8 Timeless Leadership Principles. Sean Ortiz

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8 Timeless Leadership Principles - Sean Ortiz

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      I would like to thank my wife Laureen for all her support, her unwavering commitment and encouragement for this book and in life. She is an amazing woman and I love her more than she will ever know. I want to thank my children Selena, Virginia and Christian for unknowingly letting me use these principles on them. I love my family with all my heart. To my grandchildren, I hope you learn these principles and become better than I could ever be. Next, I want to thank my Mom, Lydia and my stepdad Bob who have been a support all my life. I also want to thank my Dad who is now in heaven and my stepmom Justine for their encouragement and example ship. I want to thank my In-laws Fred, Barbara and Alicia who have showed nothing but love and support. Thank you to all my extended family as well for being who you are to our family. Thank you, to all of you. Words could never express how much you mean to me and our family.

      The next group of people I want to thank are my close friends who have been with me and my family through thick and thin. They know what that means, and they know who they are. Thank you, to each and everyone of you. I am a better man knowing you are there, no matter what. Love and appreciate you all.

      To the most important person in my life, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and your continued strength and support in every season of my life. I dedicate this book to all of you out there who strives to be a leader that soars and looks beyond your own needs and to the needs of others. To be a leader that gets excited when others succeed. You choose to be that catalyst that makes a difference in every environment that you walk into. Together we can be the change to great things.

      I also want to give a shout out to all the mentors and great leaders who have spoken into my life. There are many who have had moments and many who to this day are still here to give me guidance and wisdom. I am grateful you are in or have been in my life. Thank you.


      It was a warm sunny day in southern California on the Saturday before Easter. I was standing in front of a group of people who came to serve at a community event that was an Easter egg hunt. We promoted the event on Facebook. We put up a huge billboard that promoted this free event for our community. We promoted ponies, carnival games, free Easter eggs hunts and lots of candy. I did not know how many people would come to the event. We had a volunteer team of over 50 people. So, how was I going to lead these people to be prepared for this event? I bought 5000 Easter eggs. Over 500 hot dogs to give out for free. It was an environment where I had to lead. On this day we had a challenge with the ponies. At the last minute they cancelled. I frantically called around to find another person with ponies or even a petting zoo hours before the start of the event. One of the volunteers started calling around. They found a petting zoo who came at the last minute. The people who came to volunteer could see some worry on my face. But I needed to make sure I lead and communicated in the mist of this chaos.

      I had one person come and ask if I was okay. It was that moment I realized I needed to pay attention to how I was leading. I needed to implement my Timeless Leadership principles. It was time to rise to the occasion and keep the teams TRUST, I needed every volunteer to feel their IMPORTANCE. They needed to be MOTIVATED and EQUIPPED for this day. I needed to smile and LAUGH at the many challenges and decisions that we did not plan for. I needed to be an EXAMPLE and put people in their STRENGTHS during the event. I needed to be a SUPPORT to everyone that I was leading that day. Well, I am glad to say we survived this first event. We had over 800 people show up that day. It was a success, but I was reminded of the principles and the value they bring to my leadership. So, in this book we will discuss these principles. I am excited to go on this journey and I hope you come out with a foundation to develop these 8 Timeless Leadership Principles.

      Welcome to Timeless Leadership. My name is Sean Ortiz and I'm glad you took this time to pick me as someone that you'd like to gain some experience from and some understanding.

      I've been in the business and leadership world for over 20 years. I've been in the leadership role for all that time. I have had my own business. I've been part of non-profit companies. I have helped lead over 200 plus people in community projects and events.

      I have also helped build other companies such as some construction companies partnering with them on the leadership and overseeing the finance team for business development. I have an MBA. I also have a Master's in Organizational Management and Leadership. I have over 20 years of experience in dealing with people in various situations and many different environments.

      My goal is to share some of the knowledge that I've gained over the last 20 years. I have developed a concept called Timeless Leadership. Timeless means something that will always stand the test of time. Meaning that it's always going to be accessible, it's going to be relevant, and it's going to allow you to adapt to any environment. I am excited to take you on this journey of Timeless Leadership. To be ready for this journey just open your mind and be ready to do a lot of self-reflection. I want you to ask yourself this question, am I doing these things? Do people see these characteristics in me? I want you to really work on checking yourself in all the areas you are about to learn. In order to develop as leaders, we must always be open to grow and learn every day.

      This is just the beginning of our journey, in learning how to be better as individuals, as leaders in the work environment, with family and in relationships. These concepts will work in many areas of your life as well.

      Timeless Leadership 1: Trust

      Definition. Trust, noun: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

      The first area of timeless leadership starts with the letter T which stands for trust. Trust is a word we all think we understand but when you look up the word trust in the dictionary, you're going to see that the word trust means that you are reliable . There's a sense of reliability about trust. People see in you that you are a person of your word. You are going to do what you say you are going to do. The next meaning is strength . There's strength in how you handle relationships and that all develops a sense of trust and reliability. I want you to ask yourself this question, “Am I reliable?” Are you somebody that when you say you’re going to do something, you do it? Is what you say what you do? Is what you do what you say?

      There are many people we see in our lives who say one thing, but their actions speak a whole other thing. It can be very frustrating when you're dealing with people that are like that. When this type of person wants to be a leader, they never develop that sense of trust because they don't do what they say.

      Trust is very important. I remember growing up as a young man in sixth grade, I loved those years. I loved many of my school years and the friends and the relationships I developed back then. In my sixth-grade year there was this time when we went out on the field. We were playing that famous disruptive game, dodge ball, and of course somebody got hit with the ball hard …ouch. The person who threw the ball said the other person was out, and the other person who got hit said they were not out. A huge argument ensued. It was very interesting because as they were arguing and going back and forth, something happened. One of them stops and says why don't we ask Sean. It was at that moment, when I look back now, that I could see that there was a sense of trust. Because I was friends with these people, I empathized with them even as a young child. I always cared about them and was a person that spoke to them. I was even with the person that was the outcast. I always had a heart to go out and reach out to others. I wanted to connect with them and find out who they were. Because of that it gave this sense of trust and they both turned to me and said, “Yeah, what do you think, Sean?” They both wanted me to decide, wanted to know what I thought, trusted my decision, and they both felt that I was reliable enough to decide in this very important matter. Well, in sixth grade, dodge-ball was important.

      I had the ability

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