English for Life Learner's Book Grade 6 Home Language. Lynne Southey

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English for Life Learner's Book Grade 6 Home Language - Lynne Southey English for Life

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by using the tense in brackets:

      (a) If Patricia dreams about a terrible monster, . . . (future)

      (b) John and Debbie were talking to Samantha when . . . (simple past)

      (c) I would tell you about my dream job if . . . (simple past)

      (d) The boys woke up after . . . (past perfect)

      (e) When you write the test, . . . (future continuous)

      Direct and indirect speech


      We often have to tell about what people say or think. An example is when we tell someone about someone else’s dream. In order to do this you can use direct speech or indirect speech as in the drawing here:

      Below is a table that will help you.


      Remind yourself about direct and indirect speech by reading the following box.

      Direct speech gives exactly what someone said. What a person says is given in quotation marks (‘. . . ‘) and must be word for word.

      For example: Sarah says: ’I am dreaming of strawberries and chocolate.’

      Asiri says: ‘I dreamt I won the Grand Prix last night.’

      Indirect speech is when you tell someone what someone else said. ‘I’ then becomes he or she, and ‘we’ becomes they. The tenses that were used in the direct speech need to change to agree with the subject in the indirect speech. Indirect speech does not use quotation marks. The sentences used do not have to be word for word. It is important to use the same tenses when telling what happened.

      For example: Sarah says that she is dreaming of strawberries and chocolate.

      Asiri says that he dreamt he won the Grand Prix last night.

      However, if you say what someone said, the sentence then changes to one step further in the past.

      For example: Sarah said that she was dreaming of strawberries and chocolate.

      Asiri said that he had dreamt he won the Grand Prix last night.

      In the next activity you are going to practise using direct and indirect speech. Be careful to vary the verb you use. Don’t always use ‘say’ and ‘said’.

      These are examples of verbs we can use instead of say/said:

      He exclaimed . . .

      She added . . .

      They shouted . . .

      John asked . . .

      . . . cried Suzi

      . . . called her mother

      . . . the boy demanded


      1. Change the following sentences into indirect speech:

      (a) Marcus says: ‘In my dreams I fly to whichever country I want to.’

      (b) Michelle and Craig say: ‘We are going to be famous.’

      (c) Felix said: ‘I have a recurring dream that makes no sense.’

      (d) Cynthia said: ‘Last night I dreamt I invented the first aeroplane.’

      (e) Sohail and Amber said: ‘We will tell each other our dreams.’

      2. Change the following sentences into direct speech:

      (a) William says that he is going to become an astronaut when he grows up.

      (b) Thabo says that they will talk about their dreams for hours.

      (c) Patricia said that she would like to be a movie star when she grows up.

      (d) The rugby team said that they had all dreamt of becoming professional players when they were younger.

      (e) Muhammed said that he had never had a recurring dream.

      Word jumble

      In the next activity you are going to look at jumbled words that hide a secret message. In the first part, each letter represents a specific number in a kind of code. Once you have worked the code out you will be able to look for the message.


      1. In your exercise books, copy out the blocks and numbers. Then rearrange the letters to form words that are related to dreams. Remember that there are four different meanings related to dreams. The first letter of every word has been given.


      2. Use the numbers of the letters you found in the first exercise to decipher the secret message in the next exercise. Write it down in your exercise book. Your teacher will tell you if you got the message right.


      Write a paragraph

      You know already that a paragraph is made up of a number of sentences about one idea. It also has a main or topic sentence. The sentences should be linked with linking words. You should also try to vary the kinds of sentences you use in a paragraph.


      Write a paragraph using the secret message of the previous exercise as your title. Think of your dreams and goals for the future. Suggest how your dreams can become a reality in the future. If they are very unrealistic dreams, you can still write about them. It is good to have a dream that is out of reach if it is going to encourage you.

      Remember to write a rough draft of your paragraph first so that you are able to organise your thoughts and ideas. Then write your final paragraph in your work book.


      In the last activity you are going to practise grammar, spelling, abbreviations, and tenses to show that you have learnt what has been covered in this module.


      Match the phrase about dreams with the situation. Write the number and the letter only.


      1. Write the following sentences one step further in the past:

      (a) Geraldine is reading a book on how to become a chef.


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