Blindside. Wilna Adriaanse

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Blindside - Wilna Adriaanse

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      Translated by Elsa Silke


      For Deon

      CHAPTER 1

      Tuesday morning, 24 September 2013.

      “Mac, what are you doing here?”

      Lieutenant Ellie McKenna of the Crime Intelligence Division raised herself slightly from her seat at the back of the room. “I want to help.”

      The room went quiet, except for the odd cough here and there.

      Brigadier Ibrahim Ahmed, head of the Serious Economic Offences Unit in the Western Cape, shook his head. “Bad idea, Mac. As you well know.”

      “Captain Greyling said I could …”

      “Not his call to make.” His eyes searched the room. “Where is he, by the way?”

      “He phoned to say he’s stuck in traffic; there’s been an accident, but he’s on his way,” someone replied.

      “Mac, go home. Your mother needs you.”

      Ahmed peered at Ellie over the rim of his reading glasses. The bags under his eyes were distinctly less noticeable a week or two ago, Ellie thought. Actually, he didn’t look too bad for a man approaching sixty. His black hair showed no signs of grey. There were whispers behind his back that he dyed it. He was a neat man, his posture erect. Proud. He was tall and lean and she’d heard the guys who work with him say he was remark­ably fit for a man who spent most of his time behind a desk these days.

      “He was my father. How would you feel if it was one of your family members, Brigadier?” She was on her feet now, and the room went even quieter.

      “Same as you, I guess, but I hope I’d have the brains to listen to good advice.”

      “It wasn’t a random shooting, and if you give me access to his files, I’ll prove it.”

      “We don’t know what it was yet. That’s why I want you out of here now, so we can get on with our job.”

      “And I’m telling you I can help, Brigadier. I know the people who may be involved.”

      He shook his head again. “Not gonna happen. And I won’t say it again.”

      “I have a right to know.”

      “The minute we arrest someone, you’ll know. But until then, I don’t want you near this case. Understood?”

      Ellie saw the eyes in the room moving from one side to the other, like spectators at a tennis match. “I won’t get in the way. I’m good at my job and I know where to look.”

      “Mac, if you don’t excuse yourself right now, I’ll call your commanding officer and tell her you’re interfering in a case. And if she can’t make you change your mind, I’ll personally have you locked up until we’re done. Don’t think I won’t do it.”

      Ellie picked up her handbag and headed for the door.

      “And if I hear you’ve been talking to anyone, I’ll make sure you lose your badge.”

      She opened the door, turned at the last moment. “For the record, I think this is bullshit.” She closed the door with a resounding click.

      Outside, she took a few deep breaths, got into her car and switched on the engine. Instinctively her eyes searched for his vehicle among the others in the parking lot, but his space was empty.

      That was why she put off going to bed at night. Every morning there was a moment when she tried to convince herself it had just been a terrible nightmare. Before she was forced to face the awful truth. It was like pulling off a scab every morning.

      She couldn’t bring herself to drive back to her parents’ home in Goodwood, but she couldn’t face her own place either. She drove around aimlessly for a while, then called Melissa.

      “Where are you?”

      “Tyger Valley shopping centre. What’s up?”

      “Do you have time for coffee?”

      “Sure, where? Mugg & Bean?”

      “No, somewhere quieter.” They agreed on a place where Melissa would wait for her.

      Melissa Calitz and Ellie had been friends since 1994, when Melissa and her family had moved to Ellie’s neighbourhood. Both fourteen at the time, they had been inseparable ever since. Written matric together, gone on to study psychology at Stellenbosch University together. Been roommates in res. Enrolled for their honours degrees together. Both had been selected to do a master’s degree, Ellie in clinical psychology, Melissa in counselling psychology. Shared digs and dated two friends, Antonie Calitz and Chris Moolman.

      Melissa and Antonie were married now. Antonie was a physician in Durbanville. Chris broke off the engagement three months before the wedding. That was six years ago, when Ellie was twenty-six. He was an engineer, and she’d run into him every now and then at the shops. The last time he had introduced her to his fiancée.

      Melissa frowned and her jaw dropped slightly when Ellie walked into the restaurant.

      “What the hell have you done to your hair?” she asked as Ellie slid into the opposite seat.

      “Dyed it darker.”

      “I can see that. I just don’t understand why.”

      “You dye your hair.”

      Melissa shook her head. “You can’t compare the two of us. My hair is a mousy brown. It’s a bloody shame for you to dye your hair. I always thought you liked the fact that you inherited your dad’s mop of strawberry-blond hair.”

      Ellie took a packet of sugar from the container in the middle of the table and began to twirl it between her fingers.

      “I don’t want to be reminded of him every time I look in the mirror.”

      Melissa took her hand across the table. “Sweetie, dyeing your hair won’t do any good. You’re the spitting image of your old man. Pale eyes, cheekbones, wide mouth … the lot. What do you plan to do about that?”

      Ellie shrugged. “I had to start somewhere. Dyeing my hair was the cheapest option.”

      “Why are you hanging around here? I thought you were with your mom,” Melissa said.

      A waiter approached and they ordered an espresso and a cappuccino.

      “My aunt took her to the hair salon. I was at the office.”

      “To do what?”

      “Offer my help. They won’t listen to me, but I know it wasn’t a random attack.”

      “You mean he was targeted?”

      “Not necessarily, but it wasn’t

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