Barriers to Rebuilding the African American Community. Tywan Ajani

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Barriers to Rebuilding the African American Community - Tywan Ajani

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crisis. It reported that “nationally, black women terminate pregnancies at far higher rates than other women as well. In 2014, 36% of all abortions were performed on black women, who are just 13% of the female population. The little discussed flip side of ‘reproductive freedom’ is that abortion deaths far exceed those via cancer, violent crime, heart disease, AIDS and accidents (8).”

      The recent documentary Hillary’s America delves deeper into this revelation of systematic deception. Nevertheless, there is another riveting detail relating to the Democratic Party. In the book God Wants You To Be Rich, author and economist Paul Zane Pilzer reflects on how our America’s economic make-up was, and still, is heavily influenced by one man, John Maynard Keynes. Pilzer calls him the most influential economist of the 20th century, and states the following:

      Keynes believed that the government should take affirmative actions—like cutting taxes and making public expenditures even when such actions created deficits to bring the economy up to full employment. Such a policy may not seem unusual today—indeed it has been embraced by the Democratic Party in the United States and most western European governments (6).

      So what is Pilzer insinuating? He is informing the readers that our modern version of government in the West is built on the framework of what is called Keynesian economics. This economic theory believes in the valid and powerful use of government to control a large segment of specific populations, chiefly in the areas of employment and industry as well as poverty and minorities. A recent report exhibits racist administrative policies that still affect African Americans today. Pilzer reported that “the causes of residential segregation are complex, ←35 | 36→enduring and overlapping. It is only a few decades since racial segregation was an explicit goal of public policy (6).”

      Wait a minute! One of the two major political parties in the most powerful government in the world, at one point, embraced a philosophy of immense and forceful government population control mechanisms? This is daunting but true. Here is another aspect of Keynesian economics at work. “One of Keyne’s suggestions for government employment programs in 1939 led to the United States building massive public housing projects throughout the nation. Perhaps more than any other single event, this government program of housing large groups of poor people together in public housing projects led to the multigenerational welfare state we have today (6),” says Pilzer.

      Public housing projects? This sounds like the housing projects often referred to in rap songs and black cultural rhetoric. Yet, this is the party of choice for most African Americans and people of color today. John Maynard Keynes was a proud and noble member of the Democratic Party. How did his work and that of Margaret Sanger become construed as “good” and acceptable for the Democratic Party?

      Historically, African Americans were Republicans. Abolitionists, such as Frederick Douglass, and white supporters, such as Abraham Lincoln, the founder of the Republican Party, vehemently opposed the institution of slavery. President Abraham Lincoln both renounced and legally terminated slavery in 1865. The legal order that officially ended slavery in the United States is known as the Emancipation Proclamation.

      Today, the Republican Party opposes many of the social justice issues that the Democratic Party supports. This party also officially opposes abortion and the government support of Planned Parenthood. The founder of the Democratic Party, Andrew Jackson, was not only a slave owner, but he also advocated aggressively for slavery, and brutalized his own personal slaves during their tenure of bondage to him. Confusing as it sounds, these two parties have divided the country into liberal or conservative beliefs.

      Conservative Republicans now stand as the pillar of hope for right wing Americans. This party is mainly categorized as the organization that opposes socialism, illegal immigration, and gay and lesbian rights. Many Republicans are staunch and passionate supporters of gun rights and of the contentious National Rifle Administration.

      The Republican Party comprises majorly of Caucasian American Christians. A great deal of them choose to embrace this party as a hero and a protector of their values. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of African American and Hispanic voters choose the Democratic Party. Ironically, the majority religion of ←36 | 37→both parties is both protestant Christianity and Catholicism. Same religion, same Bible, same Jesus, same scriptures yet the country is fiercely divided by these two parties.

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