M_o_R® Management of Risk Foundation Courseware – English. Douwe Brolsma

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M_o_R® Management of Risk Foundation Courseware – English - Douwe Brolsma

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is being renovated. The ‘Redecorate Tuindorp’ project has been running for a couple of years now and the Eastern sections have been completed. The sewer has been inspected and partly replaced, rain water has been separated from sewer water, all waste pipelines have been renewed, the tarmac has been renovated and the street has been rebuilt and now has marked parking places and new lighting.

      The renovation of the Western sections is due. A number of active people living in the street are advised to start a street committee that will act on behalf of all people living in the ‘Oude Brandenburgerweg’. Just a couple of days later this committee is established.

      In the mean time the local authorities have started up a project to renovate the street.

       This project will need to deal with the following issues:

      • The sewer will have to be renewed and any rainwater needs to be separated from sewer water

      • The tarmac for the cars needs to slowly but surely run into the tarmac for pedestrians

      • The allowed maximum driving speed will be adjusted to 30 kilometers / hour

      • The amount of work needed to keep the green sections under control should be brought back to a minimum

      • Car parking will only be allowed in explicitly marked areas (indicated by a different color of stones).

      The local authorities have just appointed a project manager. The project manager has to plan the renovation and then manage that the planned work is carried out accordingly. The current month is the month of March and if all runs according to plan the shovels are expected to move the ground by the end of the year.

       Supplementary information that may be relevant:

      • The project runs in a period in which dual governance is introduced within the community and in which the alderman of Renovation focusses on having citizens co-decide on renovation projects

      • As is shown in the picture taken in 1970, there used to be two sports fields and an outdoor swimming pool on the north side of the ‘Old Brandenburgerweg’. The sports fields and the outdoor swimming pool have been removed and the local authorities are thinking about whether or not to keep on running the indoor swimming pool. The premises of the former sport fields will be totally redesigned and it is planned to build firms, offices and houses on them. In order to do so a parallel project is running besides of the renovation of the ‘Old Brandenburgerweg’

      • The financial budget for the renovation has been on the local authorities’ financial plans for ten years, but has never been indexed. As the street committee addresses this problem, they are told they do not need to worry about the money and that all financial matters are not their responsibility. Any request or proposition put forward will be judged on their feasibility; also from a financial point of view.

       Requirements for the renovation of the street

       The renovation will enforce slow driving

      ✓ Trees, stone boxes containing flowers and lighting will in the middle of the street, serving as a sort of obstacle

      ✓ No bumps in the road but the street will be renovated in such a way that it looks smaller

      ✓ The street will have as many curves as possible

      ✓ The street should facilitate mixed use.

       The atmosphere of the neighbourhood needs to be protected and re-enforced

      ✓ A greener image, the green strokes need to be more ‘self maintaining’

      ✓ Proper, stylish street lighting

      ✓ A quiet street with open spaces, places to rest and relax and specially reserved areas for the children to play

      ✓ Hardly any driving traffic, access should be restricted to local traffic

      ✓ Cars should hardly be noticed (as much as possible they should be parked out of the street) and parking on private property should be stimulated.

      Assignment ‘(Strategic) Objectives’


      Candidates will show a Foundation level of understanding of how to lay the foundations for concise risk management in the scenario.


Task execution:30Minutes
Presentations and evaluation:15Minutes.


      The OBW Case or an example from daily life.


      Understand the project by formulating:

      • The objectives and scope of the activity

      • What assumptions have been made (if any)

      • The activity in relation to the organisation’s own environment

      • The organisation’s approach to risk management


      In groups, write down your ideas on flip-chart sheets and present them to the other participants.

      Assignment ‘Identifying and evaluating Risks’


      Practicing how to identify risks and best write them down, how to evaluate risks. What the role of risk ownership is all about and what the difference is between a risk and an issue.


Task execution:40Minutes
Presentations and evaluation:15Minutes.


      The OBW Case or an example from daily life


      Identify all related risks and derive from these the top 5 risks that threaten the endeavour undertaken in the OBW Case

      Evaluate them and identify who would be best suited to become risk owner to those risks. Motivate.


      In groups, note down your findings on a flipchart and be prepared to present your findings in a plenary discussion.

      Assignment ‘Project Policy Document’


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