VeriSM™ Professional Courseware. Helen Morris

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VeriSM™ Professional Courseware - Helen Morris

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perform a gap analysis.


      Assignment 2 Checklist

      Note down the assessment of the candidate per exam specification.

e-CompetenceExam specificationThe candidate can...Observed?Tick the box if observed
A4, D115.1.1Apply the VeriSM™ model to address a new or changed service or product.
A45.2.1Apply the Management Mesh to an organization and a new or changed product or service.
A7, A95.2.4Choose appropriate management practices and technologies.
D115.2.5Choose appropriate gap analysis techniques.

      4. Assignment 3: Transformational Opportunities


      The case study of FCH.

      You are hired as the principal consultant to the CEO.

      Your assignment

      Multiple Employee Satisfaction Surveys (ESS) over all 20,000 employees showed that the satisfaction rate is very poor and is still decreasing. The management team has decided to gather more information before starting an organizational change management (OCM) program.

      In your role as principal consultant, the management team wants you to do an analysis. This analysis should consider key activities and expected results, which build the foundation for the OCM-program.

      Recommended time

      1.5 hours

      Reference materials

      VeriSM™ Professional case study;

      VeriSM™ : A service management approach for the digital age, Chapter 2, 5, and 6.6;

      VeriSM™ : Unwrapped and applied, Chapter 4, 5, 6, and 9.

      Expected results

      • An analysis including an identification of,

      ○ the current leadership;

      ○ the current organizational hierarchy;

      ○ the current collaboration styles;

      • A description of the ideal organizational model for FCH in order to increase employee satisfaction.

      • A recommendation for the most appropriate transformation technique.

      Assessment criteria for the exercise

      The candidate can…

      • analyze the relationship between the organizational structure and employee satisfaction;

      • choose an appropriate transformation technique;

      • describe an ideal organizational model.

      Assignment 3 Checklist

      Note down the assessment of the candidate per exam specification.

e-CompetenceExam specificationThe candidate can...Observed?Tick the box if observed
E42.1.1Illustrate the digital leadership characteristics, digital skills and digital awareness that leaders should have.
D92.1.2Differentiate between digital leadership requirements for initial and ongoing efforts.
D9, E72.2.1Modify a traditional organizational hierarchy to one that embraces constant change.
D92.2.2Analyze and develop teams for collaboration.
E73.1.1Apply appropriate transformation techniques based on a transformational focus.

      5. Assignment 4: VeriSM™ Model


      The case study of FCH.

      You are hired as the principal consultant to the CEO.

      Your assignment

      One of the strategic initiatives is continuing to grow and merging with one to three new hospitals.

      FCH will merge with one new hospital. In your role as principal consultant, the management team asks you to create separate operational plans for HR in the medical division and both IT departments for this merger. These plans should include the activities throughout the four VeriSM™ stages and the desired outcomes.

      Recommended time

      1.5 hours

      Reference materials

      VeriSM™ Professional case study;

      VeriSM™ : A service management approach for the digital age, Chapter 7, 11, 12, 13, 14;

      VeriSM™ : Unwrapped and applied, Chapter 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

      Expected results

      • Operational plan for HR in the medical division including:

      ▪ the activities throughout the four stages;

      ▪ the desired outcomes per stage.

      • Operational plan for IT as part of finance in the medical division including:

      ▪ the activities throughout the four stages;

      ▪ the desired outcomes per stage.

      • Operational plan for IT in the insurance division including:

      ▪ the activities throughout the four stages;

      ▪ the desired outcomes per stage.

      Assessment criteria for the exercise

      The candidate can…

      • process a strategic decision into operational plans running through the four stages;

      • create an operational plan including desired outcomes;

      • apply the VeriSM™ model to an organization.

      Assignment 4 Checklist


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