Endgame. Wilna Adriaanse

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Endgame - Wilna Adriaanse

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it’s Ellie. Is my mother there?”

      “Eleanor, what a surprise. Uncle Janus here. How are you? Your mother and I were talking about you just last night.”

      None of the meditation exercises she had learnt in the past few months could dispel her irritation with this man. Her mother’s mere mention of his name made her feel as if she was swallowing a mouthful of vinegar.

      “I’m well. I’m in a bit of a hurry, I’m afraid. I’d like a quick word with my mom.”

      “Of course. Hold on, I’ll take the phone to her. Goodbye, then. Come visit. We miss you.”

      Ellie heard him knock on a door. “It’s Eleanor, darling. She wants to speak to you.” She couldn’t make out her mother’s answer, but she heard him laugh. “I’ll keep my eyes closed …”

      “Ellie, where have you sprung from?” her mother said after a while.

      “Are you busy?”

      “I’m in the bath.”

      Her entire mouth filled up with vinegar at the thought that he had walked into the bathroom where her mother lay naked.

      Ellie watched as a squirrel ran across the lawn, froze for a moment, looked straight at her and continued on its way. Two pigeons landed a few metres away and began to peck at something. Breathe, she reminded herself. Take a deep breath before you say anything.

      “How are you, Mom?”

      “Very well. And you?”

      “I’m good, thanks. Is everything okay at home?”

      “I’m glad you called. We have a buyer for the house and I need you to sign.”

      “What do you mean a buyer, and what do you mean ‘we’ have a buyer?”

      “I told you that Janus’s daughter is an estate agent, didn’t I? She offered to help sell the house. Or at least keep an eye out for potential buyers. Some people came to view the house yesterday and they love it and want to move in as soon as possible. When can you come and sign?”

      Her mom had still not said who “we” was, but Ellie knew. Why she had asked she didn’t know.

      “I told you not to be hasty. I’d like to ask a few agents to value the place first.”

      “I’m not a child or a doddering old woman who needs you to make decisions for me. Surely I can decide for myself if I want to sell my house?”

      “Technically the house isn’t yours to sell. It belongs to a trust.”

      “I don’t care if technically the house belongs to the Queen of England. I don’t want to live here any more. We’ve seen a lovely townhouse in a security complex. It’s ideal for the two of us. The garden is just big enough for Janus to potter in. We’re thinking of buying a caravan and doing some travelling. Friends of Janus belong to a caravan club who go on all kinds of interesting outings.”

      When a man walked past and stopped to look at her, Ellie realised how hard she was breathing. In for five counts, hold for five, out for six counts, she told herself.

      “You’ve never been a camper.”

      “That’s why we want to buy a caravan. Modern caravans come with a toilet. Janus had a caravan for years and he knows his way around.” Her mother was silent for a moment before she continued. “I’ve been sitting at home long enough.”

      “What else can you tell me?”

      “I’m very well. Better than I’ve been in years.”

      “I’m glad to hear it.”

      “When can you come, so we can sign the contract?”

      “I don’t know. If the people love the house so much, I’m sure they can wait a week or so. I have to make a few arrangements first.”

      “You’re just being difficult. When was the last time I asked you anything? Now I’m asking one thing, and you don’t want to do it for me. You’re just as selfish as your dad.”

      “I’ll come and sign the contract, Mom, just give me a day or two to make a few arrangements. What are you going to do with the furniture?”

      “I don’t know. Take what you like. There’s nothing here I want. It’s a new beginning and I don’t want to drag along old ghosts.”

      “I’ll send you an email address. Tell the agent to mail me the contract.”

      “Fine.” Another silence. “Ellie, he’s very good to me. I want you to know that.”

      “I’m happy for you, Mom.”

      “Will you come to the wedding? His children are all going to be there.”

      Ellie heard the uncertainty in her mother’s voice and she felt an ache in her chest. “Of course I’ll come, Mom. Have you decided on a date yet?”

      Ellie heard the hesitation.


      “What do you mean? This coming Saturday?”

      “Yes. We decided it was silly to wait. It’s not like we’re getting any younger, and we know we don’t have to look any further. Ellie, I know it’s soon and I want you to know I did love your dad in my own way. But it wasn’t easy with your dad. With Janus, it’s easy. He’s my soulmate. One day when you meet the right person, you’ll understand.”

      Ellie felt like laughing. Her mother didn’t sound convinced that she would ever meet the right person. She wanted to ask her mom if she was still drinking, but she was suddenly exhausted. It was a conversation for another day. “I have to go now, Mom. I’ll see you on Saturday. Is there anything I can do for you?”

      “No, thanks. Magda and Delia are arranging everything. They’re sweethearts. You’ll love them to bits.”

      It wasn’t the first time her mom had referred to Janus’s daughters as “sweethearts”. Her mom had truly hit the jackpot. Not only a new husband, but two sweet daughters as well. And a son.

      “Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. SMS me the arrangements.”

      “I will. Thanks for calling.”

      She started telling her mom that she was visiting her dad, but her mom had ended the call.

      Ellie sat motionless for a while, not certain what to do next or where to go. She touched the tree trunk. “I hear you, and I’m trying my best. But it’s never been simple between the two of us. And now this man … and the two daughters …” Ellie smiled. “At least you’re not the only one who’s been replaced.”

      A bird landed on the lowest branch and the leaves stirred lightly. Ellie almost laughed out loud when she saw it was a weaver. Her dad had never liked weavers.


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