Sacred Journey. M.K. Welsch

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Sacred Journey - M.K. Welsch

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Look Up!

       State of Elevation

       I Am That I Am

       Sacred Refuge

       A Great Flood


       Ark of the Covenant

       Chapter 17 Nations Shall Be Blessed

       Promised Land

       Spiritual Bounty

       Saint or Frankenstein

       Choose Ye This Day

       Out of Many, One

       My Brother’s Keeper

       A Little Leaven

       Chapter 18 Servant of All: Application

       Do Thou Likewise

       Ripening Fields

       By Their Fruits

       With What Measure

       Thy Servant

       Individual Purpose

       Lord, Use Me

       Divine Opportunity

       Chapter 19 Your Names Are Writ in Heaven

       Free Will

       Eleventh Hour

       Many Are Called

       Take My Yoke

       Karma Unveiled

       Endless Mercy

       As You Sow …

       Keys to Heaven

       Chapter 20 Mystical Christ

       Infinite Source

       Spirit Is the Life

       The Lord Is One

       Full Circle


       How Long, Lord?


       Be Ye Perfect


       The power of the word is limitless. It takes the stuff of your heartand gives it life, filling it with the timeless breath of heaven.MKW


      This book could not have been written without the legacy of 14,306 readings bequeathed to us by Edgar Cayce and now archived at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, VA under the auspices of the Edgar Cayce Foundation. The truths found in those readings have been my beacons, lighting the way along the winding path of a long spiritual journey.

      My most sincere and humble thanks to all the members, friends, and supporters of the A.R.E., including those dedicated, loving people who have served on its Board of Trustees, for tending the flame so that the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material will keep shining across the ages.

      Thanks, too, to the many devoted teachers who have passed through the A.R.E.’s doors, giving of their time and talents to help the rest of us better understand life’s purpose: to manifest the love of God and man. I will mention a few in particular who over the years have opened a window to new perspectives and helped deepen my own understanding: Charles Thomas Cayce, Mark Thurston, Kevin Todeschi, and John Van Auken.

      I could not have traveled the protracted and sometimes bumpy road as an author without the support of my cherished family and friends. These wonderful traveling companions on life’s journey include my “soul sisters” Karen Shwedo and Patricia Abrams and “spiritual brother” Francis “Doc” Moreau, as well as many more good friends such as Teresa Farquhar, Sally and Bill Meadows, Melita DeBellis, and Richard Abrams, who also kindly lent me his publishing expertise. Additional thanks belong to the members of the Saturday Goldsmith Group for their constant, loving support: Shirley and the late Dick Guy, Claudia Donaldson Selby, Beth Hampton, Linda and Danny St. John, and Steve Krawczyk.

      My sincerest appreciation also extends to the staff and Governing Council of The Wilderness Society who comprised my work family for so many years and whose idealism continues to inspire me to this day. These courageous wilderness stewards have kept the dream alive, never losing sight of the fact that everyone deserves an opportunity to find

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