To be happy is allowed. For women. Tatyana Lozhkina

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To be happy is allowed. For women - Tatyana Lozhkina

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appy is allowed

      For women

      Tatyana Lozhkina

      Illustrator Tatyana Bukharina

      Proofreader Nina Terebkova

      Editor Natalia Shaverina

      © Tatyana Lozhkina, 2020

      © Tatyana Bukharina, illustrations, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-0051-3392-2

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      What can make a woman so attractive sometimes? What magic keeps her eye shining so brightly? The answer is definitely happiness, which fills your heart and soul. A happy woman emits beauty despite her age!

      I’d like you to read this book till the end. Here I’m sharing with you some simple but effective techniques to discover your femininity and open your heart to the world. I’ve already experienced all these methods by myself, and I’m still using many of them. They helped me to increase my female inner strength and to build a close-knit family. So, now I’m peaceful and filled up with happiness! And I want to share with you some “recipes” how to achieve this.

      Good luck, my dear ones!


      First of all, I am a happy woman, a wife and a mother of two curious, cheerful girls. The idea to write a book came to me when I was at school. It’s been long since then. And now I’m 40. Perhaps, that’s a kind of new frontier that opens up new verges of your life. “A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them.“And a time to write books!

      I’ve passed a long way in my life, just like everyone: kindergarten, school and two universities. Later, I’ve been soaked in a self-development and self- knowledge techniques. As a result, I’ve learned how to build a family, to accept myself and to love my inner child.

      Now I do what I want and like. I give online and face-to-face yoga classes for adults and children and write books. I am really grateful for my husband’s support in everything I do. My parents also understand and approve the way I’ve chosen. As we usually say in Russia: “I give them a low bow”!

      Honestly, I like being a woman. Yes, a Woman with the capital letter “W”. I like to practice yoga and share my knowledge and experience with others. Especially with women, because I understand them well, at least, I think so. When a woman loves and accepts herself as she is, she understands other people easier.

      I like communication and I believe that every person is interesting and is able to bring something new to your life. It is said: “No one is a friend, no one is an enemy – everyone is a teacher.” It’s true to some extent. Every person illustrates his attitude towards you through his behavior, somehow he “mirrors” our inner state and mood.

      I have friends and I am so grateful for their support and kindness. But, of course, my best friend is my beloved husband.

      Girls were taught and are still taught to achieve something (set aims, solve problems, come across with life difficulties). This is how our grandmothers and mothers lived. Previously, there were difficult times when you had to survive: the war, “perestroika”, “dashing 90s”.

      The same with me, I have been going the same path of “reformation” for a long time, and even now I sometimes turn to it. Because that’s how we were brought up, how we were taught. I wanted to be a “good” girl for everyone: my parents, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

      Now I’ve given it up! You can’t please everyone, that’s just impossible. It’s time to live for yourself, not for others; to live according to your heart wishes, not listening to your head only. Times are different now and we are surrounded by different energies, so it is quite possible. You should trust yourself and your heart.

      One more thing which can help you on your way is the ability to smile whatever happens. It always helped me to go through tough times. Life was always full of challenges and it still has a lot of them. The only thing that you change your attitude to problems over times, it won’t press you that much in the future. And, as a result, you are getting more confident. With a smile your perception of life changes to a better way. When you laugh, even if you’ve got some troubles, all of them turn to be smaller and unimportant.

      To be honest, sometimes it was not easy for me to smile. I gave up many times, but “the road is made by walking”! I agree with the opinion that everything in our life happens for a reason. Difficulties make us stronger, wiser, and give mental strength. They help you to understand what acceptance and unconditional love are. I suppose, these are two main things that we can and should learn during our lives. That’s what we were born for.

      I always liked writing, expressing my ideas on paper. Sometimes it may turn out something interesting, like this book which you are holding in your hands. That’s my first book, it exists in electronic or paper variant. I can say without exaggeration that it is a unique one. I collected here all the most effective techniques that have helped me. Having used them, I felt like I was filled with precious female energy. I am happy to share these life-giving sources with you!

      By the way, in the end of the book, you will get a gift: an interesting method how to attract money to your life. I will tell you how to do it easily, without any specific knowledge. After all, it is not easy to become happy without money in the modern world! Maybe just living somewhere in the forest or on a desert island.

      These are my channels, profiles in social networks and on YouTube. Join me!


      Group in Vkontakte: “Yoga for women”:



      My channel on YouTube:

      My channel on Yandex. Zen:

      About the book

      In this book, I have collected simple rules that make your life happier and more joyful. I’ve tested all of them on my own experience and I bet they work! The book is a kind of synthesis of what I experienced and all complications I’ve ever come across in my life. I hope this information will be useful and interesting for you.

      I started writing this book when my husband and I were having vacation in Thailand. And it was one more exciting adventure in my life. So, it seems to me, that exactly in this state of mind you should write cheerful and easy-to-read texts. I hope that my book will become exactly like that. Cheerfulness

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