Vets and Pets 2: Jamie and the Horse Show. Helen Brain

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Vets and Pets 2: Jamie and the Horse Show - Helen Brain Vets and Pets

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      Helen Brain & Nicky Webb

      Illustrations by Rico Schacherl

      Human & Rousseau


      Jamie needs a horse


      “You’ll never guess why I am late!” Jamie Waine called to Pan as she swung herself into the saddle of McTavish, the fat grey pony that belonged to the riding school. “My stupid little brother was locked in the bathroom, toilet training his monkey.”

      Pan burst out laughing. “Toilet training Bieber? Surely you can’t get a monkey to use the toilet.”

      “Tick thinks he can. My mom says if he can’t stop messing in the house he has to stay in his cage.”

      “Is it working?” giggled Pan as she mounted her beautiful black and white Pintabian, Whistle.

      “Nope. Bieber is only interested in flushing things down the loo.”

      “Right, everyone,” called Lee, the riding teacher. “Get your horses trotting on, in a twenty metre circle.”

      Jamie nudged McTavish. He bucked, almost throwing her off. She nudged him again. This time he stopped dead.

      Lee clicked her tongue. “Come on, Boy!” she called.

      But he ignored her. He ripped the reins out of Jamie’s hands and bolted towards the gate of the arena. Jamie screamed and lost her stirrups. She managed to hang on and grab onto his spiky mane.

      “Pull him up, Jamie!” yelled Lee. “He’s going to jump the gate!” At the last minute Jamie managed to reclaim the reins and pull McTavish to a halt. Her hands were shaking. She took a deep breath and put her feet back into the stirrups. McTavish was obviously in one of his bad moods. In fact, he only had two moods – bad and terrible.

      Pan was already trotting around the arena on Whistle, and that new blond girl on the glossy Chestnut mare was laughing at her. It wasn’t just her useless pony. Jamie was also the only kid in the advanced class who still rode in jeans. Pan and the new girl both looked stunning in beautifully fitted cream jodhpurs and black leather chaps. It just wasn’t fair.

      “Jamie, I’m sorry,” Lee said at the end of the lesson. “McTavish gets more cantankerous every day, but I just don’t have any other suitable horses for you to ride. I want you to enter the show, though. I’m sure you could win a rosette.”

      “I just wish I could buy my own horse,” Jamie said wistfully. “My mom said if I save up half she’ll pay the other half, but the horses that I like all cost at least fifteen thousand rand and I’m still nearly three thousand rand short.”

      “Even if you did have the money now you wouldn’t find a horse in time for the show. It’s a month away. I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with McTavish,” Lee said.

      “I am so fed up with riding this fat lazy lump,” Jamie grumbled to Pan as they put the saddles back in the tack room and hung up their bridles. She looked over enviously at the new girl. Her locker was full of matching pink tack – pink tendon boots, pink numnah, even a sparkly pink diamante brow band.

      Pan put her arm around Jamie’s shoulders. “Let’s go and talk to Oreo. That always cheers you up.”

      “I’ve got carrots for him,” said Jamie brightening up. Oreo was Jamie’s favourite horse. He belonged to a pretty German lady, Mrs Bunhoffer.

      Oreo was delighted to see them. He stuck his neck over the door and nuzzled their pockets looking for treats. Jamie laughed as she fed him the last one. “They’re all finished, you silly boy.”

      Oreo rubbed his soft, velvety muzzle against Jamie’s arm. He smelt like warm hay.

      “You like my horse?” a voice behind them said.

      “Oh, Mrs Bunhoffer,” Jamie exclaimed. “I hope you don’t mind. I gave Oreo some carrots.”

      Mrs Bunhoffer laughed. “He’s a greedy one. I think he likes you.” She stroked the horse’s nose. “Are you going to miss me when I’m gone?” she murmured to him. He pricked his ears and snorted softly. “What will you do without me for a whole month?”

      Jamie’s heart speeded up. She took a deep breath. She was going to be very cheeky, she knew, but she was desperate.

      “Excuse me, Ma’am, but do you maybe need someone to exercise Oreo while you’re away? I’d love to do it.”

      Mrs Bunhoffer narrowed her eyes and tapped her chin. “Hmm,” she said.

      Oh no, Jamie thought. I’ve gone too far. She’s going to yell at me.

      But instead the lady held out her hand. “I was going to ask Lee to ride him for me, but I’ve seen you riding that naughty little pony. You were very patient with him. I’ve never seen you overuse your whip. I know I can trust you with my Oreo, can’t I, my precious boy?” And she leaned over and kissed him on his nose.

      “Oh thank you, thank you!” Jamie exclaimed. She wanted to hug Mrs Bunhoffer, but she didn’t dare. “I’ll look after him, I promise.”

      “I’m going back to Germany soon,” Mrs Bunhoffer said. “I’m going to have to sell my Oreo. It will break my heart to leave him.”

      “Please, please can I buy him?” Jamie begged.

      Mrs Bunhoffer laughed. “Ach, my sweetie, he’s a registered Anglo Arab. I’m selling him for twenty thousand rand. Your mommy and daddy will never agree. Now come on, Boy, it’s time for your ride.” She led Oreo into the paddock. He stood quietly while she slid her foot into the stirrup and swung herself into the saddle.

      Jamie watched her canter around the paddock. Oreo was magnificent. His coat was a rich chocolate brown colour. He had white socks and a white blaze. He held his neck in a perfect arch as he responded to Mrs Bunhoffer’s commands. It was almost as if he was reading her mind. Oreo really was the best horse in the world. She had to buy him. She just had to.


      Jamie makes a plan


      A short while later Jamie and Pan were sitting on a bench near the car park, waiting for Pan’s au pair to pick them up.

      “I can’t believe it,” Jamie grinned. “I just asked her and she said yes. I can’t wait to ride him. I’m going to ask Mom if I can come every day. And when Mrs Bunhoffer sees how well I handle him, she’ll give me a special price. I know.”

      “I hope so,” said Pan, opening her can of Coke. “Look, here comes the new girl. I wonder what her name is.”

      The girl came sauntering out of the stable yard. She was beautiful. She had long, silver-blonde hair tied in a thick plait, turquoise eyes and glowing skin.


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