Twice Blessed. Barbara Cameron

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Twice Blessed - Barbara Cameron

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it would be good for her to go out with Jacob—he didn’t know how sometimes she’d been teased for being almost painfully shy at schul by boys and girls alike. She wanted to be more outgoing . . . not necessarily as much as Katie. But she just felt she missed out sometimes by being introverted and shy.

      She dug in her purse for her sunglasses, pausing to smile at him before she slipped them on.

      “I’ll let you choose the restaurant,” he told her as he guided the buggy down the driveway.

      She had no idea what kind of food he’d like. She knew that kind of thing about boys she’d grown up with but knew so little about Jacob. So she asked him and found out that when he ate out he loved Italian.

      “I know just the restaurant,” she said. “Turn left at the next road.”

      Chapter 6


      It was gut to see Rosie looking well today.”

      Katie nodded. “She looked a lot better than she did last time you saw her, huh?” She shivered, remembering how scared she’d been the night they’d walked into the house and found Rosie unconscious.

      “Ya.” He glanced at her, then the road ahead. “’Bout time I got to see you.”

      She frowned. “You could have stopped by. I didn’t want to leave Rosie any more than I had to.”

      Daniel turned to look at her. “I know. I just missed you. That’s all.”

      Silence stretched between them. “Guess I’ll believe you next time you say you feel something is wrong with Rosie,” he said finally, reminding her of how she’d experienced that terrible headache the night Rosie had fallen down the steps.

      It was a sort of apology for his doubt that night. Katie studied him. Like many Amish men she knew, he didn’t say much, so this was really a surprise.

      “This thing you have with Rosie. Do you know every time something happens?”

      “Not every time. But if it’s something important we usually get a feeling.”

      “It’s not like you know if something really . . . personal happens.”

      “Like what?” When she saw him flush, she couldn’t help chuckling. “You mean, will she know when we kiss? I don’t know. Shall we find out?” She leaned over and smiled flirtatiously.

      Daniel backed away. “Katie, it’s not funny.”

      She reached over and patted his hand. “Nee, I’m sorry for teasing you.”

      They rode in silence for a time. She found herself wondering if Rosie was enjoying being out with Jacob. The two of them shared so much, but Rosie had such trouble feeling comfortable around men. Things seemed different between her and Jacob. And Rosie had taken her advice and asked him out.

      Surely this was a good sign. She loved her sister. She wanted both of them to marry and have kinner one day. That was part of God’s ultimate plan for His children, wasn’t it? To be married to someone who loved them and raise kinner together, to be part of a loving family here on earth? That’s why God set aside a mate for His kinner.


      “Hmm?” She dragged her attention away from her thoughts and realized he was pulling the buggy over to the side of the road.

      “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something for some time now. That night that we had to leave Rachel Ann and Abram’s home—well, I thought of talking to you about it then.”

      She turned and stared at him. “What is it?” she asked when he seemed to be searching for words.

      “Rachel Ann and Abram make a nice couple.”

      “They do.”

      “They seem very happy together.”

      “Ya.” Katie wondered where he was going with this.

      “They’ve known each other a long time.” He hesitated, then plunged ahead. “We’ve known each other for a long time.”

      “What are you trying to say?”

      “Katie, I have feelings for you,” he said at last. Turning to her, he looked into her eyes with an earnest expression. “I love you, Katie. It feels like I’ve always loved you.” He took a deep breath. “I think it’s time we got married, don’t you?”

      She shouldn’t have been surprised—she truly shouldn’t have. They’d been friends for a long time. She’d flirted with other men now and then, but Daniel had always seemed to be patiently waiting in the wings for her.

      “Tell me you care about me, Katie. Tell me I’m not the only one feeling this way.”

      She stared at him, bemused, and found herself nodding. “I do have feelings for you as well. But I can’t say that I love you, Daniel.”

      He reached for her hand lying on the seat of the buggy between them. “Are you sure you don’t love me a little, Katie?”

      She gently, but firmly, pulled her hand back. “Don’t ask that. It’s not fair to pressure me.”

      “You haven’t been dating anyone else. I’d know.”

      “You’re right. I haven’t. But that doesn’t mean that I feel the way you want me to.”

      Daniel took off his straw hat, tossed it onto the seat, and ran his hands through his hair in a frustrated gesture. “I really thought—” He sighed, shoved his hat on his head again.

      “You thought it would be nice to have what Rachel Ann and Abram have.”

      “Ya. Stupid of me.”

      “Not stupid. Who wouldn’t want to have the kind of love those two have for each other? The home they’re creating?”

      “You do, too?” He looked at her hopefully.

      “Ya. But you know, it wasn’t just that they knew each other for a long time. Things weren’t smooth for them. They had to find out that they were supposed to be together. I know, I talked to Rachel Ann a lot about it before the two of them decided to get married.”

      “Abram never told me.”

      She smiled. “Girls talk.”

      “Then maybe there’s hope for us?”

      She twisted her hands in her lap. “I wouldn’t want to lead you on. I don’t know where things might go between us. If they even go. Well, if they happen, I mean. Maybe you should think about going out with some other women.”

      He shook his head firmly and pulled the buggy back onto the road. “I don’t want anyone else.”


      “I don’t want anyone else, Katie.”

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