Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus. Jean Lyonnard

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Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus - Jean Lyonnard

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Daily Prayer to the Compassionate Heart of Mary for the hundred thousand children who are horn each day ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 174 Ticket of Intercession and Supplication ... ... ... ... . 175 Association of Voluntary Victims ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 Tickets of the Association of Voluntary Victims for the needs of the Church and the Nations, especially the Catholic Nations of Europe, in honour of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, and the Com- passionate Heart of Mary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 178 1st. Ticket, The Church and France ... ... ... ... ... ... 179 2nd. Ticket, The Church and Italy ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 180 3rd, Ticket, The Church and Spain ... ... ... ... ... ... 181 4th. Ticket, The Church and Austria ... ... ... ... ... 182 6th. Ticket, The Church and Germany ... ... ... ... 183 6th. Ticket, The Church and England ... ... ... ... ... 184 7th, Ticket, The Church and Poland ... ... ... ... ... 185 8th. Ticket, The Church and Belgium ... ... ... ... ... 186 9th. Ticket, The Church and America ... ... ... ... ... 187 10th. Ticket, The Church, Asia, and Africa 188



      We offer tins little book to your pious consideration, hoping that you will kindly receive it with the same good will as its pre- decessors. It is the companion to the "Perpetual Supplication to the Compas- sionate Heart of Mary," which we published last year. Read and distribute them both, and remember that the zeal of the Christian ought always to be like a spreading flame. Do not content yourself with reading and getting others to read these books; but prac- tise, and get others to practise what they contain. You will thus draw down the blessing of God on yourselves and your fami- lies, you will give glory to Jesus and Mary, you will promote the salvation of the dying, you will raise a barrier against the invasion of the Solidaires, that wicked band, whose mission it is to make men die as reprobates;*

      * This sect arose in Belgium a few years ago, and has already gained a footing in many French towns. Let us do all we can to arrest its ravages.


      you will comfort Holy Church, your mother, in her sorrows, and gain for her, from Heaven, fresh strength to conquer her ene- mies. May God, in His infinite mercy, make use of you, dear reader, for these glorious and holy ends, and may these little books help to forward them! We humbly offer them, like our others, to the agonizing Heart of Jesus, to the compassionate Heart of Mary, and to St. Joseph, the patron of a good death. *

      According to a revelation made to a pious person, "our Lord looks with great favour on the Confraternity established in honour of His Agonizing Heart; many dying per- sons have already been saved by its interces- sions; and their number will ultimately be counted, not by thousands, but by millions." This is not a matter of faith, but we who know the person to whom, and the circum- stances in which the revelation was made, see no reason for doubt, and find in it great consolation. Glory be to God. Amen.

      *We would call particular attention to an article at the end of this book, on "The Simultaneous Exercise of Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, and Perpetual Supplication to the Compassionate Heart of Mary."





      EACH DAY.


      We hope that the easy method which we are about to lay before the members of the Confrater- nity of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, may assist them in the profitable employment of their ap- pointed time of intercession for the dying. But we must begin by explaining the nature of the Confraternity.


      CHAPTER I.

      The Confraternity of the Agonizing Heart

      of Jesus.

      The object of this Confraternity is, to honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the con- tinual sorrows of His mortal life, especially


      in His Agony in the Garden of Olives; and, by the merits of that long agony, to obtain the grace of a good death for the eighty thousand who die each day. This number is not exaggerated, it is an ascer- tained fact.

      The excellence and advantages of this Confraternity are obvious. Its special object of veneration is among the greatest, the holiest, the most perfect, that can be found in heaven or on earth, for it is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, considered in the most touching manifestations of Its love, in all that It has endured for our salvation; it is the Agonizing Heart of the only Son of God, equal to Him from all eternity; of the only Son of the Immaculate Virgin, born of her, in time, by the divine power of the Holy Spirit.

      It meets the most urgent and important need of souls; of the countless multitudes who are dying each day. The eternal fate of thousands will be decided within the next twenty-four hours, a few minutes will seal that of a vast number. Alas! how many of them are in a state of mortal sin, and there- fore on the very brink of hell! Can any need be greater than theirs? What can be


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