a silly romantic who developed crushes on every hero in every love story or soppy movie. Nor a hopeless dreamer who couldn’t stop fantasising, thanks to a nightly phantom visitor whose face she’d never seen.

      “No more movies, no more fantasies.” Moya was practically singing her new mantra by the time she finished her shower.

      She inspected her reflection in the mirror. She used to wish she looked more like the perfect heroines in the novels and movies she devoured, but she’d long since grown out of that phase.

      Her eyes were large and dark, giving her a guileless look that was difficult to glamourise – even with the smoky make-up a women’s talk show host had once recommended. Her hair was in neat cornrows that made her facial bone structure more striking.

      She’d put on some weight since university and could no longer wear some of her favourite old clothes, but her skin had remained flawless over the years. It was still smooth and chocolate-coloured, the one feature that had her daring to believe she might in fact be beautiful.

      An SMS came in as she left the bathroom. Moya smiled when she saw her brother’s name.

      Thanks again for offering to throw us a baby shower in Dec. Kay’s very excited. You’re the best sister ever. Lucky for you, I’m the best brother ever. LOL. Love you, Sam

      She was about to reply when her phone rang.

      Moya lifted a surprised eyebrow when she noted her office number on the display. She wasn’t due at work for another hour and a half. She’d hoped to spend the time in between putting the ready-made waffles she’d bought to a taste test. The late-April mornings in Cape Town were still surprisingly warm and eating waffles while watching the sun rise from beyond the ocean would’ve been just the treat she needed.

      Hesitantly she answered the phone. “Hello?”

      “You won’t believe what’s just happened!”

      Moya’s lips twisted in concern. “Lindi, what’s up? You do know I was going to come in early today to prepare for the photo shoot, right? Couldn’t this have waited until then?”

      All in one breath her assistant told her the morning’s horror story.

      The male model they had booked for the day’s shoot was in hospital due to dire food poisoning and not likely to recover for days. The other models Moya had shortlisted weren’t available at such short notice and Ella, their female model, was already in make-up. They had to work a miracle – they had to find a male stand-in for the two final scenes and get him there by the time Ella completed her solo shots. If they didn’t, Ella would leave for her next booking, and another costly shoot would have to be scheduled.

      Moya exhaled heavily as she pulled out the first thing her hand touched in her closet, a simple white dress. “I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

      * * *

      By eight o’clock Moya was beginning to panic. The shoot was meant to start at nine, but they still had no male model. Ella was dressed and on set. Moya needed to conjure up a partner for her – and fast.

      She crossed her fingers and said a quick prayer before dialling the cell number of one of her colleagues. “Please pick up . . .” she muttered below her breath.

      The call was answered after a few seconds. “Hello?”

      “Thandi, please don’t slaughter me for calling you during your holiday, but I’m in the middle of an emergency here. Please-please-please send me any contact details you have for male models.”

      “Moya? You aren’t serious . . .?” Thandi’s voice was so groggy no one would’ve guessed her to be the no-nonsense fashion editor of Quest magazine. “What could possibly have gone wrong this early?”

      “It’s serious and desperate!”

      There was a sigh and a soft chuckle at the other end.

      After a minute of thinking Thandi said, “I might be able to help you, depending on the look you want.”

      Moya perked up. “Tall, black and in good shape. Preferably someone in his early thirties, because the article is targeted at women juggling corporate careers and a cosy home life. So I need a man who looks attractive but old enough to be settled down.”

      “Okay . . .” After some fumbling, Thandi was back on the line. “I can cover your requirements and I also know that the man I have in mind is available today. He has some time off.”

      Moya jumped up, squealing. “You are an absolute angel!”

      “I’m pretty sure I could talk him into doing a shoot.”

      “Why would you need to talk him into it? Every model I know would love doing a large spread like this one.”

      “Well . . . he’s not a model. He’s a friend of mine and the sales manager at a car dealership. But trust me when I tell you the camera will adore him.”

      Moya paced in front of her large desk. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea to go with a novice, Thandi. What if he’s camera-shy?”

      “He won’t be. He’s really comfortable in his own skin – charisma oozes out of this guy, darling.”


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