A Golden Treatise of Mental Prayer. St. Peter de Alcántara

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A Golden Treatise of Mental Prayer - St. Peter de Alcántara

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angry judge, and repair a great part of the ruin of mankind by our good example.

       When Charles the Fifth recollected himself in a certain monastery of the Hieronymites, understanding of the sanctity and integrity of this holy Father, he sent for him, with an in- tent to make him his ghostly father. But he humbly refusing so great an honor, alleged


      some reasons, why he thought this employment not to be fitting for him. At which denial, the Emperor being a little moved with anger, said, we charge you, Father, that you would take care of our soul. He seeing this sudden alteration of Cæsar, fell down at the feet of his majesty, and earnestly desired him to defer the business to what day or hour he would please to appoint, that, in the mean time, he might commend it to Almighty God, which the Emperor granted ; then he took his leave of the Emperor, and said, this renowned Cæsar, shall be a sign unto you, that it is not according to the will of God, which you have desired, if I do not return at the appointed time. Then passing to his former solitude, as he went, he complained with many sighs and groans to Almighty God, fearing by the devices of Satan, to be drawn from the embracings of his blessed spouse, Jesus Christ. He sent up his fervent prayers to the Almighty's throne, and said these or like words : '' Lord, I have not, therefore, left the world, and betaken myself to this holy desart, that now at length my name should be renowned in a prince's court, and live in honor, that am a poor Franciscan friar. Why should my ears be troubled with flatterings of courtiers, who came to speak my fault in religion? I confess that this office may be exercised without sin ; but whether it be expedient for my soul, sweet Jesus, tell me ? And when he entered into his cell, Lord, I be-


      seech thee, pull me not from hence, whither thy omnipotent hand hath brought me. Here I am safe, here I am rich ; because I enjoy thee, who alone can satiate my soul. Alas ! without thee what is the whole empire? and with thee, this poor cell is a kingdom of content. Here let me live: Here let me die. Lord, let it please thee what I wish for, because all is thine whatsoever I desire. If thou grantest me thy petition, let this be a sign unto me, that Cæsar molesteth me no more." So rising, as being heard, did appear no more before him. Neither did the Emperor ever solicit him after.

       The same request did the illustrious Princess Joanna, sister to Philip the Second, Catholic King of Spain, make unto this holy Father, whom he likewise denied after the same manner. Thus, whilst he fled honors, he was most honored of all, and reverenced of every one.

       And what candid sincerity he used in con- temning proffered honors, men of no small qua- lity observed, that those who honored him, he would no more regard their speech than a simple idiot, and would labor to divert them from that to some other discourse. He had rather be called a sinner than a holy man, and he himself would (without scandal) lay open to the world his imperfections, under which, his virtues and graces were cloaked. But God, the searcher of secrets, by how much he did strive to hide them; the more he made his


      fame to shine in the world, to the astonishment of all. For he was a man whom God had chosen according to his own heart, by whose industry, and from whose spiritual loins did spring many servants of Jesus Christ, and many renowned martyrs of our holy order.





       Almighty God was always present with him, and he with God. His soul was like a fiery furnace, made hot with the fuel of the cross of Christ. It was not in his own power to contain himself, but what thing soever he either saw, or heard, which might delight his beloved Jesus, though it were but afar off, his heart-strings would begin to tremble, and his vital spirits leave him, and frequently fall into extacy. He was accustomed for a whole hour together, to say his prayers with his arms stretched out in the manner of a cross, sighing and weeping, till at last he would be beside himself, elevated from the ground, and united only to his God. He was oftentimes in this manner rapt, when he was in the choir at matins. But his devotion was much more augmented at the altar, when he celebrated the dreadful sacrifice, then would rivers of tears gush in abundance from his venerable eyes, that would move the most stony and obdurate heart of any of the standers by unto compunction. After mass he would withdraw himself into his cell, where he hath been often


      heard to have had grievous conflicts 'with devils; who oftentimes appearing in a visible shape, would follow him up and down with terrible fury.

       In talking of Almighty God his soul would be presently inebriated with divine sweetness, and ascending by degrees from one word to another, as, what ! was God incarnated for me? was God made man for me ? was God vested with human flesh for me ? and the like. He would forthwith break into exclamations, and hurrying himself into his cell, would for the space of above three hours together, lose the use of his senses.* One day, a brother that was newly made Priest, practicing in the garden to sing mass, when he heard him sing these words of St. John's gospel, (Et verbum caro factum est,) he became enraptured, and remained for a long time in ecstacy.

       This, therefore, was ordinary to the friend of God, that when he heard any thing of the humanity of our blessed Saviour, or any devout word of the holy Scripture, it would cause him raptures. Neither could he help them, though he did strive much against them, especially in the presence of others, but his heart would become like melting wax in the midst of his bowels. He was often, in seeing the crucifix, moved with such compassion, that his arms

      * Marianus in vita B. Alcant. cap. 10.


      would be rapt across, with little clouds glittering about his head.

       He would sometimes prophesy, to some the loss of honors, to others sudden death, to others purgatory; which would fall out the very day and hour he told them.

       The first time he saw St. Theresa, he told her what contradictions, and afflictions, she suffered from her ghostly fathers, and other spiritual persons, who would needs persuade her, that she was seduced ; and, moreover, that she was to suffer much more in the same kind. He likewise foretold what should be the success in the Indies.




       He traced the steps of our blessed Saviour, and all his glorious saints,* all which did never merit their crowns without carrying of the cross of Christ.

       He was another patient Job, in suffering the temptations, and afflictions, the infirmity of man is subject unto, he was in a particular manner loaded with the heavy burden of them, notwithstanding his fervent spirit, patiently supported, and victoriously triumphed over all his difficulties, maugre all the force of Satan. His frequent combats, his persecutions, his sickness, his long and tedious travels, the difficulties he did undergo in erecting his province, would take up too much time to relate. He was so greedy of suffering, that he esteemed himself happy, to bear afflictions for the name of Jesus, saying, that there was no way so sure and easy to attain unto perfection, as the carrying of the cross of Christ. He would, therefore, beg of Almighty God, that he might

      * Quis Sanctorum sine patientia coronatiis? solus in deliciis Solomon fuit, etideo foitasecorruit. Div. Hieron.



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