Reading (in) the Holocaust. Malgorzata Wójcik-Dudek

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Reading (in) the Holocaust - Malgorzata Wójcik-Dudek Studies in Jewish History and Memory

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observable in the 21st century, is certainly a very complex and multifaceted development. Whether or not the seismographic sensitivity of “the fourth literature”65 is its genetically inherent property (weighty inspirations from adult texts can easily inundate and fertilise it), as literature’s younger sibling it has taken upon itself the obligation to bear witness.

      In reflecting on the Polish fourth literature about the Holocaust, we should focus on two essential questions: “What are its purposes?” and “What should it be like?” Of course, such questions enmesh texts for children in ideological and aesthetic suspicions. Yet “Project Postmemory” should abide by a set of principles, and in this particular case the writer’s creative freedom can be subjected to a certain restraint in order to make sure that broadly conceived propriety is observed, a criterion which anyhow turns out to be very flexible in fact.

      Post-Holocaust literature for children makes an impression of serving as a preparatory stage for the encounter with school readings about the Holocaust. Of course, the ascription of such an utilitarian function to “that” literature and literature in general is hardly a novel or surprising discovery. Nevertheless, texts ←36 | 37→for children seem to have a slightly different and more important role as well. They contribute to evoking the sense of lack, comprehended as nostalgia for what is irretrievably lost, which in and of itself may be viewed as a blueprint of remembering. In this framework, the trace should be the paramount category of postmemory, as the trace proves that what is not there now was there once. The work of the trace is never done because the trace requires constant movement, transmission and continuous narrative which enable it to bear witness to the past.

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