Lucky in Love. Cheryl Ntumy S.

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Lucky in Love - Cheryl Ntumy S.

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left because she’d had a torrid affair with the CEO. No amount of reasoning could put a dent in one of Brenda’s conspiracy theories, so Lucky didn’t even try.

      “No?” Brenda looked crestfallen. “Too bad. I guess one scandalous CFO is enough, anyway. Ooh – I’ve got more info on the money launderer.”

      Lucky groaned. No matter how many times she told her flatmate not to discuss her work, Brenda kept sharing her crazy suspicions of the bank’s customers.

      “You should have seen what he was wearing today. A really expensive suit – and a gold chain.” Brenda raised her eyebrows, as if this was all the proof she needed.

      “A gold chain means nothing,” Lucky pointed out.

      “That’s not all!” Brenda glanced at her pink plastic watch. “But I’ll fill you in when I get back. Bye!”

      “Back from where?” Lucky watched the door slam and shook her head, then headed towards her bedroom. She caught sight of several dirty dishes in the sink and sighed. Brenda was one of those people who didn’t see why they should do something immediately if it could be left till later.

      The pair first met in the registration queue at Tshwane University of Technology when they were starting their first year. They were hot and tired, and Brenda had decided to amuse herself by trying to guess what the students in the line were thinking, based on their facial expressions. The pair ended up in the same residence and had been friends ever since.

      Lucky took a quick shower, and was pulling on an old T-shirt and shorts when there was a knock on the door. She went to open it; Randy came in carrying a large box of pizza and a small stack of textile magazines.

      “Where’s the secret agent?” he demanded, taking a wary glance around the flat.

      “Out, as usual,” laughed Lucky. “She’ll probably be home late.”

      “As usual,” said Randy, making himself comfortable on the sofa. “Got some drinks? There’s no time to waste – we need to get to work.”

      Lucky smiled on her way to the kitchen. Randy was a creature of habit and it was Tuesday night – his designated day for research. His flat was downstairs, but he spent most of his time at Lucky’s. She loved having him around. His outspoken comments made her laugh, but he also had a strong work ethic. Lucky liked to think of herself as the moderate member of the trio. She was creative and passionate, but she was also the one who remembered to fix leaking taps.

      She returned to the living room with two glasses and a box of fruit juice. “What have you got today?”

      “Textile trends in Europe,” he said, flipping through one of the magazines. “Synthetics are coming back.”

      “Good – I’ve had enough linen to last me a while.” She sank onto the sofa beside him and leaned forward for a slice of pizza, peering over his shoulder at the magazine. “What did you think of Eric Rukhava?”

      “The money guy?” He shrugged. “Easy on the eye, but otherwise just a money guy.” Randy turned to her suddenly, a suspicious look in his eyes. “Why?”

      Lucky smiled. “Nothing. He just seems nice.”

      “Nice?” Randy’s expression grew sceptical. “You hate money guys.”

      “Hate is a strong word,” replied Lucky. “I just don’t always agree with their views.”

      Randy gasped and wagged a finger at her. “You like him!”

      “I hardly know him,” said Lucky with a laugh, but her face felt hot all of a sudden. “He just seems very … you know … efficient.”

      Randy whistled. “And I know how you feel about men who get things done!”

      Lucky nudged him with her elbow as she polished off her pizza slice. “He seems a little more reasonable than the others. I could be wrong – it was only his first day.” Despite her protests, she couldn’t help thinking of the way she had felt when she first looked into Eric’s piercing eyes. It was as if they were connected in some way, or would be soon.

      She shook off the unnerving thought. “I wonder who Brenda’s with tonight.”

      “Probably that guy from the deli.” Randy shook his head. “He’s cute, but anyone can see he’s only interested in getting into her psychedelic pants.”

      “Trust me, that’s how she likes it,” sighed Lucky. She loved Brenda, but didn’t quite approve of her overactive love life. Why waste time dating random men when she could be building a future with someone kind, honest and dependable? Lucky wanted what her parents had – a relationship that would last a lifetime.

      She turned the pages of the magazine, but after a few minutes she found her thoughts drifting back to Eric Rukhava. He possessed an air of mystery, as if he was much more than the sum of his parts.

      Lucky couldn’t remember being unsettled by a man before. Brenda was forever prattling on about “uncontrollable desire” – it was her favourite phrase, the driving factor behind every one of her brief relationships. But as far as Lucky was concerned, everything could be controlled. At twenty-seven she was still a virgin and didn’t believe that something as basic as biology could ever cloud her judgement.

      Even so, when she thought of Eric her skin felt hot all over. Maybe I’m coming down with something, she thought hopefully, but she didn’t think that was the case. For some reason the new CFO got her hot and bothered, and that could only mean trouble.


      The next morning, Lucky and Randy weren’t the only early birds in the office. As Lucky walked past Eric’s office she was surprised to see light peeking out from under the door. She smiled, impressed, and a moment later the door opened, as if he had sensed her presence. Lucky turned around to greet him and once again she felt that funny weakness; the air was slowly getting thinner around her.

      She put on her most professional voice. “Morning. I’m surprised to see you here so early.”

      “Lots to do,” Eric replied with a grin. “Hey, since you’re here, do you mind coming in for a second? I’d like to discuss something with you.”

      “Sure.” Lucky hesitated only briefly before walking into his office.

      There was an awkward moment as she brushed past him and felt electricity crackle in the air. Her gaze shot to his face. He was looking at her with that half-smile again. She looked away quickly and cleared her throat. The office was very neat, without a single sheet of paper out of place.

      “You don’t waste time, do you?” she said, slipping into the chair opposite his. “Straight to work already.”

      Eric smiled and returned to his chair. “I like to stay on top of things.” He picked up a file and flipped quickly through it. “I understand you’re rolling out new products next month.”

      Lucky nodded. “We have some new fabrics coming out; cutting edge stuff, and some great new designs.”

      “Your budget this year was quite high.” He gave her an enquiring look.


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