English for Life Learner's Book Grade 4 Home Language. Lynne Southey

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English for Life Learner's Book Grade 4 Home Language - Lynne Southey English for Life

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discrimination (2)

      (b) racist (2)

      (c) sexist (2)

      (d) ageist (2)

      (e) derogatory (2)

      3. In the first column in the box below are words that are not polite to use when referring to people. Provide a more polite description in the second column. You may need to change the meaning.


      Note: Stereotyping occurs when we generalise about someone or something, for example, if we say that all Muslim women wear headscarves or all slender people have Aids. We should not use stereotypes but rather look at the individual we are referring to.


      A drama or play is written to be acted on the stage. It is usually divided into acts and scenes. It gives a list of the characters and the props or stage properties that are to be placed on the stage. The words in italics describe the setting. The words each character speaks are written after the name of that character. The part in italics in brackets indicates what the actor should do. They are not spoken. Usually actors have to memorise the words they are to speak so that they can act out the drama in front of an audience. In the following activity you are going to read a one-act drama. This activity should cover three periods.


      1. Get into groups of four. Each will read a part of the following drama. Make sure that the person who plays the lion is a good reader.

      Evening. Outside in the veld. Lion, Leopard and Zebra are sitting on the front left-hand side of the stage. They are talking to each other, but not to the Mantis. African music which is slowly fading away is playing.

Lion (Throws his arms excitedly up in the air): Are you ready for a story?
Leopard: Yes! Yes!
Zebra: Me too. I also want to hear a story!
Lion (laughing loudly): Alright then! Let me tell you a story that the San people often tell their children.
Zebra: (jumps up): I’m burning with curiosity. What is the name of the story?
Lion: (Takes a deep breath) This is the story of the mantis and the moon. Come closer, and listen carefully. There was once a mantis who had very big dreams.
Mantis steps on stage. He looks around him, poking about here and there. The moon slowly rises over the mountains.
Mantis (watches the moon and sighs dreamily): Wow, just look at how breathtaking the moon looks tonight! Silver … and radiant … Just as it was last night. (calls out) Hello, moon! (Waits, but the moon does not reply) Oh, he never answers. It is probably because he has no mouth. (gazes at the moon and sighs loudly) It is so very beautiful – like goat’s milk in a calabash. How I wish that the moon belonged to me!
Leopard and Zebra: But that cannot be!
Lion: Yes, and that is where the trouble started.
Mantis: If the moon were mine, I could sit on its back. Every evening, I could travel across the whole sky. All the animals would see me and say: ‘That mantis is truly amazing. Look at him riding on the moon. And he does not even fall off!’ (laughs happily)
Lion: And then, the mantis came up with a plan.
Mantis: I will find a way to catch the moon. Yes, yes! I will catch him, and then he will belong to me.
Mantis leaps into the air and tries to reach the moon.
Lion: But the mantis soon realised that it would not be so easy. His wings were too short … and far too weak to allow him to fly all the way to the moon to catch it. He had to devise another plan.
Moon sets, Sun rises
Leopard: Ah!
Lion: The mantis waited impatiently for the day to pass so that the moon would rise again.
Mantis keeps looking up into the sky. From time to time he yawns.
Zebra: He must have been exhausted!
Lion: Yes, Zebra, he must have been. And so, much later, darkness started to fall.
Sun sets, Moon rises
Lion: Slowly but surely, the moon slipped out from behind the mountains …
Mantis (excited): There he is! The moon … My moon!
The moon moves behind a camel thorn tree.
Mantis: Aha! Look! The moon is trapped in the camel thorn tree! Now I will get my hands on him. (runs nearer, tries to take the moon out of the tree) Come to me, you beautiful thing.
Leopard: But it did not work.
Lion: Snatch it. (laughs) Then the moon moved towards the baobab tree. The mantis tried again, and again when the moon moved behind an acacia tree, and then into a baobab.
Moon moves to a baobab and then to an acacia tree and then to a camel thorn tree, with Mantis trying each time to grasp it.
Zebra: But that didn’t work either.
Lion: The poor little green creature was dog-tired by now.
Moon sets, Sun rises
Lion: The following day, the mantis frantically tried to come up with a new plan.
Mantis stands with his back to the audience. He laughs sneakily while he is making something.
Mantis (turning round showing a noose): Look at my clever noose! I wove it out of long blades of grass. I will catch the moon with this. (laughs heartily)
Sun sets, Moon rises. Mantis tries to catch the moon with his noose, but it does not work.
Zebra: I am starting to feel sorry for the mantis!
The moon sets. The sun rises. Mantis walks around, dragging his feet.
Lion: The mantis was also feeling very sorry for himself. But then, he found something strange …
Mantis (picks up a toy made of a reed, a feather and a stone): What is this? The San children were probably playing with it … and then forgot it here. (He throws it up into the air several times. It spins back down to the ground.) This is wonderful! I could throw it at the moon … and it would twist around the moon … and bring the moon back with it when it falls to earth.
Sun sets. Moon rises. Mantis watches the moon expectantly, the looks at the toy in his hand.
Lion (mysteriously): I wonder – will the mantis finally catch the silvery moon? What do you think?
Zebra: Yes! He will!
Leopard: Oh no, it’s a stupid plan, Zebra.
Lion: The mantis does not think so. He waits for the right moment … and then!
Mantis hurls the toy into the air, directly at the moon. It spins back to earth.
Lion: The mantis collapses next to the pool of water. But wait! What does he see there?
Mantis(rubs his eyes, then becomes very excited): Can this really be? There is the moon, lying right here in the water! (grabs at the moon’s reflection over and over) Come to me you wondrous thing. (looks at his empty hands dismayed) Why can’t I touch you? You are ugly! (picks up a rock and throws it into the water)
Zebra and Leopard:
Lion: A terrible thing happens next. When the stone hits the water, the moonlight shatters into a thousand pieces.
Mantis (clutches his face): My eyes! I can’t see! The shards of moonlight are stuck in my eyes.
Zebra: That poor thing!
Lion: The mantis was crushed. His dream of riding the moon was gone. He no longer had any desire to travel across the sky on the moon’s back while everyone admired him.
Mantis (bends his head humbly and folds his hands in prayer): Oh please, Moon. Restore my sight. I will never try to catch you again, or dream of riding on your back. I will never again wish for the admiration of others. Just let me see again, please … please …
Moon sets, Sun rises
Lion: When the day was dawning, something wonderful happened.
Mantis (rubs his eyes, astonished): My eyes … I can see! I can see!
Lion: Oh, the mantis was overjoyed! All the animals could hear him singing.
Mantis sings and dances
Lion: Today,

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