Easy Grammar with Hamsters, or Welcome to GrammArea!. Elena Soboleva

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Easy Grammar with Hamsters, or Welcome to GrammArea! - Elena Soboleva

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Dear friend, now it’s time for your magic creature! Don’t be shy and draw it, but please, don’t show it to anyone yet!

      Play! Let your friends guess what your magic creature looks like. Let them ask you some questions about this creature and you should answer only “yes” or “no”. The questions can be as follows: Does your creature have long ears? Is your animal black? Does it have a tail? Does it have a cat’s head? Does it have a family? Does it have a name? Does it have many legs? and so on.

      Say and Show

      Now tell us about your Magic Friend who travels with you in GrammArea. And what does he or she do every day, usually, always, never, often, sometimes? Our fun list will help you with this (only add –s or –es each time): for example: He often hiccups after a good meal (and show us how he does it). Let’s start:

      to hiccup after a good meal

      to jump and hop like a mad hare at night

      to moo like a real cow

      to pretend to be a hedgehog

      to behave like an old goat

      to chase his or her tail like an Indian

      to lick his (her) paws in the morning

      to wash and splash like a duck in a bathtub

      to miss you when you’re out

      Hamsters’ club show

      Talk! Do you often go to circus, my friend? What do you like best at the circus: clowns, acrobats or animals? Would you like to be a circus-actor?

      Hammy and Homiq go to the Hamsters’ Club! They can see a notice there. Let’s read it together!

      Attention! Attention!

      Only today and only at our Hamsters’ club!

      Fantastic circus-actress Georgina performs in her

      Very Special Show!

      Look! Who is it on the poster? Would you like to watch her show? How many hamsters can you see sitting in the circus? What does she have in her paw?

      It must be very interesting! – says Homiq. – Let’s read on:

      During the show the actress Georgina:

      – climbs into the basket and jumps out high up in the air;

      – stands on one paw for 15 seconds;

      – rings the bell (no paws!);

      – jumps over the high fence;

      – stands on her head in the armchair;

      – drinks some water from the cooler (no paws!);

      – waves to the audience and wishes farewell.

      Hurry! Hurry to the show and enjoy!

      For Hammy and Homiq: come to the show and get a note which says where to go next in GrammArea.

      Dear friend, to help Georgina perform better, find all the examples of Present Simple in the notice above (start with climbs).

      Georgina’s day

      Meanwhile, Georgina has a whole day ahead of her. Make a list of what she does during the day. Hammy and Homiq can help. They have got a magic box full of words which you can use.

      Write the correct words above and you’ll learn whom she has to visit before the show – just put all the marked letters in the table below.

      Great! Homiq and Hammy try to help Georgina too. Below is the list from them. What can the famous actress do from this list? Write down what you think of it (use the words from the tables 1 and 2 or even your own words). Don’t forget to put the verbs from table 1 in the correct form!

      First she ___________________(1) __________________ (2).

      Then she ___________________(1) __________________ (2).

      After this she ___________________(1) _______________(2).

      In a while she ___________________(1) _______________(2).

      Finally she ___________________(1) __________________ (2).

      Good job! You are a great friend!

      Zoo! Now let’s read about our friends from the Zoo, Homya the hamster and guard Petrovich.

      Fill in the blanks and complete the story about them. Choose the words from the list below or use your own words and put them in the correct form:

      Homya the hamster and his friends

      Homya the hamster _________________ (1) Petrovich every day. Guard Nickiforich ___________________ (2) and goes to ___________________ (3) Homya. When Peotr Ivanich, the director of the Zoo, ________________ (4) Homya, he ________________________ (5). Homya’s life is ______________________ (6).

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