English for Life Learner's Book Grade 5 Home Language. Lynne Southey

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English for Life Learner's Book Grade 5 Home Language - Lynne Southey English for Life

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your answer.

      8. Look at your list in your answer to Question 5. Take one of the areas and use different sources to find out something about it. This could be what it is exactly, or who does it, or what its purpose is, or its history. Make notes about what you find.

      9. Bring your notes to class and write up an article about your topic. Think of who you are writing for and of the purpose of your information.

      10. Remember to make a note of your sources and to list them under your article in the following way:


       • Internet (give the site)

       • Magazine (give its title and date)

       • Book (give its title and author)

      11. Make a pamphlet of your article. You can use anything from this activity.

      A pamphlet is a leaflet containing information. It usually advertises something or informs the public about something. It often has pictures and photos.

      Borrowed words

      Languages develop by borrowing words from each other. You saw in the previous activity how two words were borrowed from the Greek to make many English words.

      In the next activity you will look up words borrowed from other languages and say what they mean and which language they come from.


      1. Look up the following words in your dictionary. Write down their meaning and their language of origin:

      (a) trek

      (b) samoosa

      (c) geography

      (d) versus

      (e) koeksister

      (f) ballet

      (g) bobotie

      (h) à la carte

      (i) aquaduct

      (j) crochet

      2. Make a sentence with each of the words above, showing that you know what they mean. Use the checklist below to make sure your sentences are good.


      A group discussion

      You already know how to have a group discussion. You have to participate, be polite, listen to and encourage others, and keep to the topic. The purpose of a discussion is usually to share ideas and to come to a general conclusion that you all agree on. In the next activity you will have a chance to practise your skills at group discussion.


      1. Your group is going to hold a photographic exhibition. There are several things that you have to decide. You will probably find it necessary to appoint one of the group as a chairperson. Someone should also make notes of decisions reached.

      (a) What will the topic be? People, places, events? Or anything else?

      (b) Where will it be held? And when?

      (c) How will you put up the photos? On a wall, a board, a chart?

      (d) Will you only use real photos that you have or will you be allowed to cut out photos from other sources?

      (e) Must they all be in colour, or in black and white, or mixed?

      (f) Will there be a written explanation under each photo? If so, who will draw these up and who will write them out?

      (g) How many photos will your exhibition consist of?

      (h) How long do you need to prepare?

      2. Now carry out the decisions made. When you put up your display, think of what it looks like to a viewer. Make it attractive and easy to read.

      3. Each individual in the class can vote for the display they think is the best.

      4. Your teacher will then lead a discussion on what makes this particular one the best.

      Language revision

      The only way to get something right and to learn it is to practise, practise, practise! In the activity below you are going to go over all the language you have learnt in this module. Be sure to get it all right! If you do not, go through the section in the module which explains it. Do corrections.


      1. Write your own sentences using the following words. Look them up in a dictionary if necessary.

      (a) lens

      (b) photographic

      (c) influence

      (d) illustrate

      (e) dialogue

      (f) neigh

      (g) element

      (h) practise

      (i) optical

      (j) mechanical

      2. Correct the following spelling:

       donkies, monkies, lilys, neice, decieve, naghbour, frieght train, abilitys, fasilitys

      3. Write a dialogue between the farmer and his wife from the story on p. 15 after the two tragedies. Let each speak three times.

      4. Punctuate the following paragraph:

      why would a farmer want to have photographs taken of himself and his animals most farmers sell their animals for meat and so breed them for the market perhaps some breed prize animals imagine slaughtering your prize bull to eat do some farmers love their animals in the same way they love their dogs cats and other pets perhaps some just want a record of their lives

      5. Make a list of ten words borrowed from other languages.

      6. Below are eleven sentences that make up a paragraph. They are not in the correct order. Rewrite them in the correct order. Underline the main idea of the paragraph.

      (a) Andrew grabbed the cell phone and took several photos of the man.

      (b) They crept closer and saw a man with his hand over a girl’s mouth.

      (c) The boys felt like heroes.

      (d) He was trying to wrestle her to the ground.

      (e) They had decided to go and fish at the stream near their school.

      (f) They arrived immediately, but the man ran away

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