Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbolism. Donald B. Carroll

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Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbolism - Donald B. Carroll

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      All roads lead to an interconnected Oneness. Signposts, to me, are those phrases or thoughts in writings that catch our attention and help us choose the path that is right for us. It may not be the one that any author of said writings is traveling, yet these thoughts provide direction to the same destination through a different landscape. The journey is ours.

      In the study of ourselves in relation to the Whole lies the awakening of the inner man to a full consciousness of our respective part which we must play in the scheme of creation. Here again man is baffled by what seems to be a great division of force. This is due to the limitations of the conscious facilities by space-time. Yet there is open to every individual a door through which he may pass to obtain a new vision. This door leads to the inner self. ‘We must, in spite of our three-dimensional, finite, physical viewpoints, understand the inner, infinite, higher-dimensional experiences that the inner subconscious mind may be induced to bring through imagination into our consciousness, but which visioning, hunches, premonitive or intuitive thoughts, experiences, or spontaneous ideas we will fail to understand, unless we know something of the logic of the higher-dimensional viewpoint.’1

       Thanks to God, in his infinite wisdom, who has provided the knowledge for those who seek.

      Ecclesiasticus 39: 1-8 (New Revised Standard Version)

      1He seeks out the wisdom of all the ancients, and is concerned with prophecies;

      2He preserves the sayings of the famous and penetrates the subtleties of parables;

      3He seeks out the hidden meanings of proverbs and is at home with the obscurities of parables.

      4He serves among the great and appears before rulers; he travels in foreign lands and learns what is good and evil in the human lot.

      5He sets his heart to rise early to seek the Lord who made him, and to petition the Most High; he opens his mouth in prayer and asks pardon for his sins.

      6If the great Lord is willing, he will be filled with the spirit of understanding; he will pour forth words of wisdom of his own and give thanks to the Lord in prayer.

      7The Lord will direct his counsel and knowledge, as he meditates on his mysteries.

      8He will show the wisdom of what he has learned, and will glory in the law of the Lord's covenant.2

      I shall not call you servants anymore, because a servant does not know his master's business; I call you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have learned from my Father.

      John 15:153

      As above, so below. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus

      Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

      Albert Einstein

      Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe.

      Albert Einstein

      All knowledge is to be used in the manner that will give help and assistance to others, and the desire is that the laws of the Creator be manifested in the physical world.


       Though the evidence, both physical and thoughtful, may be found throughout the world, as guideposts, it is through the temple within where the finite may merge with the infinite when we see the footprints of God.


      At some point in our lives we ask ourselves what is our purpose, what is our meaning, why do we exist? Why have we been endowed with self-consciousness and self-recognition and the ability to even ask these questions? We can surmise that these questions stem from our feelings of separation and the lack of wholeness we experience, which cause us to hope that there is a greater existence than just our finite time on earth, and not just those feelings. On occasion we also experience heights of joy and unity which cause us to know that there is a greater infinite existence. Unfortunately, we tend to regress from these knowing moments and live in doubts that lead us back to hoping there is something more, some greater unifying consciousness in the universe.

      This knowing and hoping has been the impetus for the disciplines of science and religion to seek meaning and order for and in our existence. Religion generally espouses a belief of a greater, all-encompassing infinite consciousness that we have the ability to become one with through faith. On the other hand science seeks the mysteries of the creation of the universe and life through strictly observable and repeatable data that may or may not prove the existence of such a higher infinite consciousness. Religion knows through feeling experiences; science can have hopes through observed measurements.

      Is there any evidence that the knowing of religion can be unified with the hoping observations of science? Can the doubting Thomas of science observe the substantiation of God? I say, “Yes!” Yes, through two geometric symbols consisting of the triangle and the arc and their aspects. It will be shown how, through the millennia, religions have intuited the importance of these shapes and incorporated their symbolism throughout their beliefs. This goes beyond shared collective consciousness archetypes limited to spiritual beliefs. It will also be shown how this geometry is being found by modern science in the essence of life and the cosmos. It is hard to believe that this shared geometry is merely coincidence and that the same two geometric forms found at the symbolic cores of religions all over the world and through the ages are now, because science has been able to advance far enough, being discovered in the fabric of the universe and life itself. I believe that once we explore these signposts, we will be able to know, with a synthesis of science and religion, that there is a higher consciousness and a Oneness for us all in the universe.

       Note to Readers: Religion versus Spirituality: a Guide for Readers

      In my discourse, the concepts of religion and spirituality are used often and to a certain extent can be considered interchangeable. Please, before the protest start over such a statement, allow me to clarify my meaning. Traditionally, being religious and being spiritual have been one and the same. In more recent times, more and more people are differentiating between the two terms. An example of this would be recent polls taken in the United States. In a February 11, 2003 Gallup poll, 50 percent of the people asked considered themselves to be religious, while 33 percent considered themselves not religious but spiritual. Perhaps more telling is a survey reported on by USA Today in an October 14, 2010 article reporting from a survey of that same year, where 72 percent of the age group of 18 to 29 said they are “really more spiritual than religious.” It is clear that these two terms are no longer being considered equivalent and that people are making a differentiation between them.

      From what I have gathered, I believe people who call themselves religious vs. spiritual are usually involved in an organized religion, attend a church/temple of that religion, and feel a strong affiliation toward that religion over other religions (often feeling that theirs is the only true religion). People who call themselves spiritual vs. religious, may or may not attend a church/temple or be involved in organized religion, but if they are, they often feel there may be truth in more than one religious sect.

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