Fly Fishing California. Ken Hanley

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Fly Fishing California - Ken Hanley

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the necessary power to handle heavier current, strong winds, heavy (or large) flies, and a wide selection of specialty lines.

      Striped bass anglers would benefit from 8- through 10-weight outfits. These rods afford great lifting and leveraging power. The most popular outfits are the 9- or 10-weight class.

      Inshore saltwater anglers can ply the coast with 7- through 10-weight designs. The 8-weight outfit is a terrific choice for most outings.

      Offshore saltwater adventurers would do best with 10- through 12-weight outfits. These rods are needed to handle extreme conditions.


      Standard “click and pawl” drag systems are fine for most freshwater pursuits. If you choose to target game fish like steelhead or salmon, then perhaps a disk drag design would be a better choice. The disk drag option is certainly a benefit for anyone working in the saltwater arena.

      If you find yourself drawn to chasing species that can rip line off your spool, consider using a large arbor design. The benefits include a rapid retrieve rate, relaxed line that improves castability, and protecting your tippet from an overpowering drag setting. The only possible drawback of the large arbor might be the capacity for your backing and line combination. Speak with the professionals at your local fly shop (or attend one of the terrific trade shows around California). I’m sure they can offer you assistance with this issue.


      A floating line is the perfect choice for most river and stream outfits. However, it would behoove you to add a second line that is a sinking option as well. That way you can cover everything from topwater presentations to bouncing streamers along the bottom. The two lines I enjoy working with are WF (weight forward) floating and type-2 sink tip designs.

      Still water anglers should consider “the stealth factor” when choosing a line. The newer clear lines provide a nice advantage under extreme conditions. Again, I like the WF designs for this application. My second choice for negotiating still waters, is actually a full sinking line. It helps me to stay in a deeper retrieve path, maximizing my time in a specific strike zone. In this case, a type-2 class is very efficient.

      The saltwater scene provides some unique challenges. I’ve found that a “shooting head” system, and/or modified sink tip with intermediate running line design, is integral to the field experience. I typically use a head (or sink tip option) that cuts quickly through current and depth requirements. Two of my favorite shooting heads are 30’ of LC-13 (lead core 13), and a type-4 sinker. I also enjoy working with the sink tip/full line options in grain weights of 200 to 350. Companies such as RIO, Airflo, Teeny, and Cortland can provide you with specialty designs for exploring the saltwater game. Full floating lines can often be used while working around harbors and estuaries.

       Wading Gear

      You have to love that Gore-Tex® material! Man is that stuff comfortable to work with. Be sure to wear the appropriate combination of undergarments to address seasonal water temperatures. Stocking-foot waders (of any material design) are the “go to” choice for many fly fishers around California. For maximum flotation, though, you still can’t beat neoprene. Wader designs are really your own choice. Be smart with whatever you wear, and don’t get too aggressive once you’re in the water. Watch the current, watch your footing, and watch out for fatigue. I highly recommend using a wading belt or pullover jacket that seals your waders. Wading staffs are also indispensable safety items.

       Private Fly Fishing Waters

      California, like many states, has some terrific pay-for-fly-fishing opportunities. These locations can provide you with a high degree of solitude and quality angling time. Their inclusion here, however, in no way implies an endorsement. Fee-fishing is a popular, time tested and growing way to enjoy fly fishing. Opportunities of this type bear mentioning in a guidebook such as this. You’ll find a variety of these resources listed throughout the book.


      A qualified guide will steer you towards the best fishery in places that match your field skills, preferences, and conditioning. You can find some of the best guides in our state listed in the Resources section of this guidebook.


      There are hundreds of fishable streams and rivers throughout California, and over a million acres of still water habitat to explore. Our coastline stretches nearly a thousand miles and the delta systems have over a thousand miles of navigable waterways to explore! There’s absolutely no reason to feel crowded, just go find another piece of the puzzle to enjoy. The point is, move around. I try not to fish the most popular sites on weekends, and stay away from them on most holidays as well. It does take an adjustment, but the rewards are worth the extra effort you’ll make to participate in our collective fly fishing experience.

      Switching locations also helps with angling conservation. Rotating your destinations reduces or minimizes your impact on any single resource. It’s a “win/win” deal. You’ll experience the joys of new waters while giving your favorite locations a chance to recover.


       Heading out of San Diego. Photo by John Sherman.


      How do you rate your last fly fishing experience? You consider the weather, the company, access, game fish, a great cast and presentation, almost everything. When retelling your experience, aside from where you had lunch, the three most helpful comments for others include access, game fish, and water quality.

      The 1 to 10 rating scale in this guide employs these considerations. Anything rated an “8” or above represents the highest quality water and is a “must” for any fly fisher in the Golden State. A “1” rating would be atrocious. I haven’t even considered these waters for this guidebook.

      All the locations in this book rate a “5” or better. Keep in mind that the scale is a stepping-stone of sorts. Develop your own ratings the day you’re on the water!

       Common California Game Fish

       Illustrations by Joseph R. Tomelleri.

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       Prospecting for steelhead on the Smith River. Photo by John Sherman.

       Flies to Use in California


       Photos by Pete Chadwell.

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