The Weatherhouse. Nan Shepherd

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      ‘I’ll go again,’ said Ellen, nothing loth; but as she opened the door Lindsay arrived, running.

      She was plainly in terror, and throwing herself on the sofa broke into sobbing.

      ‘Whatever made you want to go there?’ they asked when she told where she had been.

      ‘I don’t know,’ sobbed Lindsay. She was like a little frightened child, and very lovely in her woe. They made much of her, and miscalled Bawbie Paterson to their hearts’ content.

      Lindsay told her story over again to Kate, when Kate had arrived home for the night and the girls were in the windowed room that Kate shared habitually with her mother. Ellen had yielded her tower to the guest.

      ‘They wanted to know why I went, Katie, but they mustn’t. Oh, I wish she weren’t like that—she’s dreadful.’

      ‘But you needn’t go near her, need you?’

      Lindsay began to laugh and to sob. ‘Katie,’ she whispered, ‘she’s his aunt, you know.’

      Kate was silent from astonishment.

      She had heard her aunt’s account of Mrs Andrew Lorimer’s story—‘Captain Dalgarno,’ Mrs Andrew had said.

      ‘I see,’ she said at last. Captain Dalgarno was therefore Garry Forbes.

      ‘Mother told you about me, didn’t she? Didn’t she, Katie? She had no right—they treat me like a child. She did say, didn’t she?’

      ‘I wasn’t here, Linny. Yes, she said.’

      ‘Said what? How much, Katie? Oh, I couldn’t bear them to know that was why I ran after her. I wanted to see—Do you suppose they know, Katie?’

      ‘I am sure they don’t. But is it secret, Linny?’

      ‘No. But running after her like that—’ She began to writhe on the bed. ‘I’m so unhappy, Katie.’

      ‘Yes,’ said Kate.

      Kate was dumb before emotion. Her own was mastered and undivulged. She remained silent while Lindsay sobbed, and in a while the girl grew quiet, and fell asleep.

      But Kate, after her young cousin slept, stole out of bed and crossed the room. Bending, she pulled the cover over Lindsay’s naked arm. ‘In this frost—she’d starve.’ And for a moment Kate stood looking down on the flushed young face. So this was the woman whom Garry Forbes had chosen. Kate returned to bed and went to sleep. She had a long day’s work ahead of her and a long day’s work behind; and lying awake brought scanty profit.

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