Love Slave. Jennifer Spiegel

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Love Slave - Jennifer Spiegel

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      You don't only come to New

      York for the bright lights, do

      you? You want the graphic

      apparition, the wake-up call, the

      embodiment of harsh reality in

      individuals at odds with the

      world. Isn't it nice to know

      someone's taking a stand

      against the status quo? I came

      to New York— in part— to

      witness that.

      I look pretty normal. Average

      height, average weight. I had

      braces. I've been on Accutane.

      Diets have ravaged my insides.

      I don't wear two-piece

      swimsuits in public. I have

      pretty good cheekbones.

      Occasionally, I'll catch a man

      checking me out. I'm all for

      liposuction if one has the

      funds. I've flirted with getting a

      tattoo. I'd secretly like to wear a

      ring in my eyebrow. Maybe I'll

      get colored contact lenses


      I guess I just don't look like a

      freak. This has been a tough

      realization for me. I mean, I feel

      for freaks; I empathize with

      them. But I need to financially

      support myself too.

      Actually, I'm jealous. There's

      something brave about

      nonconformity. Sure, you've got

      that whole contingent of spooky

      freaks out for attention. But

      there are others, others bent on

      creative eccentricity— those who

      dream of revolution, social

      upheaval. The heart of a freak

      may be a pure heart. This makes

      me believe grandeur is really


      Didn't you come to New York to

      find a pure heart?

      When I first moved to

      Manhattan, a pigeon crapped on

      my head. Settling into the

      Village, everything made me

      very, very nervous. All those

      people, many of them hip. Fear

      of economic opportunity,

      ideological redundancy,

      philosophical paralysis, a

      multitude of fashion no-nos.

      What next? I knew I didn't

      belong. I had no AC and it was

      August. Because my linens were

      still packed, I slept flat on my

      back on a bare mattress— no

      doubt fraught with invisible

      bedbugs and body lice. It was so

      noisy you'd think the St.

      Patrick's Day Parade was taking

      place on a summer night on

      the street below. I missed every

      ex-boyfriend who'd ever cheated

      on me, and I desperately wanted

      my mommy.

      When the sun finally rose on

      that fateful first Manhattan day,

      I went for a walk, determined to

      find the Strand Book Store and a

      good cup of coffee.

      I sat on a bench near the dog

      run in Washington Square Park

      with an okay cup of decaf. While

      I watched the city dogs frolic

      like they were free in the

      Catskills, a pigeon took a dump

      on my head.

      Befuddled and frightened, I

      headed home. I was on the verge

      of tears. New York hated me.

      The dogs were indifferent to my

      suffering. Even the birds

      despised my very presence. I

      trudged off, knowing the crap

      was hardening on my hair,

      knowing a shampoo polemic

      awaited me at home, if home it

      were. I tried to saunter; I

      waddled: crap on the brain.

      Then, the freaks!

      A guy with a stack of pancakes

      tattooed on the top of his bald

      head. Another dude with safety-

      pinned features and a t-shirt


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