The Score. HJ Golakai

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The Score - HJ Golakai

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to stop and the whole time I was hopping in the car like, well, a cricket. Eventually he had to pull over and,” her voice dropped to a whisper, “I had to go village style, squat in the bush. There’s no dignity in relieving yourself to the sound of someone laughing their ass off at you.”

      “Two repulsive stories,” Chlöe laughed along. She let it breathe, then poked Vee’s thigh. “Hey, don’t pretend you didn’t hear the first question. What’re you gonna do? ’Cause your threesome’s been stable for months now, and as much as I admire your balls of steel, or tits rather, it’s madness. You dared to say you couldn’t choose, they went along with it, and now you’re caught between a very sexy rock and a smouldering hard place. But it won’t last, Voinjama. Women make lemonade and suck it up. Men can’t.”

      “I know.” Vee sat up. “Don’t call it a threesome, Lawd.”

      “Then? And that coloured girl with Joshua …” Chlöe clapped a hand over her mouth. “Eish, ja okay, I saw them together a couple of weeks ago. Didn’t want to get involved, and I figured you’d find out one way or another.”

      “Aria. Aria Burke,” Vee uttered the name like an evil spell. “In America she’s black by the way, but whatever. They used to be an item way back in the day, on and off.” Air hissed from between her teeth. “Professional dancer my ass. With her stupid name, sounding like a panty liner brand.”

      “Clearly you’re not jealous.”

      “Of what? Mmttsshw, I beg you yaah. That’s ancient news. They grew up in the same hood, their parents know each other, they got history. Who doesn’t. She used to date Joshua’s best friend from high school, then it got messy …”

      “Whoa, hang on. Joshua’s one of Titus’s best friends. Do I detect priors in home-wrecking?”

      “He does have a slight reputation,” Vee muttered.

      “So …” Chlöe nestled chin on knees. “Is this about him lying to you about the Titus in Mozambique thing? ’Cause you insisted –”

      “I am over it,” Vee snapped. “These boys, I swear, ggrrrr …” Her fingers clenched to talons. “Sometimes I could smack their stupid heads together like coconuts!” She sagged. “Chlöe, year before last when I was falling apart and really needed Ti around, he wasn’t. On top of that, Joshua lied to me. I was desperate for answers, and he looked me in my face and lied that he didn’t know Ti was posted in Mozambique all along. But he also knew that sometimes people really can’t handle the truth. Me and Ti …” Vee’s voice cracked. “We messed up bad. We needed to run away from each other. Joshua was also the one who had to look at me every day and see how much it was killing me. And then tell his boy about it, and hear how much it was killing him. But he couldn’t own up because Ti swore him to secrecy, so he kept his word. He took care of a friend because another friend asked him to. I can’t hate him for that.”

      “Then … is this about being in love with him and not wanting to admit it? ’Cause that never ends well.”

      Chlöe studied her friend’s outline in the dim backlit lawn, watched her wordlessly slug through her dilemma. Vee’s was a dirty beauty, of the ilk of the mysterious Lovett Massaquoi’s. The lines of her cheekbones and lips were angular yet soft, her eyes heavily tilted, the bridge of her nose surprisingly slender until the fleshy tip. It was a face to make men look, and look again. At certain angles it spelled trouble, and could suck you into wanting to find out how much.

      Finally Vee said: “It’s not about Juju, it’s about Ti. I love him and never stopped.”

      “Well.” Chlöe plucked the grass, ripping up stubbly blades and stalks and rolling them between her fingers, letting the gentle wind sift them back to the ground. “Well,” she finished, nothing more to add.

      She grunted to her feet and watched Vee resume her pose of languishing on her side, legs curved to her bum. “Taking my drunk arse to bed and yours better follow soon. We’ve filed our piece, capped off our stay with a flippin’ good time and I can’t wait to leave this place in my dust tomorrow morning.” She stumbled as she tackled the incline of the grassy knoll. “I’m serious, love,” she called over her shoulder. “Don’t fall asleep out here and get fondled by a security guard. You’ve got enough problems. If I don’t see you in a half hour, I’m beeping you.”

      “Urmmgghnff,” Vee mumbled.

      Warm orange hit the back of her eyes.

      Vee blinked from a doze and abruptly squeezed her lids shut again. Too bright. Where the hell was she? Grass, cool earth under her back. Outside . . The lawn. Quiet. Opposite of inside. Noise, party, drunken louts. She patted the ground on either side of her. Empty. No Bishop. What the hell, deserter, where was she?

      Reluctantly she bid her eyelids open. Adjusting to the glare of the security floodlights took a moment. She picked up scuttling, possibly of one of the waiters or a maid, near the dark clutch of trees by the chalets. Other than that, no sign of humanity. She checked her watch: about ten minutes since Chlöe had left. She checked her phone: one new voicemail. From Titus: ‘Why you acting stank? You better holla back before I call my other hos.’

      Grinning, Vee propped up on elbows and lifted her face to the breeze. She imagined Titus’s lips, trailing velvet down the verge behind her ear, fingers entangled with hers as he lowered his body to meet hers. Sometimes a memory of their lovemaking spooked her, so vivid she had to brace herself to keep her balance.

      Then from nowhere, another image intruded: her lips in Joshua’s curls, his mouth in the hollow of her neck as he stroked where the base of her spine curved into her bum.

      Her eyes popped open.

      Joshua Allen didn’t have the good sense his Ma born him with. Messing round with his toxic ex-girlfriend, for real? Well, he needn’t waste time waiting on her if his itches needed scratching. Okay, he didn’t do short women, didn’t find the petite delicate thing thrilling, couldn’t stand their ‘scrabbling all over you in bed like over-eager mice’, or so he said. Aria Burke was proving the exception, though to be fair she wasn’t short, more like average. She could wrap her quasi-stubby, modern-jazz-and-African-interpretative-dance legs around him no problem. They’d look excellent together, their matching caramel limbs intertwined. They’d laugh together over impossibly high-brow, insular American jokes that even she couldn’t get and whisper shit to each other like ‘Oh darling, this feels so irrevocably right.’ Only they’d say it in Spanish, which they were both fluent in, because they shared that New York melting-pot backstory that she had no part of. The light-skinned, flowing-haired girls always won eventually.

      Vee swallowed, the bolus of hurt wedged in her throat going down hard. “You not comin’ do this out here, finegeh,” she chided herself.

      No matter how many ducks lined up, somewhere else the walls were crumbling. But dammit if she was going to wallow in drunken self-pity in a strange venue. She considered going back inside to the party; it was a shorter walk. Inside, where she didn’t know anyone. Except Lovett, who always hob-nobbed in tight, impenetrable cliques, doing his I’m-with-white-people laugh. Moaning, she wobbled to her feet and began the seemingly endless trek across the lawn.

      A hand closed around her arm as her shoe hit the first step at the end of the walkway. She tripped and nearly screamed.

      “I’m so sorry. I called out but you didn’t seem to hear me. You okay?”

      “N–yes. I’m fine.” She pressed a hand

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