The Way You Tempt Me. Elle Wright

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The Way You Tempt Me - Elle Wright Pure Talent

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urge to find Ethan Porter and pummel him to the ground.

      He rubbed the back of his neck. “Nah, I’m good. My plan is to lay low right now.”

      “That’s always a good plan in these types of situations. I’m sure Skye is working behind the scenes to turn the narrative and make Naomi the big bad in the relationship.”

      Xavier shrugged. “I really don’t know. She’s—”

      As if on cue, Skye appeared out of nowhere, a bright smile on her face as she walked toward them. He picked up his drink just in time for her to snatch the glass from him.

      “You’ve had enough.” She quickly tossed back the drink. “People are pretending not to stare and are murmuring under their breath.”

      “Hello, Skye,” Garrett said. “Merry Christmas.”

      With cool eyes, Skye glared at his friend for a moment before turning her attention back to him. “I hate that shit,” she said without acknowledging Garrett’s greeting. “Get up and mingle, X.” She set his empty glass on the bar top and walked away.

      Xavier eyed his friend. “My suggestion?”

      “What?” Garrett asked, an edge to his voice that hadn’t been there earlier.

      “Maybe you need to handle your own business, instead of trying to get in mine.”

      Garrett stood abruptly, nearly tipping the stool over. “Man, shut the hell up.”

      Xavier tried hard not to laugh as his friend headed over to another group of people on the other side of the room, muttering a string of frustrated curses along the way.

      Turning to the bartender, he ordered another drink.

      “Son, are you going to sit here all night, babe?” His mother stepped up to the spot Garrett had just vacated. She perched herself on the empty stool and smiled at the bartender. “Justin, please make this his last one tonight.”

      “Justin, make this one a double,” Xavier ordered.

      The bartender’s gaze darted back and forth from Xavier to Ana. “Sir, I . . .”

      Ana patted the nervous bartender’s hand. “It’s okay. This is it for him. I’d like another glass of champagne, too.”

      Justin rushed away to pour the drinks, and Xavier’s mother looked at him and smiled. Her eyes were sharp, all-seeing. Her beautiful dark brown skin seemed to glow in the muted lighting. Always stunning, she wore a long-sleeved, sequined emerald-green dress to match the occasion. The jewelry she wore sparkled like Christmas lights. It was no wonder she’d made a living as a model for the world’s top designers. Her portfolio included print, runway, movies, and even her own calendar. Her impressive career broke down barriers for many who had come after her.

      He kissed Ana’s cheek. “You look beautiful, Ma.”

      His mother straightened his tie. “As do you.” Her Liberian accent was thick, soothing to him even at his age. “But I worry.”

      “Don’t. I’ll be fine.”

      She tilted her head and peered into his eyes. “Still, you’re my son, my only child. I hate to see you this way.”

      He let out a deep sigh. “I already told you, I’m okay. Stop worrying.”

      She smoothed her hands over his shoulders. “I’ll stop worrying when you stop sulking. Don’t let that trollop win the battle.”

      Xavier chuckled at his mother’s choice of words. “‘Trollop’?”

      She shrugged. “Well, that’s the nice way of saying h—”

      “Okay, Ma,” he interrupted. “No need to bring out the big guns.”

      Gripping his hand, she tugged him to his feet. “Let’s go talk to Stewart and Victoria.” She grabbed her champagne glass and directed him to grab his tumbler. “It’s been awhile since they’ve seen you.”

      Xavier let his mother lead him over to Duke’s parents. He greeted Stewart with a man hug and Victoria with a kiss on the cheek. Jax met them over there and told a story about his latest endeavor to steal a new client from one of his competitors. Jax and Stewart had been friends since they were kids growing up in the same Ann Arbor, Michigan, neighborhood. Their bond had never waned, and their families had remained close friends.

      Skye joined them, and soon Xavier was glad that his mother had forced him away from the bar. Victoria shared the latest adventure of one of her eight children, Dexter. Then she begged Xavier to help Duke find some direction.

      Xavier held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, you know Duke does his own thing. I have no influence.”

      “Seriously, Xavier.” Victoria wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “I need him to get his shit together.”

      They all burst out in a fit of laughter, partly because Victoria didn’t curse, but mostly Duke was the one who always made her break the no-cussing rule she’d always tried to live by.

      “Damn it,” Skye murmured.

      Silence descended on the room and Xavier watched everyone’s attention veer to the door to where Naomi and Ethan had just entered the room.

      “What is she doing here?” Ana asked between clenched teeth. The smile she wore never wavered, even though Xavier knew it was hanging on by a thread. “Jax, did you invite her?”

      Jax gave Ana a sidelong glance. “As a client of the agency, she received her invitation weeks ago, just like everyone else.”

      “The nerve,” Skye whispered. “I’ll handle this.”

      Jax gripped Skye’s hand, preventing her from kicking the duo out. “Leave it be.”

      With a sympathetic glance X’s way, Skye relented and stayed put.

      “Are you okay, son?” Jax glanced at Xavier with narrowed eyes.

      The challenge in his father’s eyes told Xavier he’d better be okay. Jax Starks had always maintained control, even in the most stressful situations, and had implored Xavier to do the same. It took Xavier leaving the Los Angeles party scene before the lesson finally took. That didn’t mean his infamous temper never got the best of him again. It just meant that he did a better job of walking away from situations that tested him.

      “I’m cool,” he answered.

      Naomi’s eyes lit up when she noticed their group. With her arm wrapped around Ethan’s, and as if she hadn’t just dumped him without telling him, she sauntered over.

      In the background, he heard the faint whispers and felt the weighted stares on his neck. And he tried to ignore them. He really did. Even when Naomi hugged him like they were old friends. Even when Naomi introduced Ethan to everyone, as if he didn’t cheat with her knowing she was with Xavier. Even when Naomi pulled out an embossed envelope and handed it to Jax. But when his father opened the envelope and read the words out loud, that’s when Xavier lost it.


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