Sharp edges. S.A. Partridge

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Sharp edges - S.A. Partridge

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style="font-size:15px;">      “Hey!” I shout, but there’s no one left to hear me.

      I try to pull my arms free, but what little strength I had is gone. I grit my teeth and ball my fists, but it’s no use. I move my head left and right, but the room is bare of anything that could help me. There’s not even a sheet on my bed or a pillow under my head. This must be where they keep the crazies.

      It’s not fair that I’m tied down and drugged while James is free to go. I’ve lost everything. Everything! He doesn’t even care. He can walk out of here and carry on with his life. What’s left for me? Nothing!

      I peer at the blood blackening my knuckles. I could have killed him. I should have. The thought brings me little comfort. It doesn’t change anything. She’s still gone, he’s still here. I’m still lost.

      Eventually my body stops fighting. The drug is starting to kick in, mixing with the medication already flooding my system. I watch the peeling ceiling heave in and out, feeling my chest rise and fall slowly. My breathing is shallow. The dream is close now. I can almost smell the sea.

      My eyelids begin to droop. In the distance I can hear the roar of the ocean.

      Demi, if you’re there, I want you to know that I love you.

      Water begins to seep through the gap under the door, spreading to form a darkening pool. I watch as it drips through the keyhole, sweats down the wood in tiny rivulets. Waves tap at the windows, washing away the grime and bird crap that’s encrusted the glass over the years.

      My breath weakens, escaping from my lips in icy gusts. My eyelids close. It takes a lifetime for them to open again. When they do, she’s here, floating in the water in front of me. She’s never been this close. I can see the oceans in her eyes, the universe in her pupils.

      She reaches for my hand. I fight my bonds and this time they give. I rise up and slowly extend my hand. With the other I pull from my pocket the silver charm bracelet which I was supposed to have given her on her birthday. The little heart floats up, the tiny diamond inside twinkling.

      There’s no deluge to separate us this time. In the eternity it takes for me to reach her, I let go of my hatred for James, the pain I’ve been holding onto for days. She’s the only thing that matters.

      Our fingers touch, and with that I sink into oblivion.

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